When are people gonna realize there's no difference between races?

when are people gonna realize there's no difference between races?

Black people arent stronger, White people arent kinder, Asians aren't smarter. They used to be but as cultures mixed the old ways of how different races acted went away. but how people treated those races didnt

the only reason people think Black People are stronger and more masculine is because of porn and shit like that trying to appeal to cucks

The only reason people think black people are criminals is because people screw with what evidence they show.

The only reason people just think women are sluts is because they only want to go after the sluts. If men have different tastes and fetishes in women why wouldnt women have the same with men?

Race and Gender don't dictate how you act or who you are

Who you are dictates that

ya fucking cucks

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No, white people are stronger and smarter, and the only kind race. Black people can run fast but are very stupid and cruel. Asians are insects.

thats just not true though

This but unironically
But that's where you're wrong

even if we used to be its been long enough since then to have evolved past how we used to act though mixing of cultures. theres no difference now except skin color

fucking insane plot twist

>Whites wuz smater and sheeit we wuz stronk bruh
Never fails to make me laugh

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what kind of delusional faggot are you? not even SJWs believe that

>Black people arent stronger,
correct, whites are
>White people arent kinder,
> Asians aren't smarter.
They used to be but as cultures mixed the old ways of how different races acted went away.
The only cultures "mixed" are white ones because of forced multiculturalism dipshit

>the only reason people think Black People are stronger and more masculine is because of porn and shit like that trying to appeal to cucks
Yes cucks believe that for the same reason you WANT TO believe everyone is "equal" i.e. you've been told so and have sub90 IQ

>The only reason people think black people are criminals is because people screw with what evidence they show.
no, black people are more violent in literally every country both majority white, asian and BLACK on average drooling mong

>The only reason people just think women are sluts is because they only want to go after the sluts. If men have different tastes and fetishes in women why wouldnt women have the same with men?
What the fuck are you even trying to say? Women are "sluts" because they have high partner numbers nowdays which is measurable

>Race and Gender don't dictate how you act or who you are
Not for the individual because there are exceptions. Except gender does since women are weaker than men. And on average dumber obviously with exceptiosn (ceteris paribus)

>Who you are dictates that

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You can check IQs by race in the US or any country, and look at benching/heavy lifting results by race

I don't know what's so funny about stats

do you think that the reason that black people commit more crime could be a placebo sort of thing were america and similer countries were filled with propaganda that they started to belive it themselves causing it

Just look at South America and the history of whites and conflict and the genocidal tendencies of Asians and the conquest of white people tryna make a buck. Boy is it a long long list.
>Inb4 rwandaz genoside sheit
That can't compare to WW2

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Whites are the only race who will willingly allow you to come to their homeland, live by your own customs and culture, benefit from their state education, state healthcare, for free, and receive all the same perks (and sometimes more) as a native born citizen would.

Try getting anything close to that in any nonwhite country and they will laugh you out of the building.

And yet, apparently we are still racist.

>So American it's representative of the whole world
Totally bro

>White people are stronge-

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>Whites are the only race who will willingly allow you to come to their homeland

This goes unsaid far too often. We allow hundreds of thousands of Asian immigrants each year but if you wanted to move to China or Japan, get a job, and become a voting citizen or politician, etc., you wouldn't be allowed to.

Whites are the only race who will willingly allow you to come to their homeland, live by your own customs and culture, benefit from their state education, state healthcare, for free, and receive all the same perks (and sometimes more) as a native born citizen would.

allow me to tell you a tale about Christopher Columbus

>Be pigskin
>Genocide a bunch of people and take their land or resources
>Use it to better your country only and kill or try and genocide a few more groups like the beloved Jews
>Still have hate groups to this day
Your ethnic group is totally not racist

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>Black people aren't stronge-

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>white people are stronger
blacks have higher test levels and bone density than whites on average, blacks also have the most genetic diversity of any race and the strongest genes

>white genes literally get bred out by black genes 100% of the time

whites are a literal dying race and wont exist in 2100

>mfw when whites rape and pillage the natural order of things for generations
>mfw nature increases global temperatures and uv rays
>skin cancer kills whites off
mfw nature had a literal antivirus for an entire race of people

that guy may be strong

is that guy an entire race

It's so obvious this was a narc/shill thread meant to springboard a Jow Forums circlejerk on Jow Forums. lmao

i actually just wanted a discussion

Whites became wealthy thanks to our innate industriousness and resourcefulness, not because we stole anything.

you are either a child or an actual retard

All men are inferior. Fuck penisniggers.

