Famous people that you look like

Post pictures of people you've been told you look like.

It's obvious none of us are probably as attractive as the people we're compared to, but at least we can look like discount celebrities.

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korean tupac

If I looked like a famous celebrity I wouldnt be here

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Edward Furlong in American History X. You know only older and uglier. Maybe it's just the shaved head and the bags under my eyes

Hideo Kojima. Actually, that's sorta like a compliment. I want to make video games, but of course I don't want to be as big of a hack as he is.

sure eggy, sure

I'd never stoop so low as to post my face on here. Or namefag for that matter

Liam Neeson, Robert Patinson (must be a bad sign if an user already received this) and JFK

(note none of these guys look anything alike)

Been told I look like a young Anthony Michae Hall. Some girl told me this morning that my voice sounds like Ted Bundy.

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A young Richard Harris.

Jake Gyllenhaal but a bit chubby and thinner/shorter facial hair.

Young Johnny Depp and only young Johnny Depp

Ive had people take picture of me especially when I was more fit which was really awkward

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Tech. I'd kill to look like Tobey or Gordon

Never been told that IRL and none of my relatives look like anyone, same can be said for most people out there. I've been told on /soc/ I should copy Aaron Paul, I do look a bit like him when he looks the most awkward.

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i dont know. a couple black girls in high school told me i look kind of like tom cruise. i'm going bald now so it's more like fail cruise

I've been told around 10 times in my life that I look like Paul Walker. Of course he looks better than me but there definitely is a resemblance.

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Ive been told I look like a young David Byrne. Too bad I hate his music, I definitely see the resemblance.

Sorry, I forgot to post pic


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charles manson originsl

I look like the filthy frank guy.
>I hate his music
Shit taste.

> Ted Bundy
I think she was hitting on you.

She has been rather eager to talk to me.

and im proud orgioaonally

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I got told I look like a younger him by some user

He is a lot closer than I'd realized

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Been told I have hair similar to him.
My skin is darker and I have no beard tho

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Imagine Elliot Rogers but with longer hair

without tattoes

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I love Charlie.

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i dont think he looks very good anymore

A girl I knew in high school said I looked like John Green, and people I talk to in vc say I either sound like Post Malone or Dr. Phil, which I'll chalk up to aspergers accents.

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I've been told by multiple people that I look like a manlet version of the dude from the big lebowski

3 times in my life I've had strangers tell me I looked like Joaquin Phoenix from either gladiator or walk the line

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I've been told I look like Clay from 13 reasons why. Then I got told that he's considered an ugly beta in the show so I realised it wasn't a compliment

James Franco kek

never had people compare me to celebrities.
been told numerous times that i look like shaggy though, which i've always thought was funny