ITT: Post your ethnicity/race and something you do/do not do that is unusual for your race

ITT: Post your ethnicity/race and something you do/do not do that is unusual for your race

>lactose intolerant

Attached: Watkins.jpg (570x691, 51K)

Jesus fuck, I hate these stupid datamining survey threads so much.

why the hell would anyone datamine on r9k?

to test their faggot electro magnetic weapons

>big dick
I know that's not actually related to race, but people think it is so I'm posting it.

t. insecure cia bitch

your paranoia is showing, mr cia target

Black, don't rape people

>Have a (secret) big black family in another country

another bulls-eye for me. no thanks to you cia traitor faggot

>hate mayo
>not obsessed with coffee

funny enough the first girl i had sex with said word for word
>you have a pretty big dick for a white guy
in retrospect it should've been a huge red flag

oh you have a big black family, other people should too. is that right, cia bitch?

>big funk fan

Attached: OvPN4ka.jpg (304x271, 9K)

Don't reply to me schizo fag

hi cia bitch fag

>has a hot blond gf

*all this rage is cooled away*

just wait, itll be back

Yeah I think that'd probably kill the mood entirely for me. Not that I'll ever really have sex.

you can always go for non-consential sex

Honestly, I don't see the point of rape. How is it better than just masturbating? I want to be wanted, or at least feel like it. What's enjoyable about having sex with a girl who doesn't want you?

Saying nigger

ohhh bro! did you remember to get permission from your field supervisor before using the n-word????

Are you OK? What's going on man?

i know you have all my threads open to post in them, my cia stalker.

>absolutely hate pizza and refuse to eat it

Attached: sopranos_5.jpg (825x464, 69K)

>poor and bad at talking to people
>everyone in my family is also poor

>don't have a dad

Attached: lifehurtssometimes.png (1092x1037, 27K)

>Not a leftist

this is really an unforgiveable sin

it just makes me feel like a greasy pile of shit. i won't even eat the pizza my grandmother makes.

It's weird how Italian pizza is simultaneously dryer and greasier than American pizza. It's like flatbread drenched in olive oil.