What's behind the increase in male virginity in the last decade?
What's behind the increase in male virginity in the last decade?
>Initial release:Sept 12, 2012
If you didn't get laid before 2009 you never will
>snapchat released 2011
>tinder released 2012
>instagram released 2010
How are 2009 and 2012 connected? The graph clearly starts going to shit in 2009 and keeps a steady rate until 2015.
Feminism and a lack of slut shaming causes females to have sex with a ton of chad and brads, thus hypergamy is back like it was thousands of years ago before monogamy was invented.
The period between 2009 and 2012 was just a natural swing, but then it never reverted.
wouldn't the economic decline in 2008 explain why women went with the rich men and the poor men had to suffer?
By 09 smarphones are getting super popular.
arrived to post this
Gee I don't know, maybe it has something to do with THE ENTIRE WORLD'S ECONOMY COLLAPSING?
I know there are a lot of trolls and neets on this site. Please don't respond unless you can say for certain.
However I was in my city today (Saturday) and in the social areas the vast majority of people were women.
There were only 3 groups of men only.
As opposed to countless groups of females only
All other men that I saw were with a woman. Presumably dating.
Am I mad?
Is this normal?
because of hypergamy there are now men who can be the best version of themselves and still not be good enough for women
Also please don't comment if you only go into the city Monday - Friday
Obviously you will see a lot of men there.
This is because they are wage cucks.
Or study cels
Women have more options then ever a women could go on 30 plus dates a week if she wanted to since the advent of online dating.This is not an exageration even chad can'tdo that
My point in making this comment is, if so few men go out anymore where are women finding the men?
Is it all done through online dating?
The majority of night clubs have majority men to women by 80% in some cases.
Basically a complete reversal.
I'm guessing the majority of these men are incels too.
Women don't need to go to the club to find a mate.
Argh it's hopeless.
because of internet's increase in popularity
Why doesn't that affect males and females equally?
based natural selection
Because men are more interested in cumming by any means necessary and nutting to porn has never been easier
Also women have always had an easier time finding someone to fuck
because men are the beggars
women are the choosers
Women beg for attractive men.
Good point. It's been shown that where unemployment is high, birth rates drop.
That said I blame women in the work place for the overall trend in the west that's been happening for some time now.
If women ever make the same as men on average, that will be the end of humanity.
>all these posters believing that graph
Jow Forums is truly the dumbest board on Jow Forums.
>last decade
This has been a gradual process since the 60s when degenerates decided to destroy the social fabric of society. We're seeing the effects now more and more due to technology and advancements in communication. It's only going to get worse in the future. If only you knew how bad things really are.