Name the ONE biggest problem you are currently dealing with right now

Name the ONE biggest problem you are currently dealing with right now.

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Itchy bum

Feelings of inadequacy and Illusions of Grandeur

In need of about $1000-$2000.

my life

ahahhaahaha original post

devoid of any meaning in life

Realization that I do not have talent as an artist and that I will be a forever alone for the rest of my life because I am different from everyone else.

I'm a NEET and can't find a job, ergo I have no money and can't do anything and no I don't qualify for NEETbuxxx

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deciding if I should get a job or just finish university and then get a job

I'm a jobless NEET who can't find a job because I've been a NEET for too long.

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lack of willpower, cant bring myself to do things I know I need to or stick to a schedule

My left leg is completely fucked and I can't sue my surgeon

poast your art user

I'm always tired, no matter how much sleep i get

get antidepressants bud

>have to write a 40000 point paper till tuesday.
>have not begun yet
>will fucking fail the whole class if its bad

I can still make it guys,

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Massive debt.

lorem ipsum

the girl i like is busy traveling around the world and probably getting dicked regurlarly. Meanwhile i sit in my empty apartrment rotting away and whishing for death

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Its not art like you think it is. Its art/music. Its something I created and am having a hard time putting a label on. And its not done yet. I work on it everyday but god damn it can be frustrating.

I am the biggest problem.

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I have my professor reviewing/grading it
He already contacted me saying that I'm free to upload it already

Why do you need that and why isn't the amount more specific?

My inability to concentrate and procrastination which stops me from ever getting anything done

lie on resume dumb neet

Small growing business. I could really use $1000 in additional supplies and tools but if I had $2000, I could scale up production and replace some tools with more efficient ones and get a good laser engraver. People keep asking for my company name to be engraved in the metal.

I am currently locked out of my apt and waiting for my roomate to come home.

Crippling mental health issues and an impending jail visit.

I'm a nervous wreck I can't talk to anyone

People suck at replying to me. Suicide attempt inducing tier.

-shit social skills
-extremely weak body
-can't do math
-can't with without making a spelling mistake every 10 words
-can't tell a lie
-never had a job at 19
-no conviction
-no decision making ability
-crippling porn addiction

I'm eating raisins in the hope that I can a shit soon because I have to drive to work in less than 20 minutes. There's no way I'm shitting at work, they don't even give you enough time to do so.

>t.Amazon warehouse worker

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im hungry like an african and cant eat much for the moment

Frequent debilitating brain fog, lack of overall motivation, can't stop jerking off, low libido (I know those two seem like opposites) Anxiety induced ED

Just off the top of my head or should I say JUST

>crippling porn addiction
There's your problem

*take a shit


Not him but whaddaya tjink

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Loneliness of course

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I have a pending confrontation with my friends
They talked with my ex behind my back, she gave them some very partial information and now they think I've been doing bad stuff, so they want to catch me off guard and have some serious talk
One of my friends told me about it and now I have the upper hand, so I plan to make them feel ashamed for believing her without hearing my version. Also, I plan to announce to the friend who had such brilliant idea that I no longer consider her as friend and will never meet her up again and she can go to hell for all I care

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I live with my mom and stepdad because i dont talk to nobody, im only here because my sister is still in high school therefore here.

stepdad is a dumbshit ESTJ and I'm INTP. don't even try to argue with ESTJs, don't even have them in your life unless you are their definite supervisor. But i think i should be more mad at my mom for even letting this guy into our lives to begin with.

I get left on read by my "best (only) friends"


I'm stuck in my career at my current job. Don't have the experience to find another job without lying/exaggerating excessively on my resume. Don't have the money or grades to be attending grad school/obtaining second bachelors degree, nor does the company I work for offer any assistance in that regard.

Not sure how to proceed, as I feel many of my other problems in life stem from sense of inadequacy and failure from continuing to work where I am. My life just feels like it's on pause while everyone else is moving forward. It's compounded by comparison when everyone else I know is getting married and moving on with their careers.

T.third world poor fag

based user!!1!

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because of what?

I'm stuck on an island with no friends for the next 3 years. This is the second weekend I am spending in a dark room while everybody on Monday is gonna talk about how beautiful the beach or the hike they did was or the women they met and I will have nothing but the wall I stared at for 2 days straight.

why don't you just go out then?

>they don't even give you enough time to do so
the absolute state of wagies

dumb question because you probably tried it already, have you asked your local bank for a loan? if you can prove your business is growing and earning profits it should not be hard to get a 2000 loan, interest will be low

stomach cramp

Independent owner with bad/no credit, sadly. The VC firms around me won't lend to white men and I don't know anyone who can loan me that amount.