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You're an angry shitskin with no argument other than "waaaahhhh you took our stuffs waaahhhh"
Many such cases.

Not as smart as us goy

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>waaaahhhh you took our stuffs waaahhhh"
>Many such cases
Yeah, from the goyim on Jow Forums bitching about our inherent superiority

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Npt stronger? Not more athletic? That must explain why blacks completely dominate the sports industry

Trips of truth
>"many such cases"
Yes, keep worshipping our puppet. Jerusalem is our capital and you lost bumpstocks for your guns. It'll all be worth it when you get that wall which is coming, he promises. Sure he could have had it done with a snap of his fingers for two years and didn't push for it until a week after the election results made it impossible but no, Trump is based.

Fuck you goyim are easy to control. Don't worry goy, we'll rig it so your party keeps winning. When we want whites to grow weaker we elect democrats but we've done enough of that for a while. We'll do what we do when we want whites to die for Israel, elect republicans.

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nice trips, but I never get out of the house when the sun is up

please pickup a book and read about civilizations and trade, trade is what enabled meager civilizations to grow into empires and allowed people the time to focus on higher studies.
The problem is if the white race had a trade rating it would be deep in the red. Whites have swindled, failed to pay, tricked, or straight up chimped out on basically every fair trade in the history of mankind they did this because "lel muh progress" or "looking out for me and my own man" and it worked astonishingly well for the past 600 years BUT the bubble is bursting and you are feeling the effects of it generations of psyops, destabilization campaigns, and colonization are biting you in ass in the form of uprisings, refugee crisis etc

>implying all breeds of dogs are the same
Hope you're baiting and not that much of an NPC.

Native Americans get gallstones easier. Blacks sickle cell anemia. Asians are better at maths and have less mercy. Blacks are better at fighting but not killing hence their excelling at sports. The list goes on, races of humans have subtle differences. Find me an Aboriginal genius.

Also, there is even a race of humans that is immune to prion disease and can eat other humans. We are not the same. Some even have Neanderthal DNA due to cross breeding.

When the disgusting cucks, Jow Forumsacks and SJW obsessed with identity politics die.

Its been what? Less than 10 years since all this shit?
We have at least another 10 to go.

>Black people aren't crimin-

Given that the races don't mix that much, there are bound to be differences between them, just like you'd see with any isolated populations. It's fine though, it doesn't mean all x are y, just the average one.

we aren't pussies either, the times when you could call a black man a nigger and keep walking are over vampire

>The only reason people think white people are smarter is because all the Nobel prizes
should have included that on in your hot list too

Why do blacks commit +50% of all murders while making up 13% of the population?

Despite making up only 13% of the us population...

>literally chimpout and become violent because of a single word
This is why no one respects blacks and will continue to call you what you are nigger.

>white people are the only kind race
>also fuck everyone that isn't white

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They like to fight and fuck more due to being a race that never got over turning itself into slaves. Killing is not their forte. It's an attitude thing. DId you notice he threw the first punch? You act like a bulldog doesn't have a temperament issue. It's not that it's the most deadly dog physically but mentally, bulldogs. In all actuality a German Shepard kills a bulldog if commanded to attack, first. With stupid brawls the one that throws the first punch normally wins. But anyway, blacks temperament issue causes them to build themselves up and that's why they win at sports. The ballsy chimpout shapes them. They still lose though if you add weaponry, why whites are better at hockey. They win at sword fights and such, whites do. We fight not with pure fury but intelligence and skill.

>or any country
you can't even read lmao

you are so fucking privileged you can't understand the idea of consequence.

>as in you raped and enslaved my ancestors just 4 generations ago
>as in you tried to deny me human rights just 80 years ago
>as in you have assassinated or imprisoned every black leader than had a message to uplift my people

so yes my reaction will be violent vampire, you're reaction to me has been violent for the past 800 years
hate does not cancel out hate but if you see me in public you will either RESPECT me or FEAR me

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Nepotism of jews means they're conservative enough to go without shit. That's what gets them into good schools. They were a slave race for thousands of years, of course they'd do well in a nice economy rather than a slowly dying Egypt.

