German guilt / Mental illness

How do I cope in a country where everyone acts guilty and wants me to think i'm guilty, people, television

Germans are irrevocably damaged.

>"there were no innocent Germans? Even the women and children who were killed in the Dresden bombing were guilty?"
>yes, of course, ALL OF THEM
>*bought audience applauding*
>57:15: Old guy ambitiously elucidates that she is full of shit and children are never guilty and that Hitler NEVER even got the absolute majority
>*tumbleweed, death stares and host quickly changing topic*

That TV channel is btw. state-owned and Germans are FORCED to pay taxes for it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ignore it, and accuse them of trying to gas you if they complain

but g*rmans are guilty. they’ve been destroying europe for centuries

You should be. Germans are scum that have destabilized and ruined the west for thousands of years.

Shitposting at its finest.

I sip my monster at you my sweet summer child.

This is what happens after war. The winner moves in, takes what it wants, does what it wants, and overrides your willpower and fruits of labor.

Germany is simply occupied by the USA and thus controlled by, whoever controls the USA. And she's forced to fulfill those interests. She tried to resist, tried to be a master of her own destiny, but was overpowered. You're living in the weird time between a nation that was ruling itself, and the new nation the victor wishes to make. That's all that's happening.

[Self-rule] [New Nation]

You're in the middle somewhere. This happened many time in history.

Wow, I didn't realize Peanut Butter had dumbass views on history, too. I never realized someone could be this much of a (you) faggot.

Go eat a peanut butter sandwich without a glass of water nearby, loser.

Pic super related.

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>visigoths destroying rome
>holy roman empire taking part in the fourth crusade
>protestant reformation
>modern germany dominating the EU

Peanut butter is a basedboy and I'm an arapaima

You know very well (((who's))) responsible.

This poster: is one of (((them))). (((Youknowwho))) like to censor single letters of words. If you see that it's ALWAYS the same (((ethnicity))). This faggot: is probably one of (((them))) as well.

all tripfags are cringe and should stick to reddit or twitter

>I only hit women during arguments...and I don't do it any more
Niggers, man, niggers.
To respond to the immediate post:
>the winner moves in, takes what it wants, and overrides your willpower and fruits of labour
This is just not true pertaining to Germany; the whole policy relating to Germany post-WW2 was detente; America literally paid to build back West Germany's infrastructure and they didn't have to pay very many reparations.
>Germany is occupied by the US and controlled by whoever controlled the US
This is ridiculous. Germany has had entirely different policies from the US in foreign and domestic policy. In foreign policy, Germany was friendly with East Germany much earlier than the US and has had a very different response to the War on Terror than the US.
>She tried to resist, tried to be a master of her own destiny, but was overpowered
Like your ex-girlfriend? Sorry, that was just too easy.
Otherwise, this is also ridiculous. There has never been a long-term government that a foreign country installed in Germany without a mandate. They've had democracy and sovereignty since the 1920s, kind of, and the 1940s, definitely.
>You're living in the time between a nation ruling itself and the new nation the victor wishes to make
This is also not true. The "new nation" you're talking about was completely made by the end of Adenauer. Also, it's not a "new nation," it's just the prioritization by West Germans of West German values rather than the historically East German values Germany was led by before recently. Why did Germany change values from East to West? Because the franchise inherently values the West higher than the East, not because of foreign interference but instead because the West has much more people.
You haven't the slightest understanding of history, don't pretend you do. Sadly for you, your regular response to btfo, slapping who you're arguing with, is not possible over the internet.

around krauts, have your doubts

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1. That's bs
2. That's not what it is about, the reason that is proclaimed Germans should feel bad is because of the 6 gorillion Jews and apparently even todays Germans and even children
And Germans are stupid enough to let this imprint on them for generations

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Schalt einfach deinen Fernseher aus du dumme Schwuchtel

But they did it with style.

