Why do faggots always win wars, r9k?

Why do faggots always win wars, r9k?

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Because yall dixie niggers are weak af s o i boys lmao

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Remember when everyone was busting a gut over this flag? Fucking lmao.

i agree, we should have left the south leave peacefully. it would have solved so many problems.

Eurofag here, I play confederate songs on my guitar exclusively

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What do you mean? They generally lose them. Look at your pic

>poor white Southerners literally fought so rich white Southerners could keep their cheap labor
>got told if they'd volunteer, it would be for one year and they'd be free of their service
>one year later, they go to leave to go back home to tend to their crops
>are forced to stay in and anyone leaving would be executed for being a deserter
>then all white Southerners get conscripted
>but white Southerners who owned 25+ slaves were except

Fucking el-oh-eh

The North were the aggressors.. Lincoln didn't want his legacy to be the president that allowed the union to split.

>be normal person with a horrific laceration
>oh god i'm going to die

>be faggot with a horrific laceration
>uwu i have a new boy pussy OH YEAH this is so hot and erotic i need to beat off RIGHT NOW now i don't have to worry about retirement

is this a 30 something woman flipping off a teenage boy

the confederate flag controversy was a harbringer of things to come

Potens, too rare for this board

The south will rise again you niggers. Abolishing slavery hurt the free nigger market

i don't care who the aggressors were, i just want southerners to go away

How about YOU go away,faggot.

>The south will rise again

You've been saying that for 154 years and counting, Cletus

>The south will rise again!!!
>I-I swear i-it will work this time!!
>What do you mean its been 150 years?
>What do you mean most of our population is 300lbs+ mutts that cant even walk, let alone fight??

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please break away from the union again, we wont stop you this time, we really don't want anything to do with you

Just you fucking wait. As soon as I am done with mt military service I will lead the south away from the north,and then conquer the north as my own.

Almost fully replaced by Northerners
>North Carolina
Hipster stronghold
Literally Atlanta and the suburbs. Capitol of black culture in America
Hispanics and Northern transplants
Majority Mexican and on its way to being California 2.0

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if you took South Carolina, Bama, Mississippi, and Arkansas and fucked off

The leaders of this country would mind... Considering how a ton of the medical, military, and space research is done in the south. Not to mention some of the most important ports in the nation. Too much money on the table to let the south secede. Without the Yankees bothering us we would just still the ocean dry of oil and become rich as fucking shit while having being number one in the world in space and medical communities. You also have the issue that the nation's most important logistics companies are in the south because it's the optimal route for shipping in the nation. Yeah... Your leaders don't want us to split.

good luck getting past the wall we will build hahaha

nice pipe dream, jimbob

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>wanted to keep niggers as pets
fuck you faggots

Dont make us come down there

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because good always win

Same reason niggers are only good at brawls rather than actually killing. Less evolved. Low IQ. The rednecks are just as sub-human as the niggers.

What if he just punched her here?

Hate crime and goes to prison for decades.

The South has never fully recovered from the war and blacks have never fully recovered from slavery.

Too many blacks in Mississippi and Alabama for the South to rise again there. There were already a ton of blacks there the first time the South rose but they were all slaves.

Too bad the South left aggressively.
Pretty sure the South attacked a federal fort.

Practically just southern Ohio
>West Virginia
I actually feel bad for that state. Give it to Ohio for shits and giggles.

yeah, no. confederacy attacked first and reaped what they sowed.
william tecumseh sherman, do it again.