/suicide fuel/

Post depressing pics, songs, also talk about how bad you've been feeling lately and why you want to die.


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I overcame depression and I'm disrupting your thread for no good reason.

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My brain can't make up its mind.
One day I'll be moments away from blowing my brains out, and then the next day I'm feeling motivated to improve my life.
Just fucking make up your mind, like god damn.

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I just love these stories for unknown reason.

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Lol just don't be depressed bro, bee yourself

>"Eww not like that. Be yourself, but someone else entirely"

are you even trying OP
original just in case

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>first story
Why would anyone do such evil?

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My parents locked up all the sharps a while ago but I made the mistake of telling my therapist I knew the combination.
Now I don't know if I should try to break in again, buy razors somewhere, or look for another method.

Razors are like twenty cents apiece. Even if you're 8 you can dig up a quarter from somewhere.

Been struggling heaps lately with being ugly, it's really hard to accept having pretty much everyone finding you repulsive romantically and people treating you like shit even on a platonic level just because you look like a troglodyte.

song very related youtu.be/XFkzRNyygfk

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Those first two stories are fucked up

Finally getting used to being alone, but sometimes I still cling to what's left of hope and desire. In those istances I want to kms

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>tfw used to put off suicide because afraid of pain
>tfw not afraid of pain anymore

it'll be the biggest gamble i'll ever make. i hope i dont end up in hell

tfw always make the sad face, it makes me look better

The only suicide fuel i need is mobamba

Why the fuck does this make me hard?


my therapist cancelled our appointment this week cuz she's sick, will i make it to next week? who knows

Why does this music always have to have these shitty vocals?

Are you from Prague? We might share a therapist.

it fits the music, desu. it's just something you get used to, if you like the music but not the vocals eventually i think you'd warm up to it.
no i live in canada


It's not the money, it's the fact that I can't drive and my parents never let me out of their sight.

folk punk is pretty good for depressing music

this is the truest thing you'll hear this year.

The feeling keeps coming and going. I always think that I've gotten better and done things to improve. Sometimes I wonder why I wonder why I even bothered.


There are instances in which I can free myself from my doomer mentality, pick up my crumbling life and sweep the ashes away. But it tends to last only for a few hours, then I'm back to the way I was. This song helps

Other times though, I'm always peak doomer. I would've killed myself tens of times already if there weren't people to cry after me, and a dog to look after.