What would you even do with a gf? you don't even know do you?

what would you even do with a gf? you don't even know do you?

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I'd stick my penis in her butthole

I would be her bf and do bf stuff.

form a deeply connected relationship, share our secrets and plans in life, fug, exchange affection, spend some of my free time with her instead of being infront of the computer, have 4-5 kids after we marry in our mid-late 20s, etc.

Insert benor in alll holes???

Plan for the future and eventually marry if we match well.I would need to get a better job.I want to buy land and build a house on it.

Together moviewatching
Children raising
Of old age dying

optional: she might also shit on my face

I would feed her tendies, cuddles, kissies, and go for comfy walks

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I only want a girlfriend so I could fall asleep with my head on her tits while she strokes my hair. also, now I have a good job and I literally don't know what to do with all the money, so it'd be nice to provide for someone and feel manly. losing my virginity would be also nice, but I'm fine with fapping to weird porn and would never bother wasting time on anyone only for sex.

I used to, but now I don't.
When and if I actually ever get a girlfriend, she'll have missed out on me at my best.
Sucks for her, I guess, assuming she ever exists.

I'd go play mini golf with her and get her to order all the fancy drinks i'm too scared to buy because i don't want to me called gay. I'd also go to the movies with her to see animated movies.
also lewd stuff we would discover that we're both into.
It'd be a really comfy life if that happened to me. Winter wouldn't be so cold and lonely when i play WoW by myself.

>tfw no qt to play wow with under the blankets while we quest.

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>tfw no qt to play wow with under the blankets while we quest.
how would that even work

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id keep backing my butt up into her all the time but be too shy to ask her to do buttstuff to me

what made you into a faggot?
disgusting, just go amongst your own and leave girls alone

Share feeling, do cute couple shit, dating, sex and, after a while, kids.

gay shit like ice skating, cuddle, hike, provide for her, ash my joints on her
if shes cool or down to murder me she could move in my house

Try to fuck her doggystyle whenever i could. Don't know if i could bear looking into someone's eyes.

I came to say that in a slightly more vulgar way.

It would help if you have stopped being stuck in 2006 in the first place.

What I usually do is get into a sleeping bag up to my arms and then play.
Sometimes I wrap a blanket around my back and have it so my arms are covered slightly.
I've also used my laptop with a wireless keyboard and mouse so I can play under blankets.

All these replies are written by people who think women are not people too.

Just buy the snuggie dude... Gawd.

Of course women are people, why does anyone try to pretend that anyone in the world actually thinks that.

It's just that there are 2 different categories of people, men and women, and the 2 are extremely different.

I'd rewatch the entirety of Lost whilst snuggling on an oversized beanbag with her.

i duno, no desire for men tho

That's what makes it comfy for me. I like the feeling and art style of the game. I'm not much of a fan of the stuff after Lich King and Cata to an extent.

Suggest an MMO that has an active community , isn't too expensive (WoW is expensive if you ask me), not pay to win and is just plainly fun to play with both people and by yourself.

I'll give any a go if you suggest them.

I had a Snuggy but it wasn't thick enough and the sleeves just kinda got in the way. I prefer a sleeping bag with my arms out. It's quite comfy, you should try it some time.

>I've also used my laptop with a wireless keyboard and mouse so I can play under blankets
where do you keep all of that on ur bed tho?
On your lap? I imagine doing it with another person with the same setup next to u to be impossible

girls on here think were all bitter asshats
i dont blame you, most of us are
sucks some dbag made you so jadded

I would draw her like one of my anime girls

i hate mmos for the grimd i need some skill based shit like arma or il2

It takes a bit of a set up. I have one of those table things that go over your bed so I rest my laptop on that and have a small cheap wireless keyboard and mouse in a draw next to my bed. Once i have all that set up it's quite nice to just sit there and play.
You do get a sore neck after a while so you need pillows to prop yourself up onto. It's probably easier to play at a PC but it's just relaxing to play in bed.

Form a bilaterally beneficial union through which to improve our standings in life and mutually climb the social hierarchy.

I find women in whom I see this potential hot.

I recently got my first gf and we've been doing all the things normal people do. I didn't expect her to magically fix all my problems and make my life perfect, but she does make my days more fulfilling and even the boring normal things are enjoyable when done with her.

I played OS Runescape a lot back in high school. I tried it last year but I just couldn't get into it like I did back then. Runescape feels like a grind as well to me and isn't as rewarding as WoW is. Maybe I should try it again.

I just got Origin access to play some games so i might try something like Pillars of Eternity or Dragon Age and see if I like them.