>Black people can run fast
>White people are stronger

uhh... you realize that these two things are related right? Being able to sprint fast is all about how much force you deliver to the ground relative to your body weight, has little to do with how fast you move your legs or how tall you are like a lot of people think. 50% of what sprinters do is heavy ass squats and deadlifts

>They still lose though if you add weaponry

Battle of Isandlwala 1879
zulu warriors equipped with swords and spears kill 1,300 entrenched British soldiers equppied with cannons, rifles and supplies

They sold themselves to whites and it was so long ago it should no longer matter.

They let those slaves marry each other and shit also. Not all were treated mean. Rednecks are mean to everyone, not just niggers, and redneks and niggers have the same exact temperament. To chimp out is to prove yourself genetically trash. Most niggers are trash, not all whites are rednecks in contrast. Do you think a pretentious white person respects or fears rednecks? They lost the war, and niggers is the same thing. Off to jail you go just as soon as you try to get fearful respect.

Your race's culture is an unfunny joke. You're all rednecks essentially. Whites are the best killers, don't forget that before you fight someone your own build and weight that is white, because you'll likely lose if they brought their weapon.

Cherry picking does not prove anything. I'm not about to research how bad their trench foot was or whatever caused them to die. Were they outnumbered? I dont' even care to look it up.

learn history you absolute retard, I swear the number of times I hear the
>but they sold themselves it was a fair trade we didnt do nuffin
80% of transatlantic slaves were abducted

you really think you're budget jew ancestors would cut profits and not cut the middleman?

>b-but they were allowed to marry user we wuz good enslavers

why are you coping this hard? would you allow a slave to marry yet separate the mother from her child for profit? use you're brain and THINK

I knocked out the racists bullies in my school
I knocked out the racist that tried to disrespect my mother
I knocked out the racist who tried to swindle me of my labor

I've been knocking out you budget jews (everything you do the jew does better) my whole life and don't have so much as a ticket on my rap

>I was a slave hundreds of years ago waaaahh
Learn the present. Niggers break the law then act proud of it. They do it to themselves. Almost like their genetically flawed to have invented nothing in Africa, a country most of us apes evolved away from.

You think about how they never invented a way out of Africa and the ones that did turned colors. They stayed and were happy just making someone their bitch, just like they do in jail. A slave, a bitch, same thing.

Being able to win brawls only proves yourself a nuisance to society and is nothing to be proud of, violent nigger.


>learn history he says
Yeah because you're totally still slaves. Fucking morons, I hope this is bait. India comes here from nothing too yet prospers in the USA, then there's niggers that have had a nice environment for many lifetimes over, yet keep derping the shit out of themselves, end up impoverished, then criminalized.

India comes here from nothing too yet prospers in the USA. Nnigerian imigrant families make 62,000 per household on average, 29 percent of Nigerian immigrants older than 25 hold a masters degree, PhD or an advanced professional degree compared to 11 percent of the US population overall
are you a literal poojeet cope? everything you have said has been unfiltered bullshit

nice redit spacing there nigger

You never knocked out anyone, niggers have the highest rates of obesity among races, you fat fucks might have managed to mug some guy but you certainly didn't knock anyone out 1 on 1.

Niggers make yo mamma jokes due to having no fathers, they go missing for whatever reason. Statistically that means they end up impoverished, and that leads to crime.

Look it up. It doesn't matter why, it is what it is. Meanwhile India keeps it in the family and are basically what the jewish merchants used to be.

>Black people arent stronger,
No, WHITE men are the strongest group in the world, the vast majority of all Strongman winners, holding the most lifting records despite being a tiny percentage of the world population.

>White people arent kinder
False, white countries are by far the kindest in the world, they give more to charity than any other nation, were the first to introduce animal rights laws and put through numerous other humanitarian notions, went to war to stop niggers from enslaving one another, their apathy has cost them their lives numerous times.

>Asians aren't smarter
Possibly, some Eastern Asian countries like Japan and China are among the smartest nations in the world, and the tend to score very highly on IQ tests when they come to America

>False, white countries are by far the kindest in the world

have you opened up a history book that dates back further than 1980?

