When ever I think about gays I want to hurt someone.
Their lifestyle is so disgusting. Sodomy is so disgusting.
Why should gays be allowed to exist and/or have AIDS?
I violently hate homosexuals
I don't hate them but they are no better than pedos and beast anons and don't belong on the board due to them getting sex easier than anyone (in first world countries).
k, enjoy your mental anguish?
I hate gays now too
Not because I think fucking the same sex is some huge sin but because so many gays inject their homosexuality and agenda into everything else they do, then hypocritically complain about their ideological opponents who do the same thing
>we just want to live and let live it's not like we want to turn ur kids gay haha
It's safer and easier to just shoot them all tbdesu
>get lots of sex
>gays al whores though so end up lonely
>post on Jow Forums where you are not wanted
Enjoy yours.
And i think pickles are disgusting. The solution is just to avoid them. Believe it or not, it's fairly easy not to be too bothered by something you don't have to engage with at all. If you don't like fags, just don't think about them.
to be fair, AIDS is mostly niggers fault. combining niggers and faggots is like combining hydrogen peroxide and chloride. nothing good can possibly come out of combining niggers and amphetamines, or fags and fried chicken, or nigger hoodlum attire and faggot posh sensitivities. you get morbidly obese people being sex positive about all the nigger dicks they can fit in their vacuous assholes. you get twink gang culture. i could go on but i won't.
I get mad thinking about the existence of virgins but I allow them to exist
>get lots of sex
Jokes on you, I'm a virgin, and pol-posters like you are unwanted.
I love non-closeted gay people, lesbians can be ok but they're gross on tv and try to act too much like men with manlet syndrome and 1/100 trannies is genius tier while the rest are completely retarded faggots and pedos piggybacking on the LGBTQWERTY movement for sympathy points. Closet gays and selfhating gays are basically most "normal" retard males.
>everyone who fucks the same sex automatically has aids
>caring whether or not i choose to fuck a man or a woman that night when you wont be affected by it
4ch is honestly one of the very, very, very, few places i'll even discuss it for that reason alone, i don't want to give people that impression whatsoever. i don't approach other guys irl, i know most are straight and its much easier to live without injecting that sort of politics into your lifestyle for several reasons.
>bi/gay means you're automatically a whorish sexual deviant that'll fuck any human, can/will get laid instantly and constantly while collecting STDs before you end up suicidally lonely at 45
i'm attracted to far fewer guys than i am girls, anyway.
You are a violent homosexual.
You have AIDS from your boyfriend barebacking you nightly
I'm not a pol poster and was okay with gay generals, but it spilled over and a jannitor is biased against the group and deletes people that invade the generals despite your being allowed to invade non-relevant threads with your gay posting.
Being gay means you get sex even easier than a female. You cannot belong on a loser board such as this with no sex life, nor romance life, and the only reason gay posting would happen here is that they are lonely and socialize here. Why here though? Why here though.
>y here tho?
Pickles aren't getting shoved down children's throats
Bisexuals are worse. At least gays keep the HIV in their own community.
>Being gay means you get sex even easier than a female. You cannot belong on a loser board such as this
no? i havent been on the receiving end of harassment tier attempts for my attention, i havent been catcalled randomly or stared at lustfully, extensively. Like i said, i also don't approach other guys publicly, which effectively makes me "straight unless proven otherwise"
could i theoretically just go have a one timer with a relatively average whoever? yea probably if i wanted to bad enough. on that end of the subject, i suppose thats the most blatant difference between us, i don't put sex on a pedestal, and frankly i believe a lot of robros over-obsess about it due to never experiencing it
i dont make a habit out of posting about sex on r9k at all, contrary to what this thread may lead you to believe
bisexual guys are based, they make pozzed fags furious when they prefer women over their leaking anus.
Yes, gays are pretty disgusting, trannies are not ok either, only futa is fine, futa is straight as an arrow but unfortunately it's not real.