Truth is I'd get bored and annoyed having a woman around all the time demanding attention

I have no idea. All I like to do is sit at home on my computer which any woman would hate and want me to take her out and do stuff instead, which I would hate, so I've never bothered trying to get one.

I don't play world of Warcraft anymore, weirdo.

You don't have to play WoW. You can do it with any game or movie.

OML I don't need advice on how to lay down and chill. Do you wanna zip our sleeping bags together and both get in?

My sleeping bag only fits one person.

Ill just have to stretch it out then

That wasn't me
Apparently you don't know about zipping two bags together to make a bigger bag

im going on a date tonight and the picture literally looks exactly like the girl

Don't do that you might break the zip, then it's not as comfy.
Use your own sleeping bag. I promise it'll be just as comfy.

It was a me a Mario

I do know about zipping two bags together but the different feeling inside lining isn't very comfy. I prefer having one that feels all the same and has the same outside design.

Yeah Mario needs to stay in his own bag.. f'ing interrupter.

It might not be comfortable. But you will enjoy it.

I love getting in between things

Ugh.. I'm never staying over again.

my sleeping bag reeks like weed tho

No thanks. I prefer my own sleeping bag, same goes with any potential gf in the future. She'll like having her own to watch/game in.

Get in my f'ing bag and shut up, Mario.

I forgot how funny Jow Forums is. Curses!
I'd play games with her, cuddle and have fun aka the same things I'd do with any other human being I like beside the fact that I wouldn't kiss anyone.

that's the thing. most people had a gf at a young age and were clueless at that time too, so they had to figure out. I'm almost 20 and lack any kind of experience, so what the fuck can I even tho. women EXPECT you to know everything, otherwise they feel like they are wasting their time.
also lets be real, anything platonic with a woman is impossible. they are as stupid as animals and the only thing they want is fun, sex and consume.

Me and Mario are sleeping in my bag. Get away, drug addict.

can someone verify this?

Could you describe those normal stuff? What does your usual week look like? I'm curious.

Why even bother if it won't ever happen? I don't know what I would do if I had a girlfriend, but I do know that tonight I will just fall asleep sobbing all over my pillow and this will keep happening for the rest of my life till the imminent day I'll die after an accident at work.

All your dreams are there and the only person you need to start them doesn't exist. I used to think like you, senpai. But not anymore...

This user is onto something.

I'm 25 and a virgin. Guess I'm fked more than you boi.
Also funny how some chad dude told me only yesterday that men want sex, fun and consume and women are too passive to want anything. I'm too stupid to understand his advice over discord though.

I'll feel the love which I never had in my life...

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Break up because she wouldn't be as good my fiancee was.

Sniff her braps.

Probably continue in my narcissistic ways, but with her in the same room.

thats not advice thats posturing
masterbation is more convienent than sex, call me a faggot but id rather just have a girl to talk to and some one to cuddle with
25 here too, im just scared im forgetting how to interact with the opposite sex because my few friends who are girls are married or are on the trajectory

Well I don't have the problem of forgetting but either it's easier for girls or it's because I like guys and gals. I treat everyone equally. It does make me seem "dominant" to some guys though. Weird way to put it and actually funny but I just don't care enough to behave in a special manner.

About masturbation being more convenient I don't know. I'm a virgin so I know nothing else. And no, you're not a faggot for cuddling (I know you guys throw around that word freely) since cuddling is the best fking thing to do. Also kissing is nice too.

funny too because when i had more female friends in hs and early in uni every girl who befriended me was not at all passive, and my friends who are most sucessful with girls are extreemly passive
i wonder if we live in the same world

>watch movies
>go on dates
>talk about stuff
>maybe do the sexx sometimes
>hang out
>if she's my hypothetical dream gf, play vidya
>be physically near her without feeling uncomfortable
That last one is just a joke, I can't do that.

Today I went window shopping with my girlfriend. We didn't buy anything, but I pointed out a couple outfits I thought would look good on her. Then we went to a French cafe and had some coffee. Then we went to a historical museum. I cracked a couple jokes about some of the artifacts and we had an interesting discussion with one of the taxidermists there. Then we went out for dinner, went back to my place, she gave me some valentines day chocolate and then we made love for a few hours. All in all a pretty nice day. This Thursday I'm going to surprise her with a dozen roses at lunch.

>throw around that word freely
whatchu mean

i guess its not like acting in a special manner and being fake, its hard to explain. when your hanging or talking to a girl or someone your interested in for you would you agree a different side of you comes out? like i wouldnt be loving and affectionate with my friends i make music or play vydia with we would be talking shit and meming. i feel like that side of me is withering away

The chad who told me was from northern europe relatively to me. In my country people are very distanced and strangers barely ever talk. Maybe we do live in different worlds. I wish girls would be more active, or guys. I wish someone would approach me too.

