Let this be a lesson to you roasties

Let this be a lesson to you roasties.

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Do people who have dondone the same thing same thing on Jow Forums liable to jail?

She's going to be slobbering on nigger pussy for 15 months now.

men do this all the time

>go jump of a bridge lel
>retard actually does it
>it's my fault
I wish 2010s never happened

they should put her in the male prison

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IIRC it went a bit further than that, e.g. physically stopping him from leaving when he wanted to back out.

>15 months
christ, women really have life on easy mode

stop down playing what she did. I fucking hate fags that distort the facts.

She deserved what she got.

I can't believe Cara Delevigne killed a man

>15 months
What a fucking joke. If a man bullied an emotionally unstable vulnerable woman into suicide and kept telling her to "get back in the car" there would be protests leading up to the trial across the nation (suspiciously well organised protests too with mass produced signs and hundreds of buses transporting people to the protest area), the media won't shut up about it for months, they would use it to pass new laws against men, and in the end he would get life with no parole.

Yep. And all Jow Forums threads are archived along with your IP. You're fucked, buddy.

She didn't physically stop him, retard. What"s more, in the beginning she was telling him to stop.

Jow Forums is satire. This is a website of peace.

.t seething incel subhumans lmao

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This. I get that it was a femoid but don't be dumb.

i don't see why she should be held accountable for something he had full control over

they do and they encourage others to as well

>5 years
Tell me female privilege doesn't exist.

>implying she won't be out way before

in the next thread
>omg i hate incels they tell people to kill themselves that is not a joke

In the beginning he told him to not do this, several times, so this doesn't make much sense to me. Imagine that your gf would threaten suicide every day for months, holy shit.

>thot makes her bf an hero
>15 months jail time

>dude doesn't pay taxes
>2 years jail time

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The pedophile calls the incel a subhuman.
This is why i frequent this place.

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There's a difference between saying "kill yourself" to strangers on the internet, and actively targeting an individual you know is mentally ill and has suicidal ideation and talking to them for months encouraging them to die.

I saw a thread on where a Indian posted a picture with a knife and asked if he should end it. Most people said yes. I'm hoping he didn't actually do it. I hope this bant subhumans weren't even born.

Dont sympathise with indians user, today they want to kill themselves and tomorrow they scam your elders

do you guys think she is crying because she regrets being mean and now she understands that words hurt


I think that we should not judge a person just by their place of birth. I think irrespective of whether he's an Indian, he should not have been told to die. But then that's my pov. You do you I guess :-\

>tfw no pic related gf who bullies you and tells you to kys for bantz

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She regrets her actions only because they resulted in jailtime
She really wanted that kid dead

This is not what happened and you know it. She made every effort to get this guy to kill himself, manipulating him and taking complete advantage of his already fucked up mental state. It was a deeply personal and long term kind of exploitation, not just a casual passing remark

She really, really wanted him dead

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It does set an interesting precedent, I wonder if depression being seen as a mental health issue was the icing on the cake
The cake being an absolute shit ton of texts telling him to do it
And then pic related afterwards just to make her seem worse

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She has such an insufferable face. I'd like to have her clit torn off with a pair of glowing hot pliers and her breasts repeatedly whipped and beaten.

>"You just need to do it Conrad or I'm gonna get you help"
Guess Conrad didnt wanted help.

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Beta can't handle a woman going to jail for actually giving multiple orders to the young man who comitted suicide.

> go jump off a bridge lel
isn't equivalent to what she wrote

I fucking hate women and wish she gets sever punishment for think a mans life (even a shitty orbiter) is worth nothing more than mere amusement.

conrad is like those faggots here saying they'll kill themselves only to continue shitposting the day later

imagine killing yourself because a roastie told you to

someone should dig this guy up and kick his ass

I'd believe it. The rumors of her bullying eurasian boys were unreal.

>user... I REALLY want you to die, user.

>Get back in the car and die, user.

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Both my ex's killed themselves. Fuck them they were losers and I'm glad they are dead. One's mom even talked to me about it being a relief to her.

tbqh there are a few guys I would gladly spend 15 months in jail in exchange for them being dead. pretty good deal if you ask me, just imagine how much bullshit she'd still be putting up with if he hadn't offed himself. actually with the state of butthurt incel's these days he would have probably killed her and a couple people who just happened to be near her when he snapped. she really did the world a favor.

honestly 3 months shouldve been enough for that nonsense "crime"

someone telling some faggot to go kill himself should be given an award

What was the history of this, though? Was he going on about wanting to kill himself for a long time before she actually started encouraging him? I know from experience that being friends with someone who constantly talks about wanting to kill himself, to the point of requiring you to spend hours at a time talking him out of it (and turning in school work late because of it), is extremely emotionally draining.

That's when you cut ties with a person, not spend days convincing them to actually die

>spends months encouraging and manipulating this guy into committing suicide
>only gets 15 months in jail
She got off pretty fucking easy

This. You don't get to indulge in it and then ignore the consequences once something actually happens.

Why did Malcolm try to kill his boyfriend

Is nobody going to say anything about her fucking eyebrows? She looks like she pulled them off a jojo character.

She talked him into suicide for 4 fucking hours. At one point he was backing out and she encouraged him to keep killing himself. She acted so fucked up it left 0 room for misinterpretation. Dumbass

>vigo goes to jail for 6 months
doesn't seem justice to me.

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