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>just don't look at it XD

See It’s not just about the nazis. Germania is a breeding ground for continental destabilizers

Das hat 0 Effekt auf dein reales Leben. Ich kenne niemanden der diese Scheiße guckt, ich kenne nichts worauf das Einfluss haben sollte. Generell ist es hierzulande ja doch eher politkverdrossen. Malte und seine Freunde interessieren sich eher für Blowjobs und Club Mate mit Sojalatte-Geschmack und vielleicht mal vegan werden weil voll gut und so. Ali interessiert sich 0.00% für Kartoffeln, Mandy fragt sich warum die Kippen im Netto jetzte auch schon teuer sind, jeder der unter 20 ist guckt nur Youtubergamingmüll, der Rest interessiert sich auch eher für essenzielle Sachen. Die EINZIGEN die um diesen hirnlosen Scheiß kehren sind: Du, Dein Opa, Die Spastis die damit Geld verdienen den Kopf von Dir und deim Oppa mit Scheiße zu füllen.

Und jetzt fick dich wek du dumer Neger


>that video
Holy shit

>be baby girl

>born in 1933, same year as NSDAP was voted into power

>have time to be 12 years old in 1945

>be firebombed by american/english mass murderers specifically targeting civilians

>be mass-raped by americans, american niggers and/or bolshekikes and/or mongol hordes

>ofttimes get flare pistol shoved in vagina and shot for fun after they are done

>be picrelated

>many such cases

>if survive, be starved by anglo-kikes for 2 years on purpose and forced into prostitution to survive

>scumbag anglo-allies see you as a slut because you'll do anything for some bread or soap, that they are deliberately withholding

>meanwhile, your father and/or brothers are forced to do slave-labor by anglo-kikes while you starve

>never mind if your father was anti-Hitler or not, if he was alive by the end of the war and ethnic German he got slave labor, starvation and death

>fast forward 80 years

>some smug granny cunt with fake blond hair imply every baby raped was guilty and deserved it

>jew sitting beside her approves

>brainwashed females in audience clap excitedly

>brainwashed females have never even heard about the millions Holdomored by bolshekikes or the millions killed after 1945 or the millions killed by communists in China and by Pol Pot

Absolutely disgusting video.

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Krass bist du dumm, zum Glück schreibst in Deutsch so dass hier keiner deinen Schwachsinn versteht. Ja, ein Sender den Millionen gucken hat keinen Einfluss. Eindeutig, deshalb sind ja auch alle Deutschen komplett programmiert und voller Selbsthass, weil die Propaganda keinen Einfluss hat. Geh dich erhängen und halt die Fresse, du hässlicher Haufen Scheiße. In dir ist mit Sicherheit sowieso kein deutsches Blut. 100 % nicht. Bist so ein Halbkanacken-Rapebaby. Poste ein Bild von dir oder ich ignoriere dich ab jetzt.

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Please tell me she does porn

Good. Let germany and all germans turn to dust and be blown away into irrelevance.

Why do Jow Forumstards repost their shitty threads on Jow Forums if they dont get replies on Jow Forums

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Fuck Germany my great grandfather was forcefully relocated to Texas by the military and his german autism genes fucked me over.

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Germany did nothing wrong, you made some of the greatest pieces of art of our times.

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The problem is that they're trying to take every other European country down with them.

your comment was not original.
You have been muted for 4 seconds,

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get involved in politics. run on ending state controlled and financed media. you live in a democracy. be the change.

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Wow, my grandpa was relocated to California and built the highway.

Yes, yes, it's so shitty to claim that people shouldn't hate themselves for something that a few of their ancestors MIGHT have done.

>nigger dick fetishism
Typrical germ*n whore

Things like this make me sick. I mean feel physically ill.

Just make white children and teach them to be proud, strong, and clever, user. Europeans are the best people on this Earth.

This. Propaganda like this is actually not a bad thing. Those who are strong enough to resist it will survive, procreate, and prosper, and within a few generations the European man will have become immunized to this evil. Those who are conscious of this, like OP, are of a resistant strain. The bloodlines of people that are psychologically vulnerable to this propaganda will falter and be erased from history. In 4 or 5 generations the world will be a better place.

Sieg Heil.

