MBTI thread

"Which types belong in the trash" edition

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ALL xxFP (women)

Anyone who fills out a personality test belongs in the trash. They are designed by intelligence agencies to look for your weaknesses and triggers. Don't help those queers.

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ISTP-T. Literally the worst personality you could possibly have.
I: Low extraversion. Introverts are hated and worthless in this society
S: Low openness. Close-minded and unimaginative.
T: Disagreeable. Incendiary, aggravating, and extremely autistic.
P: Low conscientiousness. Disorganized and irresponsible.
-T: Neurotic. No further explanation needed.
If you have this personality type please consider killing yourself

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only type that belongs in the trash are the ones stupid enough to take that meme test seriously

Protect all ISFJs

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ISTP's are best.

The world would be better off without all E's and S's.

>Low extraversion. Introverts are hated and worthless in this society
ISTPs honestly don't care.

>S: Low openness. Close-minded and unimaginative.
I can be open-minded and have a good imagination, but it tends to be about realistic shit.

>T: Disagreeable.
I suppose my reply is good evidence that we can be disagreeable, but we don't disagree with everything.

Not entirely true; I like fire, but I don't play with it.


>and extremely autistic.
Not true.

>P: Low conscientiousness. Disorganized and irresponsible.
Not entirely true; I'm a hard worker and will do job well enough to get satisfactory results, but I'm not going to go out of my way to help people. I work area and living space may appear disorganized, but I know where everything is located. And I am responsible; I pay my bills on time and I own a car and a job. I'll always own up to something I did wrong, whenever someone asks about it.

>-T: Neurotic. No further explanation needed.
No comment; I'm Assertive.

>If you have this personality type please consider killing yourself
No u

uh theyre literally called defenders though

I find INTJs 1/3 childlike and innocent, 1/3 strong/admirable, and 1/3 haughty/annoying. They switch from being innocent children to braggarts who think they're omnipotent and omniscient so suddenly. I think they are greedy for knowledge and achievements because they need those things to be emotionally stable. INTPs who are annoying are more consistent in those traits.

ISTP's are clearly the best.

INTJs are literal gods incarnate. The child likeness keeps them based, the haughtyness is a constant moral boost and normie filter and the strength allows them to take any blow and find meaning in it. I have been through enough to make a man kill himself 7 times over yet all I get is a thrill and even certain delicate pleasures from the despair and agony.

INTJ here
I do believe my thought proccess is more rational than most. Some think it's edgy, narcissistic, or fedora to say, but that's stupid. When I was a kid there were countless times in arguments with people where the other party misses the point completely, or constantly moves the goal post.
Not sure how to put it in words exactly, but it honestly felt like their brains were incomplete at times, and then I was the one ridiculed. Not like I was casted out and friendless but in a manner like "hey remember that one time when you were totally wrong?" This sort of interaction made me resentful, which is why I get that omnipotent high sometimes.
I'm also heavy on escapism which I think keeps me alive at this point.

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I'm not sure if I feel similarly but I do sometimes get this feeling like the universe owes me for every wrongdoing it caused me, and I remain selfless despite of it.

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S, F and E in that order
INTP and INTJ are the purest, least trashy types
ENTP, ENTJ are acceptable
INFP, INFJ are kinda meh
ENFP, ENFJ, ISTP and ISTJ are sufferable under the right conditions for a limited time
ESTJ, ESTP are annoying and should be avoided
ISFP and ISFJ are trash
ESFP and ESFJ should be killed with fire


Also INTJs

>everything i am is good and everything i am not is bad
t. INTcuck brainlet who doesnt know what types actually act like irl

who cares what they act like if they're irrational by definition?

Extroverts are god-tier

So if your list is based on irrationality then your own type should be on the bottom because its very irrational to make a judgement about something you have no clue about

>your list
That's not my list, I'm not that poster

Only to other extroverts, and introverts who fell for the society meme

>tfw punished boomer intp
>tfw still look good despite being literally a suicidal hikikomori

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>greedy for knowledge
INTJ here, heavily agree with this.

N-not INFJ-T, I hope. :'( ;w;

are intj cute?

I'm still waiting for video when you're getting raped by dog while wearing female underwear.

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my hobby is making ENTPs cry through internet posts

I'm in INTP-A.

I hate ENTP-A, because they have all INTP-A qualities but they have the advantage of extroversion.

What about non-annoying INTPs?

Why are ISTPs so often Followers of Khorne?

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>everybody saying that ENTPs belong in the trash
the truth is, they hate us because they aint us, despite desperately wishing they were lmao

Now I'm wondering if there's a new episode of ITEHATTSD.

Annnd there isn't.

Kys loser.

I've read that Ni draws upon data from many parts of the brain at once, including the unconscious, so it makes sense that sometimes people wouldn't see what you're saying and assume you're the one who's missing the point.
They're laid-back and have their shit together, but they're still childlike. Also one of the least arrogant types.

How do I find cute female friends who find INTJness cute?

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All types belong in the garbage, people who let their lives be altered by what MBTI type they are, is worthless :^]

What are ISTJs like?
What about ESTJs?

