I ordered a prostitute

This is to catalogue the experience, and share it so I might hear somebody elses thoughts.

I ordered an escort (pic related), paid her 60 euro for an hour and transport, plus 65 more for extras (condomless blowjob + deepthroat +facial). I'm a 20yr old Porn addict, so I couldn't just have regular sex.

she arrives,I heard she had a chat with the floor below neighbours on the elevator (great, I wonder if rumours will spread).We greet each other, exchange names, have a cig and talk about prices,have a short chat, she is polite enough.

She gets undressed, She's Chubbier than her pics, but that's par of the course, I like her though, feminine enough, I undress, tells me I've got a big cock, I doubt her honesty ofc, although it did hurt her when I inserted too quickly.

We get going with missionary, I try to savour every moment of it, go slow, not in any hurry to come, Change positions some times, quite often really, I want to enjoy every angle of her, plus actual sex is uncomfortable for an overweight NEET (or just in general?)

I keep on going this way for about 20-25 minutes, she keep asking me when am I gonna finish, I tell her when I want to, she starts getting testy about me lasting too long, my mood sours and I start going Limp.

I had drank maybe 3 glasses of gin, and I take an antidepressant which makes it harder to come, which probably didn't help.

We try to get my little guy up, but she is impatient, I tell her that I paid for an hour, and we agreed on coming 2 times, one of them a facial. She argues that she expected me to last 5 minutes, and that this is not the way it works, talks to me from a position of power, a bit like I'm a naive child. Of course there's no semblance of a boner left at this point.

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She asks me If I've ever been with an escort before, I tell her yeah and the girls kept to their time commitment, She explains to me she's with an Agency and used to work in the country's capital, she's got a Boss and she doesn't make the rules, he takes a 50% cut, and there's 2 bodyguards waiting in the car below. I ask her why she doesn't do freelance work, is it dangerous?
She tells me stories of being locked in hotel rooms, having a gun pulled on her etc.

We talk for a while, understand each other, tells me she's sorry about the situation, but she doesn't decide her Modus operandi, She seems honest, tells me she's going to make it up to me, to call her on a later date,go to her place, pay just for the hour and I'll get the extras I paid her for.

I bid her farewell and she leaves.

Dunno, the whole thing turned me off quite a bit, couldn't fulfill my fantasies of sexually objectifying a woman.
And I don't know If I should now, sex must get boring after a while, after desensitization to the same stimuli.
And after compromising with what she was comfortable with, her dos and don'ts, I see her as a person?
which then collapses my entire fantasy.

What do? take her up on her offer?
or give up on this whole hedonism thing, attempt to find a true intimate relationship with someone and probably have my confidence go through the meat grinder?

look at it this way, it'll be a great story to tell your grandkids

>pay for an HOUR
>she starts getting testy after 5 minutes
What the fuck do they expect?

>gun held to her head
This is where the story goes into fantasy land


>She talks to me from a position of power, a bit like I'm a naive child. Of course there's no semblance of a boner left at this
This is why I would never get a hooker

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Should have asked to talk to her manager bro.
Since it's an agency so legal shit you can even ask for a refund.
As a customer, all this is UNACCEPTABLE.

Also leave a negative review online.

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im glad i never fell for the 'just fuck a hooker' meme. everything about it just disgusts me. it's just totally empty

not really sure how legal the "agency" was.Not quite sure of prostitution's legality in my eastern bloc country

where did you even find her?
and if you're in eastern europe you got massively ripped off btw

thanks for the laugh user. how long did ths story take for you to come up with?

on the biggest escort website I know, The city I'm at is quite cosmopolitan, a lot of foreign people around,like me.

What about it makes it seem made up?

>The city I'm at is quite cosmopolitan, a lot of foreign people around,like me.
then maybe their service is catering mainly to westerners hence the awful rates and service

Try freelancers or shadier stuff, maybe you can afford "long time" so you can have fun all night

>there's 2 bodyguards waiting in the car below

Your dumb ass really believed that?

yes, do you think the entire thing might have been a con?
that'd suck balls, big balls.