Germany as a country should not exist. then you could just say you're French/Dutch/Polish/etc and not worry about the guilt

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>Yes, yes, it's so shitty to claim that people shouldn't hate themselves for something that a few of their ancestors MIGHT have done.
The world functions on collective thinking, the individual is irrelevant. Other people represent you. Blame you ancestors for your circumstances.

I love this video. The amount of truth presented here is heartwarming.

We need to remember that the states was in its best when german maggots were only tolerated, not welcomed.

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>Blame you ancestors for your circumstances.
Or I could alternatively blame the people trying to destroy my way of life on their behalf, which is better because they're still alive.

dresden didn't get bombed because they were artists. that a country of war criminals and genocidists bleat about dresden constantly is endlessly hilarious

Honestly I think germany might be too far gone by now.
I wouldnt be surprised if the green party wins the next election.
People here are either too indoctrinated, too idealistic or too stupid to see that we're going in the wrong direction.
Also, what the fuck is going on in the videos comment section?

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Germany shouldn't exist. German "people" ought've been exteinated after WWII

>visigoths being in any way related to germans.
It's always nice to know when somebody slept during history class.
>holy roman empire taking part in the fourth crusade
Lmao. There was one crusader contigent composed of Germans. The rest were either Italians or if you look at the regions for the most part French.
But you have already proven that your are a true /his/torian. aka your opinion on anything related to history can be discarded

>Ignoring all the shit done by other european nations to eachother to feed your own nationalistic ego
We are hitting levels of historical illiteracy that shouldn't be possible

>its another wehraboo whines thread

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Following that logic Belgium shouldn't whine about the destruction brought upon it during WW1 because of the shit that happened in Belgian Congo.
>muh karma

hmmm, yes the congolese certainly attacked the belgians strategically during the world wars.
>muh literacy

Fuck germ*ns, fuck g*rmany and fuck Jow Forums

>masskillings of Congolese are fine
>oy vey how dare the Germans to shoot my innocent countrymen
>we dindu nuffin ever
t. Belgian

yes I'm a belgian, that makes a lot of sense

FUCK horizontal ge*mans as well,

I fucking hate what the Jews did to Germany.

Germany doesnt exist anymore, we are dead. We are waiting for the end

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as long as you, user, are alive, the jews havent won

they simply are the natural leaders. everyone else should just let them run things.

Source on pic related and similar stories?

The Germans, like us Englishman, are in living in the shadow of a once great empire and civilisation. Now look at the both of us. It's pathetic.

based Kraftwerk poster. German art is superior.

lmao this is fun niest post I've re ad today lol

you wouldn't kill off all your stock and call yourself a rich man
the krauts will live on

It truly is. Is still hope that one day, my fellow germans will wake up and see what green party and leftist propaganda has done to our once beautiful country.
It feels like the german spirit is broken. We are divided and shattered. Ruled by cucks and hypocrates under the thesis of guilt, swarmed by hordes of illegal immigrants that rape our women and still people continue to blabber of diversity and tolerance. It really feels like it is too late for a change.

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Just tell them to fuck off?
that or a redpilled revolution

I don't understand

tfw no sexy mentally ill vampire gf

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same colors in tricolor flags but germany is horizontal and belgium is verticle. no offense dude but you're kind of a brainlet to not get it instantly. not that it's clever or funny, but it is obvious.

You just don't care and go on with your fucking life dumbdumb.

im not german or very political but my german gf sending me nazi memes sure strengthens the old ram, she acually sees whites as superior and has these funny moments where she rants on the same topic as you op. I love it, what more could I ask for. Also yes, we watch german state tv sometimes and I know what you mean OP. Even here it bothers me so I just zap on but damn I hope german pride will be restored. I like the country, its girls and obviously the cars.

Sounds like if we just let them win for once, they would quit causing problems for everybody.

Sorry Germanbro. De-nazification effectively fucked over Germany forever. Shortly after WW2, there was a concentrated effort by Jews, Americans, and Soviets to break the German spirit and make sure that the German warrior would never come back ever again. I guess that it must have been pretty effective since the Germans are perfectly okay with their situation. I just genuinely hope that a miracle comes through.