They laugh at you

They laugh at you.

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I'm not a nice guy. So she isn't laughing at me.

>Nice guys
i think it's reddit you're looking for

Does it mean nice guys cant fuck as in they are not allowed access or they are bad at sex ?

all mean things. bad, output from women is all bad.

The second on for sure.

That's cool I don't think about them at all.

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Jokes on them I have a humiliation fetish.

This girl doesn't look like she'll age very well....

Nice guys are so fucking annoying.

I never understood this meme.
I'm a nice (enough) guy on the street and in general, but as soon as I get into the bedroom, I'm choking, slapping, and spitting on bitches.
Just cause I'm nice to you, roastie, doesn't mean that I won't absolutely destroy you in the bedroom.

Mean is fun ! Weeee.

Nice guys are the reincarnation of the fedora fags saying ma'am and shit and then getting angry when women don't want to fuck them just because they act in a "respectful" manner.

why should i care about a whore

Degenerates like you belong on a pyre.

So women are like deer ? Like how the buck just chases the female deer around and like bullies them into sex? Is that what you are supossed to do ?

I know you're frustrated, but reeeing at non-virgins on the internet isn't going to alleviate than any.

That's how it works for pretty much every mammal. The only animals that really consent the way people do are birds, and that's probably just because they can destroy the eggs if they're not happy with their choice of mate.

Lol that is funny. Fuck women they are dumb.

Is this what roasties think? Is this why women are usually attracted to me until I start acting nice and try to be romantic?
>''wow this girl actually likes me even though I'm an asshole, maybe she sees the good behind my pain, maybe she understands me, maybe she's the one''
>be nice to her
>she loses interests
It hurts

Nice guys can and do fuck which just makes her even dumber for wearing it. Inb4 nice guys can't fuck. Nice guys do most of the fucking. You always see nerdy nice guys with gfs

I mean, that's not a very reasonable way to look at it. Women are women, dismissing half the population as dumb just seems like a bad idea.

Technically, you are correct, because being nice is almost a base-line requirement to having any kind of positive social interaction at all. The thing that "nice guys" don't get is that all those assholes that they think women should hate so much are also nice, but the assholes are also interesting, instead of being a one-trick, "nice" pony.

No, just don't be boring and cringy trying to look like a nice guy and then thik you deserve sex just for being nice.

I said usually but in reality this might have happened to me once or twice actually. But still

Women are oblivious to how dumb and,worthless they are. Once you are nice to them. It forces them to look at themselves. When that happens the fire dies. The rage fire they like from people being mean. Once you are nice it gives them worth. They know they are worthless they cant look into themselves to find worth. So its over after that. The rage fire,keeps them distracted.

assholes aren't interesting. that's like me saying stacey is interesting. you aren't kidding anyone

Assholes are assertive

Thinking you deserve sex for being nice is based though.

lol what an interesting person. you need to be attractive to make being an asshole work, ugly guys just come off as bitter if they tried that

You are wrong. Its just about looks. If an ugly or whatever short or just a guy that isnt right looking tries to be assertive. Its no,longer attractive. The vibes go all wrong.

Interesting is subjective

Oh it's true! the Shame!

example A:
>suck my dick you dumb bitch

idk user almost everyone can be nice

Looks matter if you're that ugly you have few options. An ugly asshole probably slays more then an ugly nice guy

This implies robots are "nice" to begin with. Most of the NEETS don't even leave their rooms so they're not anything to anyone. Everyone else is either an autist, a failed Normie or a plebbitor. All of these groups are a lot of things, few of them are "nice".

It's more like most girls are attracted to mean guys (being an asshole correlates to high test and being successful and fucking harder) but if a good looking guy is nice then she will fuck him anyways. A good looking guys girlfriend will be attracted to slightly ugly guys if they have an alpha assertive personality, but it's a case by case basis and there are other factors.
And of course a nice guy can fuck good but I guess it feels less authentic when he's choking, slapping, calling her a slut and telling her what to do in bed

interesting is something you tell yourself a guy is when all you're really attracted to is what he looks like. it's ok, we do the same thing for girls, everything else is just a bunch of bullshit

*slightly uglier

good thing im an asshole

wait I thought nice guys are secretly assholes, which means they should be good at sex?