>implying whites run around enslaving and torturing people anymore than any other race did

Just what are you even implying? They wanted to govern the world, but back in the day that was a kindness as we advanced other races by moving near them with our superior technology and superior ethics even. Now days, post 80s, we're westernizing for no reason. What England did was kindness in contrast, or the French, etc, all nice guys. Would you rather live in Africa or Ancient Rome?

Don't be gay now. The niggers would have had you as a slave just he same as the Romans might have.

I would love to kill a nigger.

now i'm not a historian, but i don't remember any other race inciting two world wars killing tens of millions of people.

I'd knock you the fuck out, nigger. You sub-humans wouldn't last a day in Russia if you started nigging out.

keep coping you wh*TEoid faggot, your race is responssible for the deaths of millions and millions of people and the destruction of many cultures, your race is not kinder, you are a bunch of psycopaths

Whites put an end to niggers enslaving each other long before 1980 though, where is your reading comprehension?

You don't have to fight the governing. As I posted, whites want to rule everyone. If you resist, you get what comes to you. Why even resist though? Move to Somalia if you don't like Hitler. Only the bad eggs hated Hitler. And that was such a momentary moment in history, it's overblown cherry picking. Not all whites act like that twenty-four seven, and humans have had war for literally ever.

All humans wage war mongoloid. Non-whites are less good at war. You're salty over not being the best apex predator within the other races of apex predators. All humans kill humans, in every race.

White European countries were mainly fighting other white European countires, and even then parts of WW2 were called then gentlemen's war because of the chivalry and respect shown by both sides, Brits and Germans paused the war to play football and celebrate christmas together.

Whites were holding back whenever they had to deal with non-whites so they didn't end up wiping them all out.

there are recorded differences between the races but since ww2 it's considered a bad taste to name as their reason anything but muh upbringing and muh culture, any serious attempt to find innate differences in relation to the intelligence and behaviour is frowned upin

>holding back
This is true. Why the jews live and the Native Americans were given their own land back rather than stay slaves and or just die.

Whites soft serve. They have a concept of sport. With sport you kill the buck, not the doe nor deer. It's more fair that way. A white guy kills a bear, a nigger kills a pig.

"Race" is just a set of genetic traits that people say makes you one "race" over another.
Genetic differences exist objectively, but "race" is completely arbitrary and doesn't even carry over between different cultures. A Japanese person would be offended if you told them they were the same race as a Korean after all, even though to Westerners they're both "Asian".
People who take race too seriously either turn into hardcore SJWs or hardcore Jow Forumstards. Just remind yourself race is a construct and you won't have these issues.

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If you knew anything at all about sports and strength training you'd know this is incorrect. There's a difference, nogs have better fast-twitch muscles but whites are stronger by far. There are no elite non-white strongman competitors.

The White Man is the beast that the nigger runs from.

>claim to be kindest race but also agree that you without good reason want to subjugate every other race
>the deaths of tens millions of people is irrelevant because it happened quickly

okay dude

Nogmonkeys literally have more estrogen than other races. Nature's sissy race.

>"Conclusions: Contrary to the postulated racial difference, testosterone concentrations did not differ between black and white men.
>However, black males have a significantly higher amount of hormonal estrogen (estradiol) than Whites with Blacks having an over 14% increase of estrogen compared to White men.

>Given these findings, it may be more important to investigate estradiol instead of testosterone in relation to diseases with racial disparity.

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>All humans wage war mongoloid.
False. Some of the earliest societies such as the Joumon people seemed to have barely any evidence of mass, violent deaths over the 10,000 years they existed.

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Usain Bolt has a good body type. Wouldn't mind looking like him.

When blacks recognize and admit that their failings have nothing to do with colonialism and slavery and have everything to do with their low intelligence, low impulse-control, and shitty culture. Then I might start respecting them if only a little.

If it happened quickly it's culture problem, not genetic.

Over time humans have killed far more than that teensy couple of wars. Think of the sacrifices whit-skins had always performed for thousands of years vs us witch burning people that got out of line every now and again. Which is worse?

