We must bring an end to the white roastie. All white females should be sterilized and used as sex slaves...

We must bring an end to the white roastie. All white females should be sterilized and used as sex slaves. White men should only be allowed to impregnate colored women. How can we make this reality?

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You're all nerds that fetishize non white women. You'll never get black/brown ass
I like white chicks as a nonwhite but this is pathetic

Not OP but my gf is kinda brown, it's wonderful.
Enjoy our women though, I'm sure some of them aren't cunts.

So basically what you're saying is that you want to make sure that white people stop existing in the future?

we need to make more HAPAs and accelerate the end of society. i know it's horrible but it's a sacrifice i'm willing to make.

I've literally fucked the best black tail there is -- and black women trip of me, even when I'm in a camo hat.

Nah, we can separate things out using genetic engineering later.

How do you guys feel about BMWW or BMBW/BMAW?
Since you're already race mixers I want to hear your opinion

Why don't we all just fuck whoever we want and stop making weird racebait threads? I'll add this to my long list of dreams that'll never come true.

what the fuck is with all the race mixing threads

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Black females are were to carry white babies.

Your genes are just too gay to survive white man.

mixed babys always look more black you fool

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>We must bring an end to the white roastie. All white females should be sterilized and used as sex slaves.
White men should only be allowed to impregnate colored women. How can we make this reality?

We shouldnt want to make that a reality, white men should breed both non white women and white women because the white race wont survive otherwise.
The people who should be sterilized are non white men, their women prefer white men over them anyways.

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>Black females are were to carry white babies.
Truly only a nigger could have written this afront to the English language.

Shouldn't that be white boy though?
That's way more demeaning.

it funny you post this pic because all most all anime girl's look white

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We are already replacing him, I didnt want to pile on.

He just got hired by Jew Fishman to do these type of shitposts. Give him a break.

The girl on my pic us supposed to be azn

>ywn make love to a beautiful black woman
Why even live?

Dude what are you talking about? Black girls are the easiest.