Confession: My sister showed my her pussy when I was a kid.
Confession: My sister showed my her pussy when I was a kid
I swallowed my friends cum and let him fuck my bussy
how old were u both????????
If you liked it congrats if not shit happens
did u show her ur duck?
She was 16 I was 10. It fucked me up, I felt violated.
>She was 16 I was 10
Imagine the smell imagine it.
arbys probably
coins and milk...
More details. Did she want you to touch it?
same for me.
i was in kindergarten
i saw my sister running naked around the house when she was 3.
I was playing card games on the floor with a female friend when I was around 10 years old, she had a dress on only, so I could see right up her crotch when she was sitting down.
Didn't tell her, just enjoyed the view.
>tfw sister did the same thing to me when I was 10 and she 13
>made me lick it
it fucked me up too but I'm loving it OP
We never made a big deal about that in my family, I saw my sister naked body almost every time she took a shower
Storytime please dear user
fucked my ex gf's mom more than i fucked her.
got drunk with step sister once and she admitted she would totally fuck me if it wasn't for the whole step thing.
Even though this is all bullshit, you faggots can't just say this happened with so few details
At the very least, we need context along with a vivid and colorful description of the vagina
Damn same with gf's mom, though only more because after me and gf split me and her mom stayed together so got to keep banging her.
1st part
>before tindr there was okcupid
>meet hispanic chick about 18ish
>on our first date thing the mom comes out to greet me and takes my number
>no father figure
>her mom is roughly low 30s?
>end up hitting it off with girl and fucking around 3rd date
>suddenly her mom starts taking more of an interest in me
>show up early to pick her up a handful of times
>have really good conversation with her mom
>mom is banging like basically ex gf but bigger boobs more hips and mature
>end up breaking it off with girl cause she's dull as fuck
>like a month later the mom hits me up 'on accident'
>talk for a long time and setup a date
>end up at her place to pick her up with ex gf is in class
>conversation turns sexual and i'm deep in her in 2 hours later
>she makes me some food after
>continue this throughout an entire semester
>100% this woman was turned on by the fact I was younger and possibly her daughters ex
>gained weight from all the torillas and food she gave me
>cut off the relationship because she wants to make it out in open
>nope the fuck out of there
2nd part
thats really all there is to that. have a super awkward relationship with my step sister now. also she has a kid and a husband so lol
If you're still around, two questions, assuming this isn't your own erotic fantasy
>what kind of food did she make you?
>why are you on this board?
I didn't greentext because that's all there was to it, or at least that's all I can remember.
my cousin did the same thing.
When I was about 18 and sister was about 13, I walked in on my mom and sister talking. Sister was topless. They both act completely casual like nothing unusual is going on. I ask mom about whatever I walked in there for, but I'm pretty flustered and I'm sure it's completely obvious. Walk out and we never speak of this encounter.
Mostly home made tortillas and beans. quesadillas, soup and other traditional mexican food.
>why are you on this board
I have been browsing Jow Forums for so long I dont know how to leave. you're trapped here forever. also never really stopped being a social retard, just moments of sorta normieness