Ugly kike

i hate my face ,my jewy nose is so ugly i cant even breath plus i cant cope with makeup.But im a broke alone neet so i guess im stuck wasting my youth for now
user plz tell me have you gotten anything done i want to live thru you

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me on the left
originoli ravioli

about to and I can't wait

are you a female user? i like jew girls

I like the jew noses. It gives you guys character. You also become super annoying cunts when your face is normal and boring.

t. guy who grew up in rich jew central and witnessed the magical vanishing noses all throughout high school.

I wish there was a source on that so I knew what doctor to see, I tried digging so much a while back

I already tried this and she left me hanging, user.

Just like poland '45

Shit joke

she's probably east coast like all the other jewesses too, right near me. It'd be so right, helping her get a job and save up for her nose job, but still loving her before the surgery as well as after.

how can you afford it?i heard you have to be taken care of by someone after the surgery is your family and friends supportive?

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hook noses don't bother me on girls. she's prettier in the right pic, yea, but i wouldn't turn a girl down just for a fucking hook nose.

Listen your beautiful bby plaze I would worship the ground you work on treat you like a princess you just my type bby plaze.

I know the feeling of wasting your youth.. Females have VERY little time, so little that if you can sell your nudes for some cash it's worth it. Forget about morals. I am getting my nose done but I can afford it.

tenks goyms but yea i know

no offence but male affermation isnt hard to find heh.ive tried but i cant derive my confidence from compliments only from myself

dont know how to change that

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same also can you answer

instead of just taking male compliments, let a male into your life and get comprehensive support.

A male stranger's affirmations aren't going to do much for you, but a male whose judgement you respect, and at times rely on, will say things that mean a lot more to you.

Also, a good hardworking goyim can help save up for a nose job with you and take care of you in recovery.

>Also, a good hardworking goyim can help save up for a nose job with you and take care of you in recovery.

LOL! Most guys would never PAY for their gf to get more attention from other men. This is where 99% will go ''no babe you're perfect the way you are'' so that she'll stay at his level.

Are you Rozelli?

i i
you are right i do sometimes crave emotional intimacy and a part of me feels like it would rly be the solution to my problem
but idk some claim this isnt the answer for example what if you get heartbroken

might try it desu

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totally know how you feel about that fembot, except a little differently because am male. I don't get a lot of affirmation from people, but I wouldn't accept it because it's affirming a self I'm trying to outgrow. I don't want to get validation from others until I'm happy that I've "gotten there".

On the other hand, it's nice to hang out when resting from a long day of getting there, and get encouragement from a person whom you know is working just as hard.

why wouldnt you want a 8/10 wife who is already attached to you

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That's so weird... That's exactly what I assumed too so I bailed the thread.

Gosh, you seem kind of dumb. Cute pictures and all but are you 15 years old?

I don't know how to fix that problem, there's probably some methodology you could discover to separate the boys who will break your heart from the ones who will go all the way. I guess that'll never be my problem though.

I would still try to do what you need to do to earn those affirmations from yourself, even while you're dating a guy, and you'll know it's meant to be when you discover the things about you that are valuable are the same things he values you for.

Probably still should get that nose job though if it would help your breathing.

you mean in a fitfag sense?

Get a nose job retard

partially, but also in a more holistic sense, like my domestic upkeep, grooming, self-care, career performance, social life.

I'd sniff your anus, OP.

for instance, i hate it when i'm in a rut about my job performance, know that i'm doing a shit job, and people tell me how hard i'm working and that i'm doing great. It doesn't mean anything to me when I know it's not true, can even be frustrating sometimes. I'm sure that's how OP feels about guys complimenting her when she doesn't feel that way about herself.

I know what you can do.

Okay, follow these simple instructions

>1)you preheat the over at 220C for 1 hour
>2)you donate all your shekels (i know it's hard)
>3)you do one last blood libel sacrifice to Moloch
>4)you enter the over like the good kike that you are

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thanks for your kind words robot sama
human things we have have to deal with such as romance/confidence/vanity are so complicated ill try my best with my minimal experience to look outwards
i just hope aromantic/celibet ppl wont have to deal with similiar issues

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Are you actually a Jewess?

i appreciate your attitude and i agree,i was just talking moar about less changeable things

no problem OP, if you wanna talk more, I'm liima#7673 on discord.

I like the one on the left better. The right one is boring as fuck. I like ethnic Jew girls who look noticeably semitic.

Big jew noses are much better than having a flat/wide African nose.

Sometimes I prefer girls with jewy noses. pixie turned up noses can be really cute, but sometimes they remind me of people with FAS

tfw no hook nose femanon gf pls let me luv u

imagine having this nose

Like particular features of your body, or mental issues?

I think the most you can do is accept that those things won't change, do your best despite them, and remember that you're the number one person looking out for you, so be thoughtful and grateful to yourself. Get far away from self-destructive mindset, or thinking you're not worthy of being well-cared for. You are worthy, even if you have to do that care work yourself for a while.

The girl on the left looks cute enough. She went from a soft 6 to a hard 7 though.

Just look in the mirror and compliment yourself lol. Im a 5-6/10 mong and even I can do it. Its literally just brainwashing yourself into liking who you are.

you just gotta embraCE THE inner jew my gamer


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i i

You already know the answers, just seek validation instead starting to solve it finally. There are enough thirsty guys who'd fuck you no matter how huge ur nose is. So its all your issue to solve. Don't wait for external acceptance, it will be a waste of time, believe me.
>wasting my youth
Do you really believe in that meme? Pls stop being a retard

seeoriginallio senpai origanilito

I saw that. How often do you make such threads? Not talking about male affermation. You are judging yourself for some reason. Only you know why and you have to find out (or a therapist) but because thats scary, you just hope for someone to answer it for you. Thats how you waste your time.

never made a thread like this just venting