Lmao Id love to meet her, looks like a charming young lass

dont try to make sense of roastie logic. its all entirely based on what the guy looks like. if you put a chad musclehead and a twerpy vidyatard side by side and made them both say something douchey to a woman, she will get wet for one and dry up like a desert for the other.

Well you can go fuck yourself and leave my friends alone you cunt.
Thot doesnt get a ring.

nope, they are just bad at sex and are assholes

>be me
>find out I'm attractive through tinder matches, /soc/, and people I know
>"Cool. I guess that means I can bee myself and just rely on my looks."
>immediately start failing with girls because I stopped pretending to be Chad
Fuck lads, it hurts. I just want a gf that will sperg out about warhammer with me.

>tfw asshole in the streets to try and cover for the fact that I'm a niceguy in the sheets

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Three years later

>why am I a single mom?

If that happened then you aren't good looking.

looks almost never matter. any confident guy suddenly "looks good" even if they are actually ugly

That's just a cope so that you can blame your loneliness on something outside your control rather than facing the reality that you are responsible for your own fate.

t. actual virgin

>any confident guy suddenly "looks good" even if they are actually ugly

A girl who's been with a super confident bald guy will have "a thing for bald guys".

A girl who's been with a super confident fat guy will have "a preference for dad bods".

It so happens that most "super confident" people are handsome, tall guys with low body fat.

Do you know what most girls have a thing for? Handsome tall guys with low body fat.

If you're a poor fat NEET and you have balls to walk up to a girl and flirt with her and she gives you a pic related face and makes fun of your small dick and you show ZERO sign of being butthurt by that shit, you will be attractive to her. That simple.

I speak from experience of actually talking to girls unlike these "looksmax and if you aren't a 6'2'' banker who makes 250k a year you will get a 6 at max" faggots. Seriously. Go outside and approach 500 girls just being confident. Fake it if you have to at first. You'll fuck up the first few times because it's hard to fake confidence but by the last 50 girls (if you make it that far and if you post here you probably won't) you'll blow out all of those larpers who say you can't get a girl without having high "SMV".

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Nice guy hatred is a meme strawman to reject and bully unattractive men without seeming shallow.

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>wearing shit like that in public

it's true tho original you fucking board holy shit this board

I'm not a nice guy I'm outwardly rude and arrogant.

Ask me how I know you're incel.



What do you get out of this LARP

Before I started talking to girls I heard a lot of conflicting info. "You need to be handsome bro to get a girl"
"Just be confident bro"
"Just be rich bro"
"Just have a car bro"

Then I read a book which explained what women really found attractive in men and why they SAY they are attracted to things that they aren't attracted to. It made sense to me and I thought as a fat 5'8'' manlet prince I would put that book in action to test if it's true. Surely enough the book was right. It's a long book, but the tl;dr was "Just have balls and walk up to her. Be as direct as possible and don't make excuses from her. Don't hide your sexual interest from her and expect to be tested on how congruent your personality is." I did this as a fat (~220 lbs 5'8'')
prince of manlets and guess what. THe book was right. Bitches say they like a lot of things (money, looks, status, etc) but what they RESPOND TO is confidence. Display confidence, get bitches.

If you weren't a pussy, you would put this idea into action yourself. But the truth is you (and most people here) have bad intel on women and are too scared to talk to girls. The fact that they are too scared to talk to girls is why they don't get any ass.

The real larpers are these lookism people who've talked to like 5 girls, stuttered and couldn't even make eye contact with them. Never told them they wanyed to fuck, and came to the conclusion if you aren't Chad you can't get laid.

When I first started I got HARD rejections. Women have said and done shit to me that I didn't think they could which is why a part of me really fucking hates them. But I persisted and there are enough cool girls out there who balance it out.

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Thanks for replying to me twice.

How ugly were these girls that you managed to squirm your flabby worm in, you corpulent autist you?

I'm not a nice guy and I still can't fuck

>This whole post

NIGGA. I have avoided girls who showed strong interest in me because they were AVERAGE. I do not settle. I only go for the most attractive girls I can find. I haven't talked to a female in a while (long story), but when I did it was in a popular college in southern california. Girls in socal are cream of the crop and I only hit on the hottest girls of them. You and everyone else have all these self limiting beliefs that bite you hard in the long run. I had these same beliefs but this difference between you and me is that I proved them wrong with action. The hardest part of this whole pick up thing is the mental aspect. In fact that's the hardest part of anything in life worth getting good at.