No matter how confident I feel, or what I am consciously thinking, sometimes anxiety will just strike me and leave me in that feeling barely able to stand, trying not to vomit, barely able to talk state of complete vulnerability. No matter how hard I try, and no matter what I think or tell myself or how I breathe, I still get those awful symptoms.
I always push through them. I am a month and a half into my job and I've not missed a single day no matter how awful I've felt.
But it just feels like it isn't worth it.
Just to function and act like a normal person takes me so much extra effort that noone else sees or appreciates. I am constantly fighting this battle that I get no credit or reward for.
Is it really worth this permanent stress and exhausting fear? I fear it isn't. I don't want to give up or sound like I'm weak, but if you haven't felt how bad anxiety can get you can't really understand it on the same level. It's like every bone in your body telling you to get the fuck out or you're going to die or something awful is going to happen. I want to be mentally strong and reliable, and in some ways I am, because I am beating the anxiety every day, but even so, i cannot shake the perception that I'm a pathetic, weak excuse for a man because of this anxiety.

Weight problems

Been struggling with this shit for years and never sorted it out. Skinnyfat is so hard to get out of

Doing something with my life. I can't commit to anything

I was walking to the beach by myself then somebody recognized me and asked why I was alone and I lied and told him I was meeting somebody. I asked him if he wanted to do something later and he said sure. He never got back to me though so now I'm afraid of asking anybody else.

Time for the adderall my dude

having sexual fantasies about people other than my partner, i hate myself for it

>I work on it everyday but god damn it can be frustrating.
That could be part of the issue, I stopped drawing for a few months and when I came back to it I was noticeably better than when I started.

Better than I can do desu, I suck at painting.

What's wrong with ESTJs?

eat less and work out. you dont need a gym to go to. go for long walks and do push ups and situps, pullups, jumping jacks. too easy man

Just go out and ignore people then, who cares.

I can't motivate myself to do new things
I'm too comfortable with my mediocrity
I want a gf who would push me to improve but I also know that I don't deserve a girl like that if I can't improve on my own

join the french foreign legion they help with that

he left you hanging since you told him you are already meeting someone you retard

happy delayed birthday james dean you will be missed. forever a legend nobody like him

I wasted, at least, 10 years of my life doing nothing productive. Now I'm dealing with the results: Can't find a better job; Too tired to resume college.
It's the end of the line for me. It's like if you don't do certain stuff on the correct period of your life, you are screwed either because you won't be able to do it anymore, or it's just not worth it and you will look like a bloody idiot anyway.

I try man. I eat around 1800-2000 calories a day and workout 5 days a week. Been stuck at around 195lbs for years

You gotta eat like 2500-3000 to get bigger
are you stupid?

are you like 5' because thats the nutrition am mega manlet would need?

6'1 fren


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if you're 195lbs eating 2000 calories you're barely even getting your maintenance weight in food done every day, let alone get big. Pump up those number by at least 1000

Trying to take a shit and it just doesn't came out right. It's one of these shits that you feel like is coming out but then it isn't.

I keep talking myself out of good ideas so I can keep wasting time on Jow Forums.

Can't decide whether to overpay my mortgage or add more to my index tracking fund.

Samefag here
It finally managed to squeeze through the dammned thing. Cheers.

Seriously? I thought that 2000 was a lot. I eat a lot of protein and carb based foods anyway so I got top have more of that pretty much?

jesus christ you're a mess dude
I just put your weight/height/age into a calculator to see what you'd need to eat every day to gain weight and it's like 3000 minimum.
How you can 'try for 3 years' and not know this most basic shit is beyond me.
You must be a brainlet of the highest degree
get eating more

2000 kcal is fine to mantain weight if you're a very smol manlet or a female bro
You need at least 3.5k to buff up or 3k to mantain if you're 6'1

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I have this odd inner tension that makes me constantly anxious. I'm quitting caffeine to see if it goes away.

I can't move on from my past. I'm constantly haunted by memories I can't move on from and it's ruining me. It's making me lose my will to live.

Not knowing what I am working/living for. Working as a paramedic currently and it always hits the hardest when I sit alone in the back of the van, you watch the scenery silently move by outside the tinted windows and feel a slight tensing kind of pain in your chest which begs for an answer to "what reason is all this for, I don't have anything in life"

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Well I have only one. The other day I was walking through a store getting groceries mostly and I had a sudden thought of what it would be like if someone I knew was there with me. Sometimes when I get lonely I think about what it would be like to have someone I know with me at the moment. Well this is a girl I know, though not particularly well. And when I thought about her mannerisms and what we'd talk about, I felt like it could only be romantic if we were on our own. To cut to the meat of why this is a problem, it's embarrassing but I started getting erect right there in the store. Luckily the jeans and cart hid it pretty well until I could recompose. The problem is that she has a good boyfriend and this is extremely sinful, as much as thinking and feeling gets. But the problem is now that I'm starting to think about... This situation... More now. I can't just purge it from my mind. We have classes together and I'm afraid of exposing my feelings in any way. I want to keep things cordial and for the future case, professional. Two, she's a bit younger than I am but she knew some time ago that I was attracted to her a I think.

