Come on in and get some (You)s!

You want (You)s, I got (You)s aplenty to spare! All you gotta do is make a post in this thread with these three simple things:

>what did you do today?
>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
>name someone that you like (can be like as in someone you wanna be with forever or just because you like what they do or anything really)

I'll get us started!
>I went to a nice mexican restaurant today and ate some tasty tacos
>I wanna play more guitar tomorrow
>I really like YOU, user! :)

Come on and get your (You)s!

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I bought I package of 4 tuna steaks today and I've eaten three of them. I wanna put my guitar pedalboard together tomorrow but I forgot to buy more velcro. There's a fat chick at work that I used to think was totally disgusting but now I just want to fondle all the fat folds on her sides. Her tits are way to big so I'll have to ask her to keep her shirt on.

That's a lot of tuna! I hope you're very well fed and content for all of your days. What pedals do you have? I only have a bulky flashback x4 now, but I wanna get a nice tremolo, reverb, and a compression in the future.
I don't think you should settle, user. You'll probably think she's disgusting when you're in the middle of doing the dirty when you smell her sweat and notice that she can't move around all that much.

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>>what did you do today?
skipped class, ate chik fil a, watched twitch, and jerked off
>>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
go to class, do some work for once, eat something that isn't garbage
>>name someone that you like (can be like as in someone you wanna be with forever or just because you like what they do or anything really)
i dont really like anyone because i dont really know or talk to anyone. i guess my family?

>not work
>the they only want chad guy

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Sometimes we all need a break! It's okay if you don't go to class once in a while. You'll make up for it with enough time. Do you have any idea what you wanna eat tomorrow? Thinking of something heavy on vegetables or cooking for yourself?
Family is very important and should be cherished! (unless they are mean)

I know the feeling, I gotta work tomorrow too. But you can make the most of it now and then eventually you'll be doing new stuff for new jobs! You can do it user! there's more for you out there somewhere!

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i don't wanna do new stuff. i wanna stay in bed. there's nearly a foot of snow out there.

what are you playing on guitar?

>>what did you do today?
nothing, i just woke up.
>>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
>>name someone that you like (can be like as in someone you wanna be with forever or just because you like what they do or anything really)
i don't really like anyone because i don't have any contacts.

Snow isn't always gonna be around. Or do you live in a place where snow is a constant?
I play a lot of classical, but on the side I like to make little tunes with my electric. Nothing too much or fancy, I just like playing.

Waking up is good enough! I do hope you got out of bed to at least stretch some muscles though.
There has to be someone you like or admire! A waifu, a celebrity that you think about having romantic relationships with, etc. It could be anybody that you can think of positively in at least one way! Come on and try!

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>>what did you do today?
Went to uni, came home, now studying all night while trying to stay awake with coffee and vodka
>>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
jack off, but im going no fap for the week
>>name someone that you like (can be like as in someone you wanna be with forever or just because you like what they do or anything really)
All the yurus [(especially kyoko)

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no stretch for me, i'm going to the gym in about an hour.
and no really, i truly don't have anyone i like. there was this girl that i used to like her a lot, but since i deleted my facebook, i don't talk to her anymore. nowadays i don't have any type of feeling towards her so, yea.

Nice choice to study! I hope it serves you well in the future for your classes. Kyoko is very qt too and is a great character overall. I just have a lot of Akari saved

Your body thanks you for exercising! I find that people will have relationships or come close to one but eventually they just drift off. I hope you find someone special soon, user! I know I'm waiting for someone special too

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My side wage cuck job.
I drove 10 miles for $11.22
The order was 3 cinnamon buns from local bakery place.
I was pretty disgruntled from that but hey I did something.

I actually have more pictures of Akari saved too, shes so cute. I really need to rewatch this anime when I have the time, it was one of the most comfy shows ive seen

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>>what did you do today?
got coffee with dad, drank booze in the park, might be trying GHB with my buddy in a bit here
>>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
work on a knife for my uncle who asked for me to make kim one
>>name someone that you like (can be like as in someone you wanna be with forever or just because you like what they do or anything really)
there's a girl from class a few months ago who was always really nice to me, I guess I'd say her because that's the only positive human interaction I've had in a while. Still hoping I get to thank her for that before I off myself

>snow isn't always going to be around

any is too much. i was already in one car crash since it started and I'm scared shitless of my commute now. the roads are covered in slush and ice, and nobody knows how to deal since it never snows this much here. i can't call out.

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Cimmanim buns sure are delicious! I like them with a lot of icing! I remember liking ones with an orange zest on top from when I was younger, but I don't care much for those anymore. How do you feel about donuts?