Don't mention it.

> (long story)
I'll condense it for you:
>I'm lying

Whatever helps you sleep at night bro. This is why you will stay an incel. You don't have to believe me, do it yourself. I didn't believe the larpers which is why I even did this.

But you won't cuz ur a bitch

Orig oreg.

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God. It must fucking suck to be a plain girl. All billion >7/10s are just climbing stones for men.

I honestly believe in something called the "Charisma Stat", in video games specifically RPGs and D&D, I believe there is a hidden stat that all humans have and that is called the Charisma stat. Ours is just very low because of our environment, mental illnesses or conditions that we were born with as a whole. Our Charisma stat also could be below average due to the lack of self-confidence and effort put into our social life. NPCs have an average Charisma stat and Chads maxed the shit out of that stat. That stat alone runs society as a whole and most importantly, runs the 'love game', the game of 'slayin dat puss bro' and finding true love as a whole. Honestly, genetics doesn't matter or general looks, if you unironically believe that you're a fucking faggot. We've all seen people who look like fucking monstrosities hook up & find love regardless of their genetics, actions, environment, etc. its because their Charisma stat is being leveled up and is above average compared to ours & NPCS. I personally hate finding this out and it personally fucking sucks knowing that my Charisma stat is low enough for me & everyone else not to be respected.

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I'd slit ma throat if I'd get jealous at/bullied by women that look worse than shemales, Pic related

Never was a nice guy
Never gonna be
Never gonna fuck your aids infested cunt
Go cry your self to sleep bitch

>nice guys cant fuck
i try to be nice to everyone what the fuck just leave me alone ree

It's not that bad. Most guys will settle for them. Most men are pussy. They don't approach the 9s and the 10s because they think because they're so hot they already have boyfriends. Let me let you on a secret famalam, the 9s and the 10s are EASIER because most men are too intimidated to try. If you walk up to her confidently, hold eye contact, introduce your self with a firm voice, shake her hand, say you find her attractive and you'd like to get to know her, and do this shit in front of her friends and orbiters (girls this hot ALWAYS have friends and orbiters around them. they are never alone.), you just put yourself in the top 5% of the most attractive men she'll meet in her life. Seriously, nobody does this shit. It's open season. Everyone uses tinder and social circles to get girls because everyone is a pussy. By being direct and masculine and talking to girls you set yourself apart from the common unattractive masses.

Nah, having a decent level of insight shows you have potential to add things to conversations of substance. Your pic shows you have a sense of humour. If charisma has the importance you think it does you should rejoice because it can be leveled up via practice and exposure.

All that matters if you are chad or not, femoids will only want chad and no matter how shitty his personality is, they will still love him because femoids are shallow creatures.

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>be a nice guy
>don't get any girls, because I'm seen as weak, beta, and boring

>be an asshole
>don't get girls, because I'm seen as an arrogant cunt
And that's how I found out that it doesn't matter if you're nice or an asshole. As long as you're physically attractive you can get away with whatever behavior you choose.

I'm not nice to people anymore

I started to work out and lifting, but I don't think it was my now lower body fat and better posture that gives me more looks from girls, I also think it's the confidence that comes with it. When you notice most girls looking at you as you walk into a room it's just increasing your ego like a fire, also now thinking about it strangers now treat me differently comparing my interactions a year ago.
The best pill is just to improve yourself and confidence will come later you don't need to fake it when you have it, you have it.

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I'm not incel, which is how I know you're lying.

her shirt isn't wrong, unfortunately

>Honestly, genetics doesn't matter or general looks
Looks definitely matter, they're the "charisma stat" you're talking about. Google the halo effect.

I'd agree with you but I don't do that shit because I want to, you have to fucking choke slap and spit on girls or they won't get into it, they're fucking nuts.

This is really fucking unconvincing lol

the charisma stat is your looks, pill yourself

There was a point in life where I actually tired and I never experienced this

die stacey

Well nice guys are fucking psychopaths usually so great news

if i told you i was nice, i would be lying
that means im not

you need to try again

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I'm actually kind of an asshole, you dumb cunt. Still a virgin, though. Which means I'm pretty much on my way to becoming an evil wizard or a lich.

Normalniggers will never know this feel.

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would walk up to this girl and say "30 and still unmarried? that sucks" and then walk away

the correct insult would be "incels can't fuck" and it would be self evident