I guess what I'm asking for is advice on terminating feelings? Is there a trick to this? I'm used to speaking my mind and wearing my feelings on my sleeve, but this would come with penalties if I do and I don't want certain people to know about this. Is there a better place to ask this than here, if not here?

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My family is extremely unstable. My parents haven't slept in the same bed since I was born and they always argue. I'm such a mess I can't hold the household together and my younger brother is completely ignorant of the pressure on him. If he doesn't succeed and my mother can't ride on the pride and happiness she feels through him I really think she'll be utterly miserable.

I'm agoraphobic, and all my dreams were ruined because of it. Ever since I was a little kid I just wanted to be a wildlife conservationist. I was accepted onto the Geography and Environmental science degree in a top 10 uni in my country that has connections to over seventy major environmental companies and charities, but when I started getting panic attacks I had to switch to a fucking computer science degree. I hate it.

I have no hope for the future, I don't even want to be happy anymore. I don't have any friends, and I'm ashamed of the fact I wont have the bravery and strength to make something of this short-lived experience of consciousness.

I'm so young and yet I'm already prepared for death in the same way an 80 year old is, except instead of waiting maybe a year or two for the end I'll have to endure for however long my final ties to this world remain alive.

It's going to be a long ride to the finish, and every step will be filled with regret disappointment self-hatred and a stubborn cell of hope that refuses to die.

It's like being in a world that's coming to a slow end, having the power to stop it, but being unable to muster the mettle to do so. The only person who I truly connect with is myself, and that's the exact same person who's been ruining my life for the past 5 years. I hate him. I hate him so much.

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NEETmode, but cancelled out by the fact im female. Most of my money isn't actually my money & I'm unsure of when I plan to change this. I pretty much spend everyday doing shenanigans with my best friend. And horny old men fiance most of it. I won't be 20 forever though.

Freudian slip?

Not having any real friends/gf.

I don't know whats wrong with me anymore.

I got my life started, got Jow Forums, and talk to people now. I got addicted to self improvement philosophy and am always trying to take the next step for myself. But I'm still a romantic loser at the end of the day. Mind you the journey to improving myself was never about dating to begin with but has been at my neck recently.

My original issue with dating is that I'd get attached too quickly and in that instance self sabotage myself.

Fast forward now I deal with women saying I'm too cagey, reserved, one even used tsundere, and I get nervous and tense to say anything and ruin those chances.

I feel as though I talk like a robot(in the literal sense). I feel like any attempt to push pass my caginess is cringe-able and forced on my behalf. I legit wonder if I'm autistic. I can easily be your friend but I can't make a relationship level beyond that.

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My bank locked my account and now I'm $400 in debt because of fraud. I want to kill myself.

That last part might make you look bad

bad health, constipation and severely underweight

Wife wants to buy a house. Lots of shit to decide. Basically lif3 is good for a neet like me.

Everything in the world would be no different than it is now if I was never born; my life has no meaning, it never has, and it never will.

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Then stop being a faggot wallowing in your dread. If nothing you do matters, do whatever the fuck you want and enjoy it, you retard.

Finish uni my man

She's the one talking to my ex and inciting my friends to conspire against me. Any trust I had is lost, I don't consider her my friend. Now she's just my ex's friend
Any chance she had to make me trust in her, she failed, again and again. First by inaction, now by own initiative. I've been alongside my other friends supporting her during her hard times and she acts like that towards me. She can go to hell, now I don't give a damn about her problems and she better forget about ever meeting me in person again. I hope she enjoy losing one of the very few people she can call friends, she deserve it

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guy I'm dating got me flowers is me fucking problem

I have to take care of my Alzheimer's mother. Wipe her arse and all. The problem here is that I hate the fucking bitch.

no gf is my biggest concern
But it's just a result of all other problems piling up.
At 25 I'm at the bottom of society and have to climb back.
2/3 of my salary is just paying off debts and the stuff I bought is really useless for real life(crypto and gaming shit).
I make min. wage, I'll have to study hard on my days off to get a trade of sorts, in the meantime I'll also have to work hard on my looks, just to not have an excuse to pass out on opportunities.
My looks are slavagable, but right now I look below average, unkempt beard, not enough hair for a haircut, unhealthy skin color coupled with acne scars, facial expressions that either make me look unapproachable or awkward when I show emotions, crooked yellowish teeth, out of shape and entire wardrobe needs replacement. I'm also bi-polar and want to to start trewting it, so it's gonna be one more expense.
I don't know whether it's just luck, but I did manage to get sex with few women, but they are not good looking or fit for serious relationships, I'm just way too fucked for a good girl, even an ugly one.

I feel no happines because of my brain disease, Ialso cannot leave my home without puking and bleeding through my nose.