It sounds like your a closet homosexual who hasn't come out yet, I bet after a few drinks you would be on all fours ready to take daddy's cock :)
liking futa is for the mentally disabled
You would be fun to dominate I bet you would make a good twink, I like fucking angry twinks off of Grindr
Jow Forums is a colony of Jow Forums deal w/it
You are on the wrong board if you hate gays lol, robots like boioussy you should get your dick wet and creampie another robots boicunt
Let's be real here robots only choice is boipucci all robots are at least bisexual
What's wrong with cumming in boiholes?
You need your boiclitty locked up OP I wouldn't mind spanking your ass and giving you a facial, how big is your penis btw?
Psyopper samefag lel
consider suicide, degenerate groomer. You are the scum of the earth
i never did anything to you, learn some tolerance.
Are you just assblasted over that cocklust thread on the front page?
As long as your are a TOP fucking a bussy bottom is straight
Everyday I see evidence against this statement. Just a small handful of you who get drowned out whenever you try to post anything pol related.
>gays inject their homosexuality and agenda into everything else they do
you can be mad but it's the way they even got acceptance
people refuse to accept a silent group that doesn't fight for its rights, basic rights too
fuck off faggot 123kys
How do you change a heterosexual kid's sexual orientation?
You are disgusting. Why should I tolerate disgusting things?
There is also a social cost to your homosexual lifestyle. Consider the cost of HIV/AIDS and the other diseases you spread. Consider the social cost of being non-reproductive.
Sexuality is not determined at birth. It is a choice and can be influenced by life events, especially in childhood. This becomes very scary when you consider how the homosexual deathstyle is being promoted in public schools.
>Sexuality is not determined at birth. It is a choice and can be influenced by life events, especially in childhood.
i'm not even a lgbt shill but this is clearly not true. see david reimer's case for example.
You mean every heterosexual alive is only heterosexual because they were taught to be? Are you saying you are personally everyday choosing to be heterosexual, and if you decided to choose otherwise one day, you'd start getting aroused by men? I think you should research the hilarious failure in american history called "conversion therapy". The institutions that tried and failed to turn gay men hetero for decades, gay men who desperately wanted to be hetero and tried everything psychologically possible with the help of professionals. The conclusion was that you can't change someone sexual orientation. You can take a hetero kid, you can put him in a dress, put lipstick on him, and you can send him to school like that (please dont, bullying is a serious issue) and he'll get a crush on a girl.
Gender freaks aren't the same as fags. I don't know what's going on with them. Homosexuality is still a choice.
i kind of agree with you. Sodomy is dangerous and degenrate as fuck. Sexuality in general is degenerate and you should never be "proud" of it. Sex should only be had by consenting whites for the soul purpose of reproduction.
That's because you are selectively seeing the world through your cock addled brain.
Robots are Natsoc.
You don't change how you were raised brainlet. Easier to erase the super ego than alter the id.
I think there is a potential for at least bisexuality within most people. Just look at the Greeks and Romans.
A lot of sexuality is socially determined. Being straight is normal, being gay is an abnormality. There are some superficial benefits to homosexuality, such as not having to deal with women. We are living in a very confused society right now where women are being pressured into male roles and men are low T and cucked. I can see why homosexuality would start to become a lot more appealing now than it was in the past.
Also ex-gays are very real and just ignored by the media and jewish sexologists.
i hate people who feel like they need to announce
>i don't like thing
yes that does mean i hate myself but nice try kiddo ;^)
lmao but david was still attracted to women his sexuality was independent from his gender they were forcing on him, they couldn't force him to like men anymore than they could force him to be a woman; both were clearly determined by his birth regardless of the choices they were forcing on him
You can't effect anything when it comes to orientation.
