I want to quit my fucking McJob but I can't because my parents are poor (no NEETbux) and my goverment doesn't give a...

I want to quit my fucking McJob but I can't because my parents are poor (no NEETbux) and my goverment doesn't give a shit about poor people in general (no NEETbux)
So I'm either forced to wagecuck full time or stay homeless.
Also no college because poor and can't afford it

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There's two sides to going NEET: offense and defense. Offense is getting cash together and investing properly. Defense is controlling your spending. Sounds like you need to focus on offense at this point in time.

Lol just do all nighters under the influence of drugs that induce psychosis and the similar sort, get a mental illness then the government is forced to give you neetbux. It's like you're not even trying

do amphetamines to work and go through college.or work 80 hour work weeks and save and live very frugally.

Get a job you can enjoy and will give you a challenge
Something physical

>be 21, realise I can't sustain being a NEET much longer
>Start drinking heavily while taking painkillers
>Kidney swells and starts to fail
>Get doctors note and NEETbux is stamped off again, this time triple the amount
>Stop drinking, kidney returns to normal size and no pain
>Claim lower back pain for the next decade and live in bliss (lower back pain is almost impossible to prove you don't have especially with a history of kidney problems)
you faggots need to get some balls

One word, M I L I T A R Y

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ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!

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The quints have spoken

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I just got a chub from this post

>no college because poor and can't afford it
if you're poor college is practically free due to a variety of low interest loans and grants back by the gov't

friend of mine did that:

>be my friend
>23y old
>gets achilles tendon rupture
>shit is fucked up
>get NEETbux for it
>full recover at age 26
>29y old still on NEETbux
>he keeps saying (lie) it hurts like hell all the time
>34y old now
>they just ended up giving him a pension for life

fuck man. Now you have to

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Actual based quints post. I salute thee, user.

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Holy shit, fuck it im signing up to go die in a desert RIGHT FUCKING NOW

go to community college where you will learn real skills that will get you a job and finaid will pay for it all

lmao this
>decide I want to go to college to study accounting
>see a course for evening class once a week, perfect
>2000 dollars
>Quit job
>NEETbux team waive fees and get me on course as 'developing work skills initiative' or some bullshit program
>Start working again
>Already paid off and I don't have to quit because it's 6-9pm once a week and fits around job
checkmate government




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good job user proud of you
and fuck military

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omfg this CAN'T BE REAL

It is bro, it is

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