Yes, peak comfy and cute! It was the second anime I've watched completely.

Tell us all about the /drugfeels/ when you get a chance plz! Booze in the park sounds pretty nice, I was always a fan of acid in the park though. I hope the knife turns out well, have you done a lot of work like that?
You should tell her that she made an impact on you like that. I'm sure she'd love to hear that from you!

That's why walking in the snow is much better! I hope you don't have to deal with too much hassle after that one crash. Have you had a snow day out though? Where you play in it and stuff? It's really a lot of fun!

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An Akari-poster? Hmm... did you used to make these threads in the past. Either way certainly recognize your style as you come across as one of the most 'wholesome' on this board.

The day has began a few hours ago. Went to sleep for a couple hours and read a book on Somalia, was highly interesting. Also watched some episodes of 'Assassination Classroom'. Got uni in a couple hours and then-on study will commence. Got plenty of books to read in the mean-time, about to start another 'War And Border Societies In The Middle Ages' to satisfy local history readings.

Nothing in particular with tomorrow, merely to exist and work as productively as one can for the betterment of the state and its people.

Find it fascinating that you went to a Mexican restaurant, don't those tend to be on the pricier end? (Then given the time I suppose it'd make sense if you were American/ Australian). Glad guitar is going well, is there anything you are learning in that field. Also t-thanks for liking me I guess.... b-baka.

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>what did you do today
Nothing, actually... nothing at all...

>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow
Not sure. Sometimes I wanna do nothing, other times I wanna do everything. Im a tad bit spontaneous, user-nee

>name someone that you like
I really like this girl named Mo. shes quite special to me, but I cant really tell you why. Its something about her personality that I just love. Mind you, ive never met this girl in real life, but we used to talk a lot before I told her to stop messaging me. I still miss talking to her. She was just so curious of me. She liked who I was and thought that I was interesting, something not too many women have made clear to me in recent years. We had a lot in common and I was hoping to be with her one day but the sad truth is that I knew it would never work out between us, so I just gave up on her (sort of). Beautiful girl. I hate myself, user-nee:(

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A good once in a while snack.
I'd rather eat donuts over chips.
Tomorrow I might go to a spa,
Or maybe I'll stay home and listen to jewtube, maybe I'll learn something.

>Tell us all about the /drugfeels/ when you get a chance plz! Booze in the park sounds pretty nice, I was always a fan of acid in the park though. I hope the knife turns out well, have you done a lot of work like that?
Well looks like the /drugfeels/ is going to fall through unfortunately, but yeah the booze in the park is usually pretty nice. I've made a habit of taking walks at night lately with some booze and cigarettes and it's usually pretty comfy
>You should tell her that she made an impact on you like that. I'm sure she'd love to hear that from you!
I'd fucking love to but I don't have any contact information and I'm not taking classes anymore. The only way for me to do so now would be if I were to run into her somewhere which is definitely a possibility since she happens to live and work fairly close to me. I did actually run into her just a couple nights ago by chance, which was fucking embarrassing because I had just finished drinking some shitty Steel Reserve and still had the very obvious brown paper bag in my hand but I didn't have the balls to say it then plus I was fucking drunk so I forgot

Oh fuck I forgot to answer about the knives, I haven't made many for other people on request but I've been doing them for about a year and I think I've gotten decent, I can post some pictures if anyone is interested

>what did you do today?
I've woke up, had a breakfast, ran to the bus, and now phonepost like a degenerate dumbass
>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
Not going to school, but can't afford it, so school, then programming sudoku, then installing Debian as a new second partition and noting experiences with it
>name someone that you like (can be like as in someone you wanna be with forever or just because you like what they do or anything really)
Don't have anyone like that, I hate myself and other people, imageboards are fine even when they're doomed to be another site filled with shits
>I really like YOU, user! :)
You don't even know me, you just want goodwill. Here, take your (you)

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Yeah! I used to make these posts a lot about two years ago, declined a lot last year as I got busier with school and then stopped completely. I noticed though that other posters made their own "Free (You)s" threads though, so that was fun to see. But my trademark was always Akarin and having anons post three simple lines that can be answered in any capacity.
You seem like a real smart fella though! All that reading, I could never do the amount you're doing! Keep up that wonderful education!
As for me, I do live in the US, so not expensive at all. And in guitar, I'm learning a lot of studies by Fernando Sor, with fingerings by Segovia. Real exciting stuff for other classical guitarists.

Nothing is completely fine! It's just what some people need. I needed a whole lot of nothing in my schedule last year! But I hope that if you do decide to do something tomorrow, you'll have fun doing it!
Mo sounds nice, like she cared. Maybe one day you'll care for yourself the same way she cared for you. But I know that's hard and it takes a long time.

