>everything about women is aesthetically pleasing
>except the vagina
what did god mean by this?
>everything about women is aesthetically pleasing
>except the vagina
what did god mean by this?
I hate that girls can say "ew dicks are gross looking, I only like my boyfriend's because it's attached to him" but whenever a guy points out the obvious fact that vaginas are only slightly less gross than assholes he gets called a fag.
Nature designed them with hair, so you don't really see the grossness.
This legit turned me into a fag. Dicks looks nice if taken good care off (normal personal hygiene) but vaginas really fucking gross me out for some reason.
I like the way vaginas look desu. I like to see the little wet pink hole inside, it's as small as a drop of water, I just want it to hug my dick. It fascinated me to see a naked woman and it looks like nothing is between her legs.
But yeah some vaginas are ugly as fuck.
But the hair is even grosser...
No, it's not. That's just something you've been brainwashed to like thanks to the porn industry. Like to think mutilated penises are normal looking.
maybe if we found it too aesthetically pleasing we would be afraid to ruin it by sticking our dick in there.
Cause it is pleasing to different senses
I think you're just gay. Body hair is masculine and always will be.
You were gay all along, faggot.
That's why women have hair on their arms, legs, underarms, assholes (sometimes), and pussies.
Penises are cute as heck though.
Even unshaven they're cute.
Men are lucky.
Yeah, those are manly women.
>Body hair is masculine
So why did nature saw fit to give women pubic hair, genius?
Ser u l8er Jesus loving alig8er
I was in a heterosexual relationship for 10 years until I realized I'm gay, nigger
"Cute" is literally the last thing anyone would say about my dick.
It gets cold. Sacrifices must be made.
eh, i felt the same before, OP, but really it's just that there are bad looking genitalia and there's good looking genitalia from both sexes
That proves nothing.
You're really fucking stupid. I'm not trying to insult you, just stating the truth based on your last statement.
my boyfriend thinks my vagina is ugly and wont touch it
should i break up with him or is it not a good enough reason?
Pornified virgin
You aren't supposed to be looking at her vagina, faggot.
Because you're a dude and refuse to accept you have some weird tentacle hanging off of you.
Ha ha.
Unless your vagina has teeth, your boyfriend is a queer.
Your bf is gay, love.
he's unironically super into traps and recently told me it's not cheating if he fucks one
that's not what a typical vagina looks like. if they all looked like this we could agree they're very appealing.
literally a homosexual, but also probably a fabricated story.
your priorities are literally backwards
would love to have your problem to be quite honest
our sex consists entirely of me giving him oral and indulging in his specific fetishes
It's a fairly new relationship, which is why im questioning whether to stay in it or not.
What is wrong with you? Every day I am utterly disgusted by the fact I have a dick. I'm not a tranny or anything but I have this disgusting extra appendage and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it and I'm not about to open a wound in myself.
Vaginas are pretty cool though
It's made to feel good not look good
Young vaginas look good(no pedo)
You're a pre-op tranny.
Both my ex and gf's pussies look very similar to this, so maybe I've just gotten lucky. I still find vaginas with prominent labia attractive unless they're super wrinkly, huge, roast-beefy.
thats a nice one but it looks like its too far up, is it a post op?