You're insane if you think humans never killed each other in ancient times, all of them did. You cannot refute this by saying in ancient times were were not efficient enough to have an army. Torture was still there and also war. Not just whites did that.

Also, ten thousand is around when farming was literally invented. If you have to go back to hunter gatherer times to have peace then you have to take the good with the bad. Do you really think that hunting and gathering is preferable to authoritarian governments? If so, Somalia is thataway.

whites did it far less than other races, literally invented the concepts of peace, justice, and forgiveness. an african would never ever conceive of something like that.

>When blacks recognize and admit that their failings have nothing to do with colonialism and slavery
Meanwhile Jow Forums complains about how Jews are trying to eradicate white culture and white heritage. Why are you so afraid of your white heritage being lost? Do you think it would be harmful? If so, why wouldn't that naturally apply to black slaves and their descendents?

>and have everything to do with their low intelligence, low impulse-control, and shitty culture.
What if we educate them? Why would that be a bad thing?

>Think of the sacrifices whit-skins had always performed

sacrifices? what sacrifices have white people made than no other race has? and stop dodging questions with blabber

>literally invented the concepts of peace, justice, and forgiveness.
lmao you do not have any citation for this. Especially since you're claiming "the white race" did it. What's the "white race"? Where did they originate? Are they the Gauls? Saxons? Anglos? Semites? Slavs? Hellenic people?

>Meanwhile Jow Forums complains about how Jews are trying to eradicate white culture and white heritage. Why are you so afraid of your white heritage being lost? Do you think it would be harmful? If so, why wouldn't that naturally apply to black slaves and their descendents?
I don't get what you're saying here. It's bad to try to destroy a good thing, it's good to try to destroy a bad thing. That should be obvious.

>What if we educate them? Why would that be a bad thing?
We do and it doesn't work. Their genes don't allow for intelligence. And why is it our job to educate them? No one gave us that help, we did it ourselves. This attitude is precisely why Africans will never get anywhere, people refuse to demand that they take responsibility for themselves. Perpetual Eden's children, naive and stupid, but cruel.

The w is next to the s on a keyboard asshat.

I meant shit-skin obviously. It was a typo.

>no weather
>kill first born
>t. shit-skin cultures all over the world randomly
>be white and no weather
>build boat and sail away
>oh noes the vikings
At least the vikings didn't murder their own children whilst rain dancing and other stupid shit. White people simply rule.

>lmao you do not have any citation for this
you literally have 0 citations saying that i don't have any citations for this lol. just gtfo with your fake news bs

>burden of proof
nice one buckeroo

>never opened a history book in his entire nigger life
nice one blackcel cuck

>I don't get what you're saying here. It's bad to try to destroy a good thing, it's good to try to destroy a bad thing. That should be obvious.
What makes African heritage "bad"? Wouldn't the Africans who were captured say you were a bad thing? Why would they be wrong?

>We do and it doesn't work. Their genes don't allow for intelligence.
You don't have any evidence for that.

>And why is it our job to educate them?
Why is it anyone's job to stop kidnapping, rape, hard drug use, pedophilia, mugging, theft, etc.? We stop these things because they are harmful to society. Having ghettos filled with people who can't get a job, are involved with crime, and kill each other constantly is a pretty good way to subvert your own society. But hey, if you want to destroy your own "white culture" by not fixing social problems then be my guest.

>This attitude is precisely why Africans will never get anywhere, people refuse to demand that they take responsibility for themselves. Perpetual Eden's children, naive and stupid, but cruel.
Pretending slavery, legally enforced racism, and then plain old racism for 300 years didn't have some affect on black peoples' ability to integrate into white society is ignoring history at best, stupidity at worst.

Well the colours are a bit different. Also the hair, bone structure and the climate from wense they hail from.

>>no weather
>>kill first born
>>t. shit-skin cultures all over the world randomly

i thought this was about individual races and not all non whites. most non whites in general don't do this

I'll tow the "one race the human race" line if it'll net me a black gf with huge tits

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>What makes African heritage "bad"? Wouldn't the Africans who were captured say you were a bad thing? Why would they be wrong?
Because they have produced absolutely nothing of value in thousands of years despite having the highest abundance of natural resources and most comfortable weather out of all races? And have literally never done a good thing or contributed anything good to the world? Are you dumb?