Homosexuality being an abnormality is a very recent thing. In ancient times no one cared, and people were whatever they were. Gay people aren't made, they're born. You think there is some big new influx of gay people appearing because they couldn't get women? They were always here, just now more out in the open. This has never been an issue of society. Gays have always been there, either in hiding or in the open, and I can assure you they were not taught in childhood to be gay. If they were taught then why are most gays terrified of their family ever finding out? Who taught them? I'm bi, I was never molested or taught. You think I enjoyed it? You know why gays have such high suicide rates? Not because something was done upon their psychology, but because society taught them they should feel guilty for being born. I've had countless times as a teenager where I found myself crying and holding a knife to my dick thinking why do I have to be like this, I just want to be normal. Took me many years to realize I am normal, I have been here for hundreds of thousands of years. You can lose all faith in women, you can be as lonely as you want, but no matter how hard you try, if a naked man appeared before you offering sex, your dick wouldn't move an inch. Even if you wanted it to, because biologically you are hetero. And about those ex-gays, can you give me some examples? You see a world where gay people are multiplying like cockroaches, taking over, and turning people gay. From the other side of the fence I can promise you that if most of the gay people you've seen on tv or the internet or irl could press a button and turn hetero, they would. Most the gay and bi people I know would. People can feel hate at gays, disgusts at gays, or even pity, but a hetero will never be able to comprehend >tfw gay. It's the hardest pill for most people to swallow.
>Robots are Natsoc.
Provide proof. Maybe an authentic statistic in numbers. I'd like to see this. Or is this just more "i am pol, i am pol" grug level npc thinking.
There are no statistics you sperg, do you think there are people surveying robots and compiling this data?
It's called not being a newfag.
This thread is dumb and so are you. Why would I choose to be a lesbian?
Because modern men are low T and cucked.
>There are no statistics you sperg,
So you're talking out of your ass?
>do you think there are people surveying robots and compiling this data?
He doesn't know...
>It's called not being a newfag.
Appeal to authority, but if that's what you value, I've been here since 04, now suck my dick or fuck off.
That's fucking stupid, at least pretend you're not reading off a script.
Pol is just a colony of reddit so it's all awful
>I can promise you that if most of the gay people you've seen on tv or the internet or irl could press a button and turn hetero, they would. Most the gay and bi people I know would
many (most?) of tranners wouldn't btw
How is that appealing to authority? I am simply pointing out that anyone who spends any amount of time here easily observes that I'm right.
And yes I'm aware of the glow in the dark niggers compiling data but that is not available to the public so it isn't relevant.
>I've been here since 04
No you haven't
>No you haven't
You've lost all value as a brain to engage with. You are dirt.
The reason gays are pushing their agenda onto everything they do is because if they all let it slide under the rug, homosexuality would be just as taboo as it was hundreds of years ago. We all want to be accepted and loved. Remember, straights perform sodomy, too.
If we executed anyone that we see to be an abomination, then we could easily make the argument that /you/ should be executed for some other subjective reason that other's see fit. This poses a contradiction because you want to survive, too. The only solution is to accept all variations of people and brain formations without condemnation.
I was watching a documentary where some place actually encourages transexuals to be free with their identity, because its a social symbol of noble status. This also alleviates some of the worry on OP's part because the argument here is that one's beliefs are shaped on one's current culture and society.
Be easy, OP. There must be something about them that unsettles you. Is it because you don't like change, people that are different or see the world differently?
why am i required to tolerate dudes that suck other dude's dicks? how does partaking in disgusting sexual behavior behavior imply someone is anything more than a perverted reprobate?
>why am i required to tolerate dudes that suck other dude's dicks?
why am i required to tolerate you? you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
You stick you dick in the slit of a women who pisses through same slit. That is gross, too. Remember, it's all subjective. Just because /you/ find it gross, that doesn't render it worthy of death, prosecution or the like.
>mfw you run away after being owned by logic and facts
Post statistics proving you have.
Most trannies I know hate their condition.
user, that's not how...
I'm not sure how to translate your response, so I'll...
>Homosexuality being an abnormality is a very recent thing.
Yes, it's an enforced norm that came with Christianity. Condemnation of homosexuality is a core part of having a functioning civilization. Before that most people practiced bisexuality and it was degenerate.