For real tho, I don't think I'm that gullible

she probably said that because she thought you were a serial killer lmao. i don't think prostitutes have entourages though they ought to have people who know where they are and when they ought to be finished.

Consider what you paid and the economics of it between 3 people, one of whom has to suck cock. It doesn't work out.

Whores tell sob stories and threats to get your money.

For next time, I suggest:

1. Find the local whore review site and check for feedback before purchase.
2. Don't fall for tall tales
3. Negotiate up front that you want an hour no matter what.
4. BJ without condom is not safe. Pissing barbed fire is not fun.

I think the two bodyguards was most certainly a meme. Do you really think her pimp cares enough if she gets hurt on the job to have to pay 2 extra bodyguards to go with her every time ?

Bro can i ask you a question how do you last this long i have a problem i don't even last for 1 min while jerking off ,1 min when I'm jerking how short is it gonna be when im having real sex so what should i do to last longer

Performance anxiety probably carries you a bit of the way user. But I have no clue and I'm in the same boat as you.

put a condom on, works wonders

okay, I might have paraphrased, she didn't say bodyguards, just that there would be someone in car below, and I doubt they waited for the entire duration,or if it is even typical, she called before going to ask if they were still there waiting, must've just been the pimp's private Cab and muscle, isn't that probable?

I take antidepressants which make it harder to come, I'd drunk alcohol which might make your dick limp, but helps you last, And I've spent the last month having several wanking sessions, edging for hours, coming multiple times, probably just extremely desensitized at this point, Masturbating with an Iron grip most likely lowers the pleasure from vaginal sex.

plus that

It's harder to maintain a boner with a condom on, especially the time between when you get it on to when you stick it in

>okay, I might have paraphrased, she didn't say bodyguards, just that there would be someone in car below, and I doubt they waited for the entire duration,or if it is even typical, she called before going to ask if they were still there waiting, must've just been the pimp's private Cab and muscle, isn't that probable?
what? her saying that there were two bodyguards waiting for her in the car makes perfect sense and sounds exactly like something a hooker would say for security reasons. just a lie that she would tell a customer. hookers say things like that it's just part of their profession. saying that she told you there were two bodyguards waiting in the car, specifically, then revising that statement and asking if your revised statement sounds
makes you sound like a larper though.

that's true, but I don't really trust my memory of what she said, I'm not quite sober right now, and I'm really trying not to believe that i've been made a fool.

what would be fullfilling for you?

I am with this user. Op lost me right there.

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Thx for your help anons

I guess I was arguing against her having Conned me, altering my own prior statement to make it more believable to anons/myself?
I dunno, when the guys said the whole bodyguard thing was probably a ploy, My paranoia flared up, so I just needed to better rationalize the fact I spent almost half of my monthly allowance on a sub-par experience, and to avoid thinking that I'm a schmuck.

And well it worked, I'm convinced there must have been someone below, prostituting can't be safe

well there you go then
>wasting money on the biological jew

Btw I am not anti semite I just think it's a funny meme with year something x jew

is this girl in the picture asian or white?

>paid her 60 euro for an hour and transport
damn i'd pay double for that in germany

Have had similar experiences with hookers but I've found one recently that is really good. She knows I have similar issues with my dick so she takes things really slow and rubs up against me a lot while we chat. I end up getting a nice cuddle by the end of it as well. I might not cum but it fulfills my need for human connection.

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I find the explanation oddly wholesome, i like you user
yeah but you'll also get paid 2.5x+ of the wages here
I honestly don't really care that much about coming, it's that intimacy I want, and to have brain stimulated by a real live homo sapiens

FaceandLMS is strong on this one.

Which country are you from?

who? what?

I'm a Greek studying in beautiful Bulgaria.