Has something great happened to you recently?

Tell me all about it. Joy needs company, as pathetic as that is.

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>Has something great happened to you recently?

Got my ass grabbed in a nightclub 2 weeks ago.

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I got a new dog and kinda feel happy for the first time in a year. It's a start at least.

got approached by a girl in the nightclub but rejected her cause I'm aiming for the shy art gf in my class
wish me luck anons

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Yes I have lost almost 50 pounds

was she a chub?

yeah i got a job and my crush is talking to me again

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My oneitis of 1 year became my gf 3 months ago. I've never been this happy in my entire life, makes me sad that not every person here experiences this joy

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well ask out that shy girl if she says no you can say yes to other girls
you literally can only gain long term by asking

went to my first metal concert, every bit as amazing as I imagined it to be

not even, looked pretty average, so it took me by surprise
I thought it's some scam at first, but all of my friends are mad at me and telling me I'm stupid for missing my chance. I'm standing by my ideals however

yep, my femfriends told me to do it as soon as possible, I'm doing it tommorow

I finally got painkillers that work without making me any sicker. Should be good for a few months at least.

God speed user

nice user. this is a seemingly random question, but what are your hobbies or what do you usually do with your friends? I've only gotten close to a grill once because of anime, but I don't expect that will happen again anytime soon

I got lucky in a videogame.

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eh, standard nerd fare.
>old vidya
>sometimes anime
I found that for friends common hobbies aren't too important. We all have different tastes but get along just fine. The most important thing is humor and style synergy.
But if the girl is into something you like that's definitely a plus. You need a common conversation point to get the ball rolling.

I don't know whether that still counts as recent but I got my first GF three months ago and lost my virginity. Happiest I've been in a long time

Dang thats an eyeopener, I'm exact same boat but just starting programming. So "bee yourself" isn't a meme?

I patched up a blow out I had about marrying my longtime roommate with my family over the weekend. So that's one less thing to worry about.

'Be yourself' is a meme if you're a trashcan individual. If you're a decent person who's always seeking self-improvement, 'be yourself' is fine advice.

I got employee of the quarter at my job!
...That felt really nice even if I don't think I deserve it