>Using introverted thinking as his base function and extroverted sensing as his creative, the LSI excels at formulating systems of the world that can be practically utilized. The LSI has a strong understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of a system and can manipulate either to his advantage. Similar to the LII, the LSI creates rules and principles built on logical consistency, which he religiously adheres to. But unlike the LII, the LSI does not speculate as much on improbable possibilities but rather focuses on practical solutions to problems. At his best, the LSI acts as a model citizen or employee; dutifully providing for his family, his employer, his friends and his community. He will rigidly uphold the law and other actions he perceives as just and logical, while discouraging actions he views as unjust. At his worst, the LSI can become driven towards the acquisition of power to the detriment of anyone that stands in his way; in realizing these goals, the LSI can become oblivious to actions that many might consider inhumane.

>Using extroverted thinking as his base function and introverted sensing as his creative, the LSE excels at identifying methods and tools that can improve one's efficiency and productivity. This understanding, coupled with the LSE's high energy levels and generally strong work ethic, makes him a very productive individual. As such, he generally performs very well in lower and mid level management where attention to productivity, organization, and detail take precedence. At home, the LSE likes to surround himself with aesthetically pleasing items that also have a functional use. Socializing, the LSE enjoys enteraining small groups of people with thoughtful discussions or light-hearted games. At his best, the LSE's drive for perfection at home and at work make him a good employee and reliable family member. At his worst, the LSE can become overly concerned and worried when trying to plan for the future, and he tries to mitigate this concern by minimizing risk below the level that many other types would be perfectly comfortable with.

>this is what delusional INTJ subhumans think of themselves

>tfw never bothered to learn all functions and types
>INTJ is me (:coolguy:)
>INxx are sad cunts
>everyone else: FUCKING NORMIES

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you will die a virgin incel
how does that sound now

i'm not an incel my dearest twitterbro

you will be
origano pizza

Where my fellow istj's at?

how is that possible? I might die a virgin that's true, but I love women. I can't be an incel

What exactly do you think incel means?

Since Socionics determines judging/perceiving by the dominant function, LSI/ISTj is ISTP

A buzzword that's overused to describe "internet male I don't like"
It might have used to mean something, but we're way past that

If you think incel = virgin then you're epically retarded

anything with E or F

Yes, but the MBTI notation is wrong. In Jungian psychological types, the dominant function is the leading, program etc. and determines rationality/irrationality. Therefore ISTJ is LSI. Might as well use the correct nomeclature while we are at it.

What do you think about infps? Are they trash too?

But someone needs to defend the defenders

I knew an INTJ a few years ago who was enormously popular romantically. He was a cute and charming accidental flirt. In fact, a couple of years ago, a girl in this one lesbian couple (they'd been together since 2013) decided to change their relationship from monogamous to poly simply so that she could date the INTJ guy as well.

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>tfw not entp

life sucks

this is proof that there's no such thing as lesbians

i knew it. they always lose to the cock.

>always get INFP
>recently find out its a lot less common in males and common in females
>closeted repressed trans
Checks out.

Its been explained numerous times now. Its not wrong. MBTI bases the last letter on your FIRST EXTRAVERTED FUNCTION. This makes more sense because this is what decides your attitude towards life. Extraverted Perceiving means you prefer a freedom based open ended approach to life, and Extraverted Judging means you prefer a structured and planned approach to life. The socionics way of doing it makes less sense because according to it for example an ISTPs attitude towards life for example is more similar to ESTJs than it is to ESTPs which is just ridiculous in how wrong it is.

Is there any hope for INTPs? Seems like we're all doomed to be unhappy virgin beta foreveralones unable to enjoy anything or be in the present moment.

>Is there any hope for INTPs?
Yes if they find meaning/personal truth in life.

How mommy gf are INFJs?

Not ISFJ/ESFJ tier but pretty mommy.

>breaking up a cute yuri couple
No, this is bad!

Even though ENTPs get a lot of shit here, I kind of which I was one because at least I could be less shy about speaking to other people about my ideas and bouncing them off people to see want responses I get.

These are both true really


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I'm ESTP from a shitty family.
I wonder if my family holds me back.

Shut the fuck up retard, lesbians are a meme. they all want cock super badly.
these turbo butch dykes they're that way because they're scared dearly that their more feminine girlfriends will leave them at a moment's notice to taste cock.

your anime fetishes don't play out in real life

>No u
heheeh me so quirky me use reddit jokes

lesbians are women that mom didn't love


Aw, you're just saying that.

No worries, fren. The yuri couple is still together, there's just a third person added into the mix. The girl who made the relationship become poly in the first place said that she would like to induct a fourth person into the romance (another girl), but she said that's the last time they'll add one. So INTJ femboy will end up having a harem of three girlfriends.

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>be INFP
>create tulpa

How do you know if thats true for INTPs when you are an INFJ?

No worries "fren", they'll all be huffing happy gas through CPAP tubing (except for the INTJ who fucks) 10 years from now because of their incredibly tragic lifestyles

>INTJ femboy
Thats not an INTJ. You are mistyping people

Nevermind, I missed that part. He'll kill himself too after all.