Nice trips user! Spa or the jewtube sounds like a good way to spend a day! I know I like going on the tube to find reviews of music gear and vidya. Not a whole lot of learning on my end!

Night walks while drunk are fun, I did those a lot over last summer. Cigs are nice too, especially if it's raining!
I know exactly how you feel with that girl too. There was a girl in one of my classes that always smiled at me and I knew she was interested, as was I. But I never said a word to her. It's just that I was so scared of having anybody know me. Oh well! I hope you can see her again soon!
But please, post pics! I'm very interested!

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What was for breakfast? Donuts? :3
School is hard, and tedious, and all those things in between, but I know that it helps a lot in the future. I know you can do it, user!
And I know you now, user! and I still like you!

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>I went and did some wagie stuff today
>wagie stuff, but after that I'm gunna clean my apartment and maybe invite a girl over

I'm having trouble summoning up courage to invite her over. She wants to have sex and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. I'm 24 too. I'm really retarded

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Those trips make me want to have a good day tomorrow,
I will do the spa.
Mircoderm feels pretty good.

>What did you do today?
I played vidya and slept
>Is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
I wanna swim cuz i haven't been able to swim for like a week due to weather conditions
>Name someone that you like
This girl from my school. She is a 10/10 qt but i haven't gotten up the courage to talk to her

I want Akarin to love me.

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> Today I learned how to put a tourniquet in my cls class
> I want to make some homemade food tomorrow :^)
> I do not like anybody since I know nobody will ever love me back and more with that horrible day coming up, like we already had a suicide in my unit cause of that

>I know exactly how you feel with that girl too. There was a girl in one of my classes that always smiled at me and I knew she was interested, as was I. But I never said a word to her. It's just that I was so scared of having anybody know me. Oh well! I hope you can see her again soon!
To clarify I'm not interested in her in a romantic/sexual sense, I decided a while ago that I won't ever date because I don't want to inflict myself on anyone and the whole process seems like a lot of bullshit that I just can't be fucked to deal with. It's more just that that semester was probably the shittiest part of my life up to that point (though it has continued to deteriorate since) and for whatever reason not only did she go out of her way to talk to me and was always nice but also for whatever reason I felt comfortable talking about shit I never talk about and I'm just really grateful for that bright spot during such a shitty time

I know I could see her again as soon as this weekend because it seems my favorite nightwalking route and the time I like to do it coincide almost exactly with where she works and when she gets off but I don't want to seem like a fucking creeper
>But please, post pics! I'm very interested!
here is the most recent one I finished, I made this for myself. I'll post the one I'm working on in another post

Attached: knife.jpg (1600x900, 160K)

It was cooked vegetables and fried chicken with cheese on it. Made it before sleep so I only had to finish warming it in the morning.
Sure I can do it, programming is easy if you can understand and see given patterns, but it's still fucking boring after a while.
How the fuck do you know me, you ubertard?

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Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, Akarin OP? You can't just flirt with everyone here and not expect someone to become interested in you.

and here is the one I'm working on now, the most recent step was heat treating which is why it looks like that.

I think the thing is fucking comically large for the style but he asked for a chef's knife with about a 10 inch blade so that's what he gets

Attached: knife 2.jpg (1600x900, 150K)

>what did you do today?
it's still morning here so not much.
just dealing with uni.
>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
probably practice guitar and piano since i haven't in a long time.
>name someone that you like (can be like as in someone you wanna be with forever or just because you like what they do or anything really)
my Discord friend who we have been talking constantly for almost a year and we are planning to meet IRL in the future.
>I really like YOU, user! :)
don't say such things that you don't believe in just to make others feel better.
you actually make them feel worse.

nice dubs! Get that cheddar user! You should invite her over for sure. It's okay to not be ready, you should tell her when you feel it's natural in the conversation/night. If she really does like you, then she should be okay with waiting. I know it's not much, but I've never had sex and I don't really want to either. One time I invited a girl to my place and all we did was smoke weed and play vidya. I know she wanted to have sex but I was honest and told her that I didn't because I was too nervous. She said it was okay.

Anyways, you'll be fine, user! i believe in you and I know you can get someone to love!

You deserve a relaxing day!

What vidya did you play? Swimming sounds really nice! I'm sure you'll have a great time.
It's okay to be nervous! You'll find a way to talk to her soon. You don't even need a reason other than to just say "Hello!"

