Cutting Cutters and Cut myselfs

I'm really curious r9k. Why do people inflict self harm. What benefit is their mentally, psychologically or otherwise to cutting oneself or inflicting self harm? If there is no benefit, then how do people get hooked on such a self destructive habit?

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physical pain temporarily overtakes mental pain

I Inflict pain on myself so I dont do it to other people it gets rid of pain, rage, misanthropy and and makes me numb

It makes me feel control when I have lost control. It bring me feeling when all I want is to feel.

Can you elaborate on that? How does inflicting pain on yourself make you feel in control?
How temporary are we talking? Is it as long as you feel the physical pain? Or is it even shorter term, restricted to only when you feel the pain most intensely?

basically this.
idk if you've ever pinched yourself to avoid crying in front of people and looking like a bitch, but it's a similar feeling

Its stress relief in a way. Just like how working out can release stress when you destroy muscles. It feels good in a way yet hurts

Because you are cutting yourself. How else could you controll your own body in such an extreme way?

I don't cut, but i self-harm by starving myself for days at a time, poisoning myself with rotten food, and intentionally overdosing. I get a huge sense of relief and satisfaction from it every time. I really just enjoy seeing how much damage I can cause to my body and how bad I can get, like a competition with myself. I secretly enjoy when I get comments like "OMG YOU'RE SO SKINNY YOU NEED TO EAT" or "you look like you're dying" or "you look like a holocaust survivor"

best I can describe the control thing is about seeing how much damage you can cause to your body, because it's something you've done all by yourself, something you have complete control over, something no-one can take away from you

Cutting is dumb unless you do it properly and actually die.I only use self harm to improve myself, or more like discipline myself. Whenever I give in to a vice I give myself a cigarette burn. Works like a charm, if you look at it every time you feel like giving into a vice you are more likely not to, well at least I am.

Might as well ask why alcoholic people drink

The endorphin rush is great. When I'm having an unstoppable panic attack or freakout, nothing calms me down faster. I go from sobbing and screaming to giggling in just a couple of minutes. It's not for edgelord reasons, it's just to force my brain to release chemicals that'll calm me down. I only use a clean box cutter, and I do it where it'll be covered by clothing and not over any veins. It's not for everyone but goddamn it works for me

Not a cutter but girls who cut are insanely attractive. the scars make their arms and legs look nice

Would you prefer to have a man to punish you or hurt you instead of self harming?

This tbqh, it instantly calms me down, focuses me on something else
Also at this point it's a bit of a habit

Stopped cutting a little while ago, I still get the urge to do so for sure, especially since what had happened to me recently. Psychiatrist likes to check If I had or not... I'm trying

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For me its a quick way to replace the mental pain of depression and self-loathing with physical pain. Also, once you go down that mental association path, a good cut starts to feel like you just did a bump of coke.

It's a womanly thing, indulging in their masochistic nature as well as calling attention to themselves due to their perceived neglect.

Men don't cut, or more accurately, straight men don't cut.

Hm that's odd I'm straight

getting drunk is fun tho

I hate myself so inflicting pain on self brings me a weird kind of joy.

It's a cry for help from lonely sad people desperate for attention. They want you to ask what those marks on their arms are. They want you to ask why they're wearing a hoodie in the summer. Just a function of their need for attention.

floods your body with endorphins and helps calm you down. Back as a teen I was really stressed and cutting was the only thing that would calm me down. Of course if they just let me drink alcohol or do drugs I wouldn't of needed cutting. To think it was as simple as drinking some booze to help cope.

Wasn't doing it for attention and went through great effort to hide it from everyone. After a suicide threat it all came out though. The only long term benefit is when you get caught or injured by accident it just barely phases you because you have done worse.

Rethink what you thought about yourself.

it calms you down kind of like a cigarette does

I used to a lot in my teen years, havent done any sort of that stuff after that though. I just smoke a cigarette

Hm I used to wear long sleeves for the longest after I stopped cutting and I ended just letting people see my scars and such. No one really comments on them which I think is nice but I've had some younger kids ask me what are on my arms, I just tell them straight up and tell them not to do it and that it's not a good coping mechanism the shit is addicting y'know? and they say why would I do that? yeah... I used to be that way at their age.. why would you want to hurt yourself? makes you think.

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O-okay maybe I'm a little... uh shit...

I self harmed to deal with overwhelming emotional pressure I couldn't get diffused in other ways. It's terrible and I havent done it in awhile but you never forget the searing pain of both burning a 3rd degree into your arm and the mental pain that drove you to it.

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Attention seeking.

Every other answer you see here is the cool justification that these losers have come up with because they can't accept that they just want people to pay attention to them.