I dunno, I'm just going by the fact that he's always scored INTJ on tests.

This. I noticed that air of desperacy, misery and depression coming from lesbians in particular, something you dont see with homosexuals (generally).

I wish I had a place to bully them to suicide, but I live in an extremely conservative country. Oh well, win some lose some.

*which > wish
*want > what
God, I am retarded

Shut the fuck up, you don't know what your talking about. Imagine being you looking at lesbians on your computer, stroking your neckbeard and actually thinking "the almighty me, the peak of masculinity, can turn these girls straight". It's rarer than in men, sure, but there certainly are girls who are exclusively homosexual. If it's possible in men then why wouldn't those brain chemicals that make someone gay be possible in women too? I've met a couple who are very pretty so have total chads hit on them but are like "I'm gay".

They're also very nice and do not deserve to be bullycided

Even though I defend lesbians, this situation is still pretty degen though

lole xD

Gays and femboys can be any type probably?

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>If it's possible in men then why wouldn't those brain chemicals that make someone gay be possible in women too?
Women and men are wired differently. Peterson is a jew plant, but he's right about some things, so go listen to the internet daddy.
Also you said "brain chemicals that make someone gay". I handwaved it at first as some metaphor, but it makes no sense when I think about it. So I have to ask:

Do you genuinely think it's some sort of a chemical compound that causes people to be gay?
How old are you?

I'll have you know I'm shaved clean on all 3 of my chins.

The tests mean literally nothing unless the person in question had good self awareness. And the only accurate test is 16personalities btw, all the other ones are memes that as questions along the lines of "do you use this function". Pure retardation.

But anyways to get on topic.
Se or Te= Robust/"manly" appearance
Ne or Fe= Frail/"feminine" appearance

And why would you want that? Seems completely irrational to dedicate your own time to making another person feel a certain way.

What do you think? revenge, obviously.

It was 16personalities that he took, yeah.

So are INFJs frail? We have Aux Fe, not Dom Fe.

>lole xD
Why do you get so extorbitantly angry whenever someone mentions you're not INTP? Like i have never seen someone get this angry about mbti. It really does make it look like it hits you somewhere where it hurts because you know you're lying to yourself. Which begs the question why you would even do that and at that go to such great lengths for it.

Reveng for what?

Let me clarify since apparently that can be misinterpreted.

If your first extraverted function is Se or Te, you'll look more robust. If its Ne or Fe, you'll look frail and/or feminine.

So INFJs will generally look frail or feminine, yes.

*grabs popcorn*

This gonna be good.

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Revenge? How did a lesbian hurt you user? Can you show me on the doll?

I'm not angry, I just think it's funny you respond to me every time I post. If you're talking about going to great lengths are you sure you aren't projecting?

Yes they are, Sophieanon, INFJs are frail but cute!

What do you mean? I'm a materialist so unless someone can show me otherwise I think it's biochemistry that causes anyone to be anything, basically. We don't have to go into the epistemology right now, but how can you deny that some people are just wired to act differently and have different desires? This is literally a personality thread...

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i'll give you a redpill, MBTI threads are thinly veiled tranny discords
who do you think obsesses enough over personality to the point of putting them into labels?
i'm not immediately discrediting the validity of MBTI, but it's easy to see what kind of person is going to flock to it: arthoe-ish drama queens

>I'm not angry, I just think it's funny you respond to me every time I post.

Maybe you can admit to being INFJ if he admits to having a crush on you, lmao

>how can you deny that some people are just wired to act differently and have different desires
I don't think I ever denied that. You have a problem, typical for neurotics, that you fill in the blanks of what someone said when you don't understand what it is they said.
I do suggest that there's a reason why some people are gay, as there is for any preference, and it typically happens either because of abuse or neglect.
You seem to think it's the same preference as for brand of cereal. You also again fail to realize differences in wiring of male and female brains. LGBT circles would have you believe we're all the same humans with "just" different sets of genitals, but that's a lie.

Why do you think Hifumi user is neurotic? He is very calm and stable.

Did I say he is neurotic?

>You respond to me every time I post
This is the first time i have talked to you

You are obviously very angry and in denial . I just dont get the point. You know you cant change your type right? Larping as another type will only throw off your natural cognitive processes. You're inducing a Ni-Ti loop in yoursel for the sake of larping as an epic intellectual with Ti. A lot of INFJs do this by the way, its not unique to you. Its just that they will generally not deny it.

Btw, if thats your insecurity and the reason why you larp as an INTP, INFJs are common in the scientific community. For example Sam Harris is one, and one of the most famous scientists of all time, Niels Bohr, is also an INFJ.

>mbti threads are tranny discords
Nigga what? Are you ok?

I hate trannies just as much as the next guy but there is no relation here. You're seeing things that are not there.

That guy is definitely a faggot though, but thats just statistics since tumblr vomited their cancer users all over this site in like 2014

Nice almost quints

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Don't listen to the OP user. No type is "trash".