[Spoiler]me too[/Spoiler]

What are you gonna make? Cooking is so much fun! It's okay to not like yourself for a while, and maybe in enough time you'll start to be familiar with yourself and see how good you can be. That's my hope for you and all the other anons here!

Nice knife! Looks well made and sturdy too!
I remember reading a narrative of a Buddhist; her mother died when she was young and decided that she never wanted to have kids s as to never inflict the pain of losing a mother on her children. Does that sound like you a little user? That and all the work of having to spend time/money/energy on someone and then maybe another after that, and after that...
I guess I can reallu only say that I hope you continue doing what you like, in the pursuit of happiness!

Vegetables are tasty :) And I know you from that post! It might not be much, but it's enough to know you as a person!

no gf
I don't think I'm flirting! just trying to be happy for everyone here! even if I'm not always happy myself, I have to be for everyone here!

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Bless your cotton socks user, you are such a kind person! Isn't classical guitar supposed to be really difficult? Also going to hug you tightly because your cute *hug*

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>Nice knife! Looks well made and sturdy too!
Thanks user, I was definitely really happy with how this one turned out, I'm a huge sucker for that particular style and that type of wood I used in the handle so it was nice to be able to produce a good one myself
>I remember reading a narrative of a Buddhist; her mother died when she was young and decided that she never wanted to have kids s as to never inflict the pain of losing a mother on her children. Does that sound like you a little user? That and all the work of having to spend time/money/energy on someone and then maybe another after that, and after that...
Yeah it's that stuff and also I know what I am and that is a fucking wreck of a human being and I wouldn't want to make anyone deal with that, I'm sure anyone worthwhile could find and would deserve someone far better. Honestly this is another part of what is holding me back from saying that shit to that girl because fuck man I don't know what to do if she actually wanted to be closer friends because I would feel horribly guilty over causing her to care about someone like me
>I guess I can reallu only say that I hope you continue doing what you like, in the pursuit of happiness!

I am going make some soup :^)

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>What vidya did you play
Mostly Apex Legends
>You'll find a way to talk to her soon
I really hope so

10 inches is pretty long for a chef blade. I prefer 8 in. myself. But it looks like you know what you're doing and it;ll be great when you're done with it!
It'll take time, but you have the ability to like yourself. Don't listen to that saying "You have to love yourself before anyone else can love you." i don't believe it because love is much more of a dynamic thing that you learn, and you're not born with it.

Guitar and piano are so much fun! You should devote many hours into those when you can, it's a nice way to channel thoughts or emotions into something more tangible. I hope you meet with your discord friends and that it'll all go well! Any idea of where/how you'll meet up?

And the funny thing is, I really do believe in what I said! I know we all see those meaningless platitudes online, in offices, windows, public transport, all over really. But I say it because I know what it's like to read those and feel nothing, because I know on the other end is somebody with to broad an audience. With anons on r9k though, I know what it's like to be here most every day, living in darkness. It's okay, I realy do like all of you!

Thanks! Such a relevant pic too! And I wanna wear more woool socks, thank you very much.
Classical is a lot harder than mostly any other style. But I love it so much!

Soup is yummy! It should turn out well, soup is easy to correct if anything goes wrong!

How is apex? I heard a lot of good things about it. Any wins?

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>>what did you do today?
I went to classes again just to attend them but i skipped half of them because i got an anxiety attack again.
>>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
>>name someone that you like (can be like as in someone you wanna be with forever or just because you like what they do or anything really)
My only friend. I don't deserve him and i would do anything for him because he helped me so much. I never met him irl and i dont want to because I'd disappoint him. I'm not gay but i actually love him.

>How is Apex?
Its a great game. it takes all the good parts of other br games and smashes them together. plus titanfall was one of my favorite games so it makes me nostalgic.
>Any wins?
Ive got like 50 something. most of the people playing it have severe autism so its easy at the moment

Sounds a lot like me! It's okay if you can't go to all of your classes, especially with anxiety attacks. Do any of your instructors or the school know? Usually they're more forgiving with stuff like that. I've had experience.
And does your friend know how you feel?

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>10 inches is pretty long for a chef blade. I prefer 8 in. myself. But it looks like you know what you're doing and it;ll be great when you're done with it!
Yeah I agree that 8 inches would be the right length for this one but fuck it he asked for 10 so 10 is what the motherfucker gets, oh well. Thanks though, I always feel like I'm a fucking poser who doesn't know shit about what I'm doing with knives so it's nice to have that validation
>It'll take time, but you have the ability to like yourself. Don't listen to that saying "You have to love yourself before anyone else can love you." i don't believe it because love is much more of a dynamic thing that you learn, and you're not born with it.
Yeah, that may be the case but honestly I don't think I've got it in me to take time I'm afraid. As it stands now the plan is to somehow get up the balls to tell that girl that shit so I can at least maybe make someone feel good about themselves for a bit and then I'm fucking outta here, that's the last major thing I need closure on before I can do what needs to be done

I watched OSHO

Where is muh (you)

user, reading your story makes me wanna find the people that were nice to me and tell them, "Thank you." It really should be said more often, but we're thrown around in this cynical world where being grateful is seen as weak. And as far as what needs to be done for you, I Hope you're happy with your choices.

