Advice for virgins/incels/autist

Why the fuck are there so many 30 year old khv these days? It's 2019, literally the easiest time to get laid in human history, women are ENCOURAGED to be sluts well into their 30s, and still I see over 100 threads a day all over Jow Forums about guys complaining about never being able to kiss, hug or have sex with a girl at any point in their lives.

I'm not even that good looking and I've managed to slay well over 50 thots, though I've only had 3 girlfriends but I'm only 21 so I have time to find the one.

So if you need advice on how to get laid get in here, we will help unfuck your shit but start by posting a few stats so we have a base to go off of.

My stats:
>age: 21
>height: 5'8
>weight: 160 lbs
>looks: 7/10, 8 or 9 if I get in shape
>sexual history: 50+ sexual partners, 3 girlfriends

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Other urls found in this thread:

girls just keep laughing at my micro dick how do I fix this?

the only starting over and look different for me will be if I get reincarnated. I dont want to live again neither do I want to go to heaven. I want to be completely erased so no one including animals lose all memories of me.

Try jelqing bro

Doesn't that cause prostate cancer? I wanna get laid not cancer.

Where did you hear that garbage?

Hey OP, I know you're new to Jow Forums but there's actually an entire board dedicated to advice! It's called Jow Forums, you can navigate to there by clicking the link at the top or bottom of your desktop browser. Hope this helped. :)

>Why the fuck are there so many 30 year old khv these days?
Autism. It's a hell of a drug.

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A good start for anyone here would be to stop going here. Chances are it makes you feel sad but you still keep coming here because you like feeling sad, which will affect your mental state for the worse.

Start working out regularly if you don't already. Dont have to go all out from the start, just as long as you're up and moving at least 30 mins a day. Stop eating junk food all the time.

Do something that gets you meeting people, doesn't matter what. (In my case it was going to church and going to my church's college-age sunday school group too) But really, the first step should be to stop coming here regularly. I bet you'll notice some improvements in your state of mind after a few days of that.
>but why are you here???
Because I'm on the shitter.

But yeah, just doing the above helped a lot. I was 245lbs, depressed as shit, and a regular here. After 7 months I weigh 195 and yeah I'm not some happy ball of sunshine all the time but I don't want to curl up in bed and fall asleep forever, either.

It's all about babysteps.

>Those stats no wonder you think it's easy

why the fuck are there so many larpers and normies on r9k these days?

You're proud to fuck that many people at 21? You're fucking disgusting degenerate filth

Cope harder incel. Men are meant to have as many partners as possible to spread their seed and diversify their genes.

>having a long term relationship with a thot in the current year

Whew lad

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I don't go after thots period, because I'm not gross like you. Retard.

>Men are meant to have as many partners as possible to spread their seed and diversify their genes.

See how that works out for you when you have to pay child support to all those different kids.

Also, guess how I know you're a LARPing faggot?

>Men are meant to have as many partners as possible to spread their seed and diversify their genes.
Says who?

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>current year
>no knowing that every woman is a thot

Whewww lad

Only retards who think in black in white think every woman is a thot.

Yeah, maybe every woman you personally meet, because that's the only kind of woman you can attract. The good, intelligent girls would never go for a sack of shit like you, so of course you think like this.

It is called a condom son. Even then you pick the girls you want to knock up from your rotation and make sure you have the funds to support the child.

Women have a limited amount of eggs and become infertile by their 50s, while men have near infinite sperm and can be fertile well into thier 70s. So biology says so, men naturally have a drive to fuck as many women as they can. If you say you don't see atleast 10 women a week that you want to fuck you're either lying, lowtest, gay or all the above.

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i'm technically not KHV, can i still apply for help?

literally how the fuck do you kiss a girl
what's the hint that its ok to kiss a girl in that noment
when the fuck do i put my tongue in her mouth, how do i know when its ok to do so?
how does one react after the fact?

i think i have a subconscious block 'cause a homeless man once forcibly kissed me when i was really young, maybe 4 or 5yo, so now i just freeze every time. I've had numerous chances up until now and i've managed to fuck each and every single one of them, the cringe-filled memories haunt my existence.

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>looks: 7/10, 8 or 9 if I get in shape
Oh, so you're attractive. Congratulations on winning the genetic lottery in that regard you fucking idiot.

