Why are threads about white lineage and genetic survival moved to /b/ when Jow Forums is just /b/ without exact reposts ? How is it off topic when r9k has no topic? Why is it okay for daily LGBT propaganda threads to turn vulnerable young men into trans but one thread about white identity is not? Is there even such a thing as off topic on r9k when this board is for anything that isn't an "exact repost"? Are the mods anti-white?
I can understand moving posts like these on /v/ where it's literally off topic but it's a bit unfair to do this on Jow Forums where there's no rules against posts about white identity and there is no stated topic you have to stick to. I could post a video game thread on r9k and it wouldnt get moved to /v/ because anything that isn't an exact repost is allowed. You know this, mods, so why be unfair? Are your political biases getting in the way of your volunteer work?
>the greatest race but also the biggest victims. >The cognitive dissonance displayed here I see no such claims made by OP. I think you're the one who's "astounding".
Carter Baker
Great people can fall victim to unfair and jealous criticism and guilted into acting againt their own self interest. The only thing whites have fell victim to is white guilt and its eradicated our ability to stand up for yourselves, once you cant stand up for yourself eventually you allow yourself to be killed.
Camden Ramirez
They didn't say either of those things. Sure it's a white nationalist talking point and white nationalists do believe that retarded shit but that doesn't mean op is one of them.
Cameron Jenkins
Why do fat Jow Forumstard incels post this thread here every day?
Alexander Martinez
Because its not what you think it is. This is a program initiated by European governments themselves because Europe certain European countries havd such a low birthrate they are literally facing economic collapse if they cant increase their population through other means. There are literally not enough people to maintain the economy and even just consume. They need immigrants more than immigrants need them.
Angel Martinez
Burbank you did all the killing and raping and while other races defended them self's
White men are obsolete and exist to serve big black cock just like white women do. It is our destiny as a race to serve the superior human.
Luke Sullivan
t. actual cia field agent
Adrian Allen
Mason Hill
It's a fact that black men are better lovers than white men. That's why white women love them so much. Black men not only put white boys in their place but they also give them that same pleasure once white boys submit to their cock.
Wyatt Sanders
What's so racist about white genetic survival?
Jonathan Sullivan
okay. mr alphabet. Mommy Kristjen will let you out of your cuck cage for 10 minutes for good boy behavior.