*blocks your path*

>*blocks your path*
>"Oye whiteboi, you're not leaving till you make me cum"

What do?

Attached: 000143F.jpg (1000x828, 167K)

Grab some dental and blindfold her, then run away.

Attached: Cat.png (597x799, 586K)

make her cum twice then impregnate her

that pussy looks meaty and juicy

>Looks like daddy's going to work

Attached: Nice.jpg (269x188, 5K)

"I already paid my seminal reparations, what the fuck else do you want?"

Kill the nigger whore

>She's talking to brother Chad behind me

Attached: 1518209914431.jpg (750x711, 691K)

>the nigger whore

Looks jungle asian to me

Why are Latinas so fertile and luscious?

it's in the genes

Attached: First Date.jpg (256x610, 34K)

Made for babymaking

Latinas were bred for bwc

>"Oye whiteboi, you're not leaving till you make me cum"
fair enough

Attached: iasked4this.png (254x254, 138K)

>had a threesome with two latinas
>literally both got pregnant from that one time

fucked my fucking life up because my stupid dick

i say you assume the kids and get them both to marry and live with you, not even chads have two wives

US, can't marry twice. Can't marry twice in their country either.

fuck.. so much for the land of the free

Fuck her shitter til she comes

God among men. Good job.

What about dual domestic partnership?

I'm so turned off by this body type. Flabby stomach and no hips.

Polygamy is legal in Utah as of 6 years ago

If I can't marry them then them coming over to live isn't easy, let alone citizenship. The kids could but their moms aren't going to just give them up. I could go live there with them but that would mean just giving up my life here to go there.

I don't believe that works for the purpose of gaining citizenship though.

>fuck you roastie
>punch her in the gut
>curbstomp her
serves you right for trying to give me chlymidia