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>If you say you don't see atleast 10 women a week that you want to fuck you're either lying, lowtest, gay or all the above.
It doesn't matter, wake up and come back to reality.

Bro, just because you have an urge doesn't mean you have to be a filthy fucking animal and fulfill it. Your nigger ass needs to read some philosophy.

It's also painfully obvious by this autistic shit you're spouting about evolutionary biology that you don't get as much tail as you claim to. LARP harder, faggot.

>Even then you pick the girls you want to knock up from your rotation and make sure you have the funds to support the child.

t. Autistic underage faggot LARPing as someone who a. makes a lot of money b. fucks a lot of pussy

Please, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself, man

>implying the good girls arent the ones that crave scumbag Chad dick the most

Whewewwwwwww you're killing me lad. You viewing women as perfect little angels are exactly why they are repulsed by you. Women love being treated like whores, all women are thot, yes even that shy bookworm girl you fantasize about approaching in the library every week. This isn't your dorky anime cartoons kid, that good girl you want? She's getting skullfucked by an asshole like me every night and until you accept that, there won't be a damn thing you can do about it.

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Imagine being such a disgusting failed normie faggot that you think pretending to have fucked that many gross, disease ridden entitled cunts makes you more of a man and is something to boast over.

Big yikes, OP

Lol, you have no idea who I am. You thinking I'm an incel is golden.

"Good" girls are the ones who actually have morals. They're completely entitled to get fucked hard by a Chad once they find him, but they don't go around fucking losers like you until they do.

>Whewewwwwwww you're killing me lad. You viewing women as perfect little angels are exactly why they are repulsed by you. Women love being treated like whores, all women are thot, yes even that shy bookworm girl you fantasize about approaching in the library every week. This isn't your dorky anime cartoons kid, that good girl you want? She's getting skullfucked by an asshole like me every night and until you accept that, there won't be a damn thing you can do about it.

I'm cringing so hard for you, my dude. You really have no idea how obvious it is you're larping, do you?

Spoken like a true cuck, glad I'm not you.

I've always been shy around women. I had chances with them, did stuff, but I'd always stress myself out over pretty much everything dick size, ability, dating. It was just easier to ghost them.

You're the cuck who's fucking disease ridden worthless pussy that any guy with half a brain could get into bed, lmao. Anyway, have fun lying about your imaginary sexual escapades to a board full of chinese finger painters, dude. Whatever you gotta do to feel better about yourself, I guess.

I just hope that, for your sake, you have a moment of clarity and perhaps you're able to realize how cringey this thread was, and how it's really REALLY obvious that you're the kind of guy who just recently got laid the one time and thinks that now makes you an expert on sex. Rofl.

>he fell for innocent girl meme
Butthurt cuck is butthurt

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Kek don't tell him anything man. Let the poor fool learn the hard way.

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5'8' and 160? youre a cuck

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>7/10 at minimum looks
>"I don't understand why other men think it's so hard to get laid lol"

You might have a legit 0/10 intelligence stat

That samefag tho

Watching OP post is like watching a trainwreck

>It's 2019, literally the easiest time to get laid in human history,

Not really. Millennials and zoomers grew up in a world where sex was presented as very scary by boomers who'd participated in the Summer of Love, while we were also more alienated from our fellow humans by screens like the one I'm staring at right now, nevermind all this feminism, rape accusations and #MeToo making women seem like intolerable risks. There's a lot less sex happening among young people than there used to be, and a LOT less than the media presents there as being.

And what hookups are happening on Tinder are happening between Chad and the top 80% of women, and no one else.

Make no mistake, the easiest time to get laid in human history is in the past.

>You're the cuck who's fucking disease ridden worthless pussy that any guy with half a brain could get into bed, lmao.

So if this is true, why haven't the countless 30 year old virgins on this board gotten laid yet? I'll agree, getting pussy is easy and literal brainlets can pull it off with a modicum of effort, so you aren't proving anything you're stating the obvious.

I'm a bit large for my height yeah I need to cut. That's my I'm currently a 7/10 hell I might be degrading into a 6/10, but when I was ripped I was easily 8/10 or even 9/10 when I dressed properly. I have a girlfriend and a few other sources of consistent pussy so I don't keep myself up as much.

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>he still hasn't given up on larping

when will manlets learn

fuck that shit I want a good girl that is going to be loyal to me. I don't want that degenerate life and risk getting herpes.