Got my boihole creampied

>Got my boihole creampied

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what does it feel like? warm?

Curious too, op deliver

I wonder this as well
I've cum in a girl's ass before but I don't know what it feels like

not him but my ex used to cum inside me and it feels warm although the feeling goes away in a second

bad size is you have to poop it out minutes after and your rectum does embarrassing noises also it feels pretty wrong to do that since your sperm could generate life and you're literally getting excited to have it fill your rectum, the place where feces come out

I do the creampieing

this is the closest to wholesome this board can get

What are you a clown? The whole fucking point of a creampie is that it hits your face in a comedic fashion, you're just being gay for no reason. Would you sully a perfectly good cheesecake for the sake of satisfying some pre-conceived notion that tainting food is sexy? Lord hope not. I bet the only thing you like about chocolate cake is that its full of fudge!

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>also it feels pretty wrong to do that since your sperm could generate life
do you even masturbate bro

in any way i call bs, some experts on lolg told me that you cannot feel when you are cummed inside except for the dick twitching

you also browse lolg?[/spoiler]![/spoiler]

used to back then
i also seen it confirmed on /lgbt/ btw

back when?
I swear lolg was having this exact conversation last month

Is this post the power of the 3rd iq digit? How can you write these thoughts

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Not him, but it varies depending on the person. Some people can feel it and some feel nothing.

more than a year ago
apparently it's a repeating conversation there lol

Jow Forums is gay af

well but I was cummed into that's just a fact
masturbating is entirely different since you're doing it on a napkin or toilet paper, and not on the insides of a male
but I also feel weird masturbating

cum serves dual purpose
it can be used to kickstart life or to claim someone
impregnating a women does both obviously but even if a guy cums in something that can't doesn't/can't get pregnant he's still claiming it as his own
>t ive cummed inside things before

I have a 20yo bf off grindr and he looks 16. I'm 23 and look 18 or 19. He tops me and I succ him. I woke up the night before last at 5am and we were in our underwear spooning. I was little spoon and his leg was wrapped around me. Pure fucking bliss. I was khhv still 23.

that's just how you feel about it
and I'm not trying to change it or anything, I just want to solve this conflict that I feel everytime I jack off or think about my future life with somebody of the same sex

I guarantee you the guy who was cumming in you was thinking about it the same way

you post this shit often op

I understand... and that is his ways of viewing it. It was such a long time ago it doesn't even matter anymore. Trying to find a gay partner that could possibly understand this and start not putting so much important in sex anymore is another big frustration that I don't really want to bother with as of now, since I barely leave the indoors

w-why is cum so hot? mouth, boipussy or anywhere else, its so hot

Tfw posted my butt and talked lewdly with males and jerked off to the thought of being creampied

>my fetish is to be breed
>got new pantyhoes
>show em off
>get called girl and stuff
>super hard
>dress up for males
>want them to call me weak and bully my dick

Fuck...i want to have a handsfree orgasm while males pump me full of cum

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God truly loves cruel jokes you would have been a perfect girl.

>mfw I'll never be able to make another bot feel good

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I hate gays and I want to kill you so much.
It fucking hurts me mentally to know you exist.

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fuck life :-:

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>tfw need a cuteboi to creampie

Why can't I find a pent up qt like this and fuck the boy out of them

f-fuck the boy out of me then !

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I wonder which is the superior being - the one that gets massively, all-consumingly buttfrustrated by the mere existence of gays or the one who can take advantage of the opportunity they create.

You're not alone user, there's nothing i hate more than myself.

>f-fuck the boy out of me then !
I would if you were fem and lived anywhere near me but it's likely neither of those are the case.

b-but if im...j-just stick it inside and try it !

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b-but if im...j-just stick it inside and try it !
I'll take that as a no then.

Can you actually find a bf on grindr?

Ah, boihole: a new term for me to filter. Thanks alot op, and remember to kill yourself faggot.

>tfw will never be breed

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Why is this website so fucking gay

Show pooper you slut

means pretty much that being gay isn't that great if a plenty of them come to the site for losers



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It was gonna be fwb but he wanted to be my bf the day after we met and fucked at his grandma's house

>even a homosexual, arguably one of the biggest NPCs out there, recognizes how perverted, wrong and disgusting sticking your sexual organ where you shit from is