Can we get a women hate thread going?
Anyone have those comics of girls hitting the wall/ jealousy of those who haven't fooled around?
Can we get a women hate thread going?
Women are garbage, if it wasn't gay I'd fuck dudes.
>so you slacking
who types like this?
Looks like a BAAAAWWWWW thread to me. Got rejected again? Got rightfully called out for being a creep?
>Looks like a BAAAAWWWWW thread to me. Got rejected again? Got rightfully called out for being a creep?
Damn if she spending $40 bucks on popeyes she's probably a land whale
Stupid roastie whores.
looks like this roastie is getting toastie
>looks like this roastie is getting toastie
That's a pretty preprogrammed response.
No bro, she's 'curvy'.
Fucking whore looking for a free meal, yick.
The only good think about this board was the mutual hate for that soulless species called "women", they are nothing more than useless trash with a stinky hole we are programmed to love into our deep firmware, gay is a natural evolution out of that
hope 10 years or so from now there is the technology to finally replace the whores with something way better like a sexbot with AI
In that perfect world roasties will die starving, the pieces of shit are nothing without leaching from us, the pussy value would drop like the fucking bitcoin
I can't wait for that day of glory
I dropped my picture.
so was "you are a loser virgin lol XD" it's seems to be whores favorite response when somebody says something they don't like
>so was "you are a loser virgin lol XD"
I didn't say that though.
>Got rejected again? Got rightfully called out for being a creep?
in it's simplest form you were making fun of him for being a virgin
shameless bump. i want those comics anons
Of course you did, bitch. You just didn't use those exact words.
This board is full of failed normies nowadays straight from reddit
The cucks love women and put the pussy in a pedestal, full of white knights too... so don't expect any reply to a classic r9k like women hate, r9k is not what it used to be anymore
Not to mention the roasties themselves. Jow Forums is like /soc/2.0 now that so many attention-seeking cunts shit around here regularly.
Yep the ugliest hambeast and mentally sick thots come here to make a little bit of feminism too, this board is done
don't forget gunjy who brings "femcels" from Leddit here.
Let women rot in their filth and lie.
Too bad women will go out of their way to take everything down with them