Oh now I understand what you mean. Yes, when you're with a person you're interested in you get flustered and shy I guess. At least that's the case for me. However I am still straight forward risking to hurt their feelings because that's just the way I am, honest.
Also I'm sure that side won't wither away since it will bloom anew once you get the chance to. As long as you can show interest in someone and as long as you can fall for someone that side will come back.

And what I mean with throwing around freely is. On this website you get called a fag for everything. Newfag, oldfag, avatarfag, just fag, basically for anything.

i feel like nordic and baltic countries interactions are like that i guess from my friends i play vydia with from there
so im a cuddlefag??
i hope your right and can find someone who invokes that before i suckstart my big iron or sip some bleach

Here we go. Dont tell peach though Trust me they do.

Be like Eric Andre
Just be honest and dont give a shit in a witty way

I try to man, I really do. I think something else is the problem.

bird up
this women died in jail

That was both me, sorry about that. I am currently not doing my work and instead write with anons.
It might also be because the guy who talked with me is a chad so maybe, just maybe that's why he had that opinion. Or maybe not, I do not know too much about relationships or sex.
And I guess cuddlefag would be correct in this setting but again, you're not a fag. And I'm waiting for someone to invoke that too so only time will tell.

Why do I never get to see that then, feelsbadman. Seeing thirsty people seems very enticing, gib.

Women want to be man handled but they also dont want the social stigma of being a slut. The man has to take the lead. Act like a bad boy, and be honest with how you feel. If she starts to laugh, do nervous ticks with her hands or cross her legs multiple times. Go in for the kill.

Its not about the problem. Its about the results. If your a robot, learn your programming and how to improve it.

Well I'm afraid I can't be the man to take the lead, kek. And it's hard to find out if a girl likes you or is actually interested in you ESPECIALLY if you're a girl yourself.
What do you mean with nervous ticks though. I am interested in your advice, Sensei.

i was samefaggin to you, and i could tell, so yeahyuh
and you dont see it cuz either we sneaky fucks or you dont want to
speaking of work, these fuckin ovlov covers wont learn themself but this was one of the nicest chats ive had on this shitshow in a while

>this women died in jail

So you're saying, I should learn to code?

not really, the concept of me being with a woman is completely foreign to me. i have grown so detached from this world that i don't think women or their spouses have any names.

Thank you. You were actually one of my first chats I had in weeks due to my OCD. I also did not expect to have a decent conversation on Jow Forums since I'm used to very different things from a year ago.
I need to plan the lessons for tomorrow aaaaaah. I don't want to but I need to finish it soon.

Im a potato. Seriously look at me

your a girl you know what want
im that other same fag and not dude ur talking too but nervous ticks are in this case signs of anxiety, playing with hair looking down, lip biting ect ya know? idk i guess its easy as a dude to say just go for it cuz idk your brain chem and cant wire that shit. from playing in a bunch of bands i know a bunch of dykes and some are very dominant and some (u) are very submissive and you cant change that but it doesnt mean you cant try.
ok i gotta fuck off and play my bass before i drink all my tea

Oh your a girl
Lets not talk about boring stuff.
How about I put you in a sailor moon outfit and make you limp for week

anyone got more pics/sauce of this bitch?

I see I see, thanks. Enjoy your bass my dude.

Code yourself

well im the samefag and if u wana continue this sometime after we get our shit together
im gonna regret givin my disco here but fuck it

Well I can't do private DMs on discord due to OCD so we'd have to make a group chat with only us I guess? Sounds weird I know but again, you've been the first person I chat with for weeks. I'm having a waifu pic on discord so you know who I am. Once you add me just make a group chat instead of dming me directly, thanks.

Damn no guy has ever given that to me before

sounds good ill add you and be around later i gotta get on my shit tho

Oh i'm about to get one and first thing ill do is slam her head against the side of my car, a building, or a tree when whe meet. Grab her by the throat. The rest is ez

I'd kiss her and fuck her so good she'd never want to leave
Then I'd join the military and get promoted high enough that she could live with me in on base housing (this isn't actually that hard btw) and start saving so I can leave the military with money to buy a house for us

idk how to make it a group message without adding friends, i dont want to trigger your ocd either lol so if you can set it up go for it

>All your dreams are there and the only person you need to start them doesn't exist. I used to think like you, senpai. But not anymore...
God has a dark sense of humour.