>You don't have any evidence for that.
There is overwhelming evidence for it.

>Why is it anyone's job to stop kidnapping, rape, hard drug use, pedophilia, mugging, theft, etc.?
And we can stop this overnight by shipping niggers off to Africa. I'm all for it.

>Pretending slavery, legally enforced racism, and then plain old racism for 300 years didn't have some affect on black peoples' ability to integrate into white society is ignoring history at best, stupidity at worst.
They can't integrate into their own societies either, nor any society for that matter. Clearly, this proves that none of the things you just mentioned have anything to do with it. There has never, in all of history, existed a functioning black society.

if you would have said its in any history book that would have been okay
but making a dumb claim with no evidence and saying if im not right prove it is a pretty retarded thing to do

>durrr there is no difference between being a skilled doctor and being a violent rapist, everything is the same man, everything has equal value and everyone is equal, you can't differentiate between things as being "good" or "bad," everything is just JEWISH KIKE NIHILISTIC NONSENSE BRAH
Kill yourself. Blacks are objectively inferior and the smallest child is able to figure that out. Yes, good things exist, and bad things exist. Blacks happen to be of the latter category. Denying this is dishonest and not helpful for blacks. You need an honest and true starting point if you are to improve.

>Whites are the only race who will willingly allow you to come to their homeland, live by your own customs and culture, benefit from their state education, state healthcare, for free, and receive all the same perks (and sometimes more) as a native born citizen would.
According to Jow Forums that's because of the Jews so

Places like Mexico would still do it if not invaded by Spanish people. They raised children to slaughter in case of emergencies with weather. Niggers enslaved themselves after winning battles. Orientals have waged wars for thousands of years, Nips would rather die than lose a battle traditionally, orientals steal political prisoner's organs to this day. Native Americans poured gold down white's throats while they were still alive as punishment for seeking out gold. Some culture in Africa lets bugs eat you alive in a watery container for months if I recall. Yes, whites had medieval times torture and were better at torture, better at killing and enslaving, boo hoo for losing at what humans do best. It's pure salt to say whites are evil. Whites simply got better with intellect than other races. Other races, had they evovled as fast, could have been worse. Imagine if the ancient Mexicans learned how to make guns. They'd kill all the children during droughts. Vs, Rome's spawned countries.

But no, most non-whites don't do sick shit, but most whites don't do sick shit either most of the time. When it peaks we wont though.

>Because they have produced absolutely nothing of value in thousands of years despite having the highest abundance of natural resources and most comfortable weather out of all races?
Again, ignoring history. Sub-saharan Africa had plenty of civilizations that rise and fell. Of course you use the term "of value", using it as a means to arbitrary define what is "good" and "bad" as if they're objective. What makes "white civilization" of value? The billions of people starving while 1 billion people are obese? That's objectively good right?

>There is overwhelming evidence for it.
Why aren't you showing it then?

>And we can stop this overnight by shipping niggers off to Africa. I'm all for it.
What African country is going to accept these people? How are you going to fund it? How you going to forcefully displace 15% of the population without cause massive issues across pretty much anything that deals with finance and logistics?
This isn't a real suggestion and you know it.

>They can't integrate into their own societies either, nor any society for that matter.
Yet they somehow prevent themselves from "snitching", form organized crime in the form of gangs such as Bloods and Cryps, and tend to form their own isolated bubbles that are sometimes dangerous to people of other races. It seems they've integrated into their own societies very well. Even more so-than "white people".

>Clearly, this proves that none of the things you just mentioned have anything to do with it.
I don't see how that's so.

>There has never, in all of history, existed a functioning black society.
That's just one example of course. You could easily find many more.

>we won't though

we win though*

>Kill yourself. Blacks are objectively inferior and the smallest child is able to figure that out.
Then where is the evidence for this?

>Yes, good things exist, and bad things exist. Blacks happen to be of the latter category.
Again, what makes them inherently, objectively bad? Saying they're bad is not evidence of them being bad.

>Denying this is dishonest and not helpful for blacks. You need an honest and true starting point if you are to improve.
Honesty starts at admitting blacks have been legally subjugated in the United States for 300+ years AND that it had an immense negative effect on black culture. But that is too much for some people it seems.