>You think there is some big new influx of gay people appearing because they couldn't get women?
Yes, have you ever heard the term "prison gay?"
>I'm bi, I was never molested or taught.
Many if not most people probably are, or at least have the potential to be. It's important that we suppress bisexuality and homosexuality because of their negative consequences.
>I've had countless times as a teenager where I found myself crying and holding a knife to my dick thinking why do I have to be like this, I just want to be normal.
Chill out dude if you're bi you can just choose to act hetero and only have sex with women. I'm technically bi too but I suppress the gay part of me because it's degenerate. It's really not hard.
>You can lose all faith in women, you can be as lonely as you want, but no matter how hard you try, if a naked man appeared before you offering sex, your dick wouldn't move an inch.
I'm not a good example because as I already said I'm technically bi. But for most men, if all women disappeared from the earth tomorrow, how many formerly straight men do you think would engage in homosexual sex or relationships? I think it would be quite a few.
>And about those ex-gays, can you give me some examples?
There's plenty of testimony online, just look it up. They probably can't get rid of the gay completely but plenty have successful relationships with women.
>You see a world where gay people are multiplying like cockroaches, taking over, and turning people gay.
That's an absurd caricature of what I said. I see a world where degeneracy, which is a potential within all of us, spreads as a result of being actively promoted in the media and schools.
I don't hate faggots, but i do hate sjw's and the Lgbt community. You shouldn't confuse the two.
Alright retard lets absolutely destroy you intellectually using your own logic.
>Robots are Natsoc
You're lying, you don't even believe that
>It's called not being a newfag.
You're lying, you've been here for one week
> I am simply pointing out that anyone who spends any amount of time here easily observes that I'm right.
You're lying.
I now claim my victory.
The faggot cries out in pain as he strikes you. No matter how much you deny blatant truths and proclaim your falsehoods in their place, it is clear to everyone that this is a Natsoc board and you pinkpill psyop fags are outsiders.
People are not as dumb as you think, your manipulations might work on paper but in reality people don't buy it. This is why far left media faced massive layoffs and Trump won the presidency.
>You shouldn't confuse the two.
The guys that do are all guaranteed to be in the closet and/or prison gay anyway.
because doing cute things with cute girls is very cute and boys are not
>Condemnation of homosexuality is a core part of having a functioning civilization.
So all human civilizations pre-christian europe weren't functioning? Sumer, the first civilization, which treated gays no differently than anyone else, wasn't functioning?
>Before that most people practiced bisexuality and it was degenerate.
Seemed to work wonders for the Spartans. Was actually a core part of their system and they outshone all their neighbors.
>Yes, have you ever heard the term "prison gay?"
Yes, prison being the main part.
>Many if not most people probably are, or at least have the potential to be.
This is bullshit that science and human observation doesn't agree with, and of course you follow up with...
>It's important that we suppress bisexuality and homosexuality because of their negative consequences.
Nice, so am I dealing with bullshit rhetoric that even you don't believe just to push a fearmongering agenda that ultimately damages society more than homosexuality ever will? You can't suppress what my dick gets hard to, you tried, and now you're getting a huge backlash by the most psychotic and hateful of us allover your nation.
>Chill out dude if you're bi you can just choose to act hetero and only have sex with women. I'm technically bi too but I suppress the gay part of me because it's degenerate. It's really not hard.
You suppress who you are? That's unhealthy. Choosing ideals based on imaginations over nature, you aren't helping anyone but hurting yourself. Which in turn hurts others because society needs healthy people to function.
>if all women disappeared from the earth tomorrow, how many formerly straight men do you think would engage in homosexual sex or relationships? I think it would be quite a few.
And if the women reappeared they'd never look at another man again.
>hey probably can't get rid of the gay completely but plenty have successful relationships with women.
So their entire lives are charade? A forced act to fit in because they've been brainwashed by society? How horrifying.
>I see a world where degeneracy, which is a potential within all of us, spreads as a result of being actively promoted in the media and schools.
What is degeneracy?
> it is clear to everyone that this is a Natsoc board and you pinkpill psyop fags are outsiders.
>This is why far left media faced massive layoffs and Trump won the presidency.
more lies
the real question is why do you think about dudes sucking eachother off so much; frankly unless someone's trying to suck your dick specifically, you probably shouldn't be as invested in this as you are
theres a part here i feel like i'm missing, and its mostly related to how you ended up understanding you were bi by the time you were breaking down about it as a teenager. i suppose i was lucky enough to go through my youth without giving a shit about orientation. ive always been able to play the game as straight and still do, simply because it shouldn't be that much of an issue to other people if they're not actively around me; not to mention the extremist reactions some people give out about these things, it's much more simple to just not even bring it up.
dude there was a number of hints so to speak through my youth i should have picked up on, but just didn't care about. i don't believe there's anything wrong with it nor that there's any inherent 'negative consequences'. things like this come down to people being responsible and respectful to eachother
As early as I can remember liking people I liked both boys and girls. Had crushes on both, fapped to both before the age of 10. Fantasized about relationships with both. It was a big deal when I was a teenager because I felt ashamed and broken, like a broken human being. That's what I was taught where I grew up, the kind of place where if you even hint at being gay you get your ass beat..
>So all human civilizations pre-christian europe weren't functioning?
They weren't nice places to live. The catholic church, directly or indirectly, created good about the modern world.
>Seemed to work wonders for the Spartans.
Pederasty seemed to worked wonders for them as well. Which is the inevitable consequence of "sexual liberation"
>Yes, prison being the main part.
Yes, the most antisocial members of our society exhibit bisexual behavior. That says something, doesn't it?
>This is bullshit that science and human observation doesn't agree with, and of course you follow up with...
You gave examples of societies where bisexuality is the norm. Surely that constitutes evidence that there is a potential for bisexuality within most people.
>Nice, so am I dealing with bullshit rhetoric that even you don't believe just to push a fearmongering agenda that ultimately damages society more than homosexuality ever will?
What exactly do you think I don't believe?
>You suppress who you are? That's unhealthy.
No, it's perfectly healthy to suppress your desire to engage in unhealthy behavior. It's like a craving for junk food.
>Choosing ideals based on imaginations over nature
All great things are built on ideals, without ideals we would still be hunter-gatherers.
>What is degeneracy?
Child molestation, spreading disease, non-reproduction, antisocial behavior. All of these things are associated with homosexuality.
>>What is degeneracy?
>Child molestation, spreading disease, non-reproduction, antisocial behavior.
so fapping and blow jobs make you angery as well?
Masturbation is bad. Blowjobs are fine within the context of a monogamous heterosexual relationship.
what about monogamous heterosexual relationships where the couple uses contraception or get operations to prevent reproduction? separately, what about heterosexual couples where one person is, through no action of their own, sterile or otherwise incapable of reproduction? assuming they knew about their infertility or complications before marriage.
Futa isn't straight you fucking faggot, stop lying to yourself.
>what about monogamous heterosexual relationships where the couple uses contraception or get operations to prevent reproduction?
That's bad.
>separately, what about heterosexual couples where one person is, through no action of their own, sterile or otherwise incapable of reproduction?
That's unfortunate but nothing can be done.
Nobody responded to this? Wow, K.
>That's unfortunate but nothing can be done.
well the fertile partner can choose to marry someone else. wouldn't you blame them for making the choice to marry someone who is infertile?
>Be gay
>Be protected class
>Start shit with people for no reason other than abusing your gay privilege to get a rise out of people
>Don't understand why people hate you
You have a point. I'm now against infertile marriage too.
good for you! i hope you put some time and effort into speaking out about contraception in marriage and infertile marriage, or divorce for crying out loud because almost no one dares speak out about these issues. they are far too close to home for most people who claim to have convictions, as they wouldn't want to offend anyone we actually know.
>They weren't nice places to live
Based on what? Different cultures built different systems. I can argue that being a roman citizen 1 ad was a far better life than being an english citizen 1800 ad. And the modern world is far from good, to be clear.
>Pederasty seemed to worked wonders for them as well. Which is the inevitable consequence of "sexual liberation"
Though I envision you to garner no notion that I am in support of pederasty, purely objectively speaking, if it worked for them and made their nation prosper, is it a bad thing? Maybe it was good for them but bad for us, but can you prove this? You clearly state that it worked wonders for a nation but in the same breath say it is unhealthy for a nation. It makes me question your views on homosexuality altogether, how is it bad?
>Yes, the most antisocial members of our society exhibit bisexual behavior. That says something, doesn't it?
That our society has ostracized, shunned them, and threatened them since birth and now they've developed into anti-social adults?
>What exactly do you think I don't believe?
It's unclear whether you believe orientation is a choice or argue for that view for an ulterior motive.
>No, it's perfectly healthy to suppress your desire to engage in unhealthy behavior. It's like a craving for junk food.
In what ways, inherently, are homosexuality unhealthy?
>All great things are built on ideals, without ideals we would still be hunter-gatherers.
All terrible things are built on ideals also. I'd rather we view the world honestly with observance and reason. Also, it was not ideals that led us away from being hunter gatherers, it was natural factors occurring at opportune times and our ancestors reasoning out of necessity. There was no revolution, or invention, but a slow growth in that direction.
>All of these things are associated with homosexuality.
Associated, yes. Rightfully? No.
I think they're just trying to point out that women don't pee from there...
There's a separate hole just for pee.
why is not reproducing considered a bad thing?
I'm old enough to know I was not raised as a protected class. The kids today are luckier, and if you would pay attention, or have a memory span longer than a goldfish, you'd recall that it was the homophobic op who started shit to get a rise out of people.
I don't love the gays or anything, but you're what's wrong with the world. Mind your own fucking business. If people want to do something that doesn't directly affect other people, then they should be able to. This includes being a homo, doing drugs, and being a NEET.
Based OP. The faggots are next in line after the chads and roasties during the beta uprising.
hating it doesn't mean wanting to get rid of it
it's like with life, you may hate it but do you want to commit suicide?
Yeah this if anyone can explain.
Because I can think of plenty reasons why opting out of child-rearing could be a good thing, and why some individuals just really, really shouldn't reproduce.
Is there anything more cucked than GIVING precious seconds of your very short life up to a group of people you don't like? I mean jeez user you'd be more productive cleaning Tyrone's muscle milk out of your >girlfriend's Arby's combo meal of a pussy
No we're not. Fuck off, bootlicker.
Well the whole trans thing overly complicated. It isn't as simple or understood as homosexuality, bisexuality, and heterosexuality. I know trannies who go on and off hrt because they can't make up their minds, I know trannies who are hetero and just want to look pretty but fuck women, I know trannies who have told me they wish they weren't trannies, and sadly, I know people who have been coerced into considering transitioning. I also know trannies that are happy to with their choice and will defend it is how they are perfectly supposed to be. The problem is, the latter are the rarest to find. And as today I am completely fine with my bisexuality, and wouldn't want it ever changed like I did in the past, I'm sure at one point or another even those trannies thought of life being their born gender would be better. Also, I should mention, I know trannies who don't transition, drink a lot, do hard drugs, and attempted suicide well into their adult life because they can't accept their condition. Reality, the universe, is confusing enough. Most people spend their whole lives trying to figure out who they are let alone their purpose. Then you have a society that doesn't even allow a part of it's population to do that.
There is no such thing as "sexuality" There are normal reproductive humans and deviant faggots. Every crossdresser is GAY
I, along with the rest of the world, have observed repeatedly a different reality than that hypothesis of yours.
Bandwagoning is not an argument.