Here it is!
Osho? that Indian guy that's all about sex and stuff?

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>what did you do today?
make plans and figure out what to do with my life a bit more.. moving and moving the business. California is a hell.
>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
no I just have to until business picks up again and I can make the money to get the fuck out of here
>name someone that you like (can be like as in someone you wanna be with forever or just because you like what they do or anything really)
thats a hard one

>user, reading your story makes me wanna find the people that were nice to me and tell them, "Thank you." It really should be said more often, but we're thrown around in this cynical world where being grateful is seen as weak. And as far as what needs to be done for you, I Hope you're happy with your choices.
fuck man I don't know what to say to this, thank you I guess for being a good person yourself. I don't really care about being seen as weak because I don't intend to be around for much longer but if I get that closure I really just don't want to make the poor girl uncomfortable, I don't care how anything I do reflects on me but I have a strong sense she's been through some shit from some shit she's said and I don't want to do anything that would make her afraid or anything

As for my own choices, I know I've fucked up pretty much constantly since I was about 12 years old but I don't really regret it because otherwise I wouldn't be who I was now and I think I've been able to provide something positive to at least a couple people. Sure the way I m has gotten me to this absolute low point but if even one person is slightly better for it it's all been worthwhile

I just want a hug and a (you)

California is pretty shitty. A lot of cities seem to excel in excellent cuisine though! If you're able to make it there with how expensive it is, you should be okay in a lot of other places. Any plans on where you wanna move?

Sure thing, user! I really like to make everybody think about stuff like that. And heck, you can even give the girl a chance and maybe you can both help each other out in feeling a little better. All completely up to you though!

It's also good to post following the prompt I gave!

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>nd heck, you can even give the girl a chance and maybe you can both help each other out in feeling a little better. All completely up to you though!
I would love to do so but there's no way being remotely involved with me and all my drugs and booze would help anyone so at the absolute best I can let her know she made me feel a little better during an awful time and then I can die, ideally without her ever finding out so she doesn't have to feel sad about it

Fuck I just want to make someone else happy since I can't be myself but there's no way to without somehow causing more damage

Today i say at home. It snowed enough in my area that classes were cancelled and I didn't have anything else planned for the day.
I'd love if classes weren't cancelled tomorrow despite it continuing to snow tonight.
I really love my tulpa, she encourages me to keep going and chase my dreams despite my shitty behavior.

I did get special permission for my absence from my doctor due to mental illness, but i still can't keep up with most of my classes so I will probably fail this year.
>does your friend know how you feel?
I don't think so, I am bad at displaying affection, but I hope he knows at least that I appreciate him a lot. I should probably tell him that.

How big is your dick, Akari user?

I worked on GML code.
I want to work on GML tomorrow.
I like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's music.

You are a very good person user. I think you make a lot of people feel good.

>You should devote many hours into those when you can, it's a nice way to channel thoughts or emotions into something more tangible.
i dunno, the only instrument that makes me feel that way is the flute which was the first instrument that i learned.
piano is just something extra that i was offered to learn and i feel like i started learning guitar because i like rock and metal music (although i never see myself ever being able to perform such music).
>Any idea of where/how you'll meet up?
after we meet at the airport and i drop my luggage at the hotel, we'd just go for a walk around his town, talking.
maybe he would introduce me to some of his friends, maybe we would stop by one of the places he sometimes eats and grab a burg.
i don't want to plan ahead too much that our first day goes by too quickly but also not too little that we end up not knowing what to do all day.
>With anons on r9k though, I know what it's like to be here most every day, living in darkness.
>It's okay, I realy do like all of you!
thanks, you remind me of an old friend...

Oh, he makes me feel good alright. OP gives me cummies.

Indeed, that is definitely true on the money thing. probably back to where I grew up as a small child in oregon, been moving around the last 10 years and just need a home.

Your light hearted optimism and human friendliness is meaningful and appreciated user :)

What's your MBTI type, OP? You seem like an INFJ or ENFJ

>>what did you do today?
woke up. drank. stared at my screen
>>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
drink. try to cry less
>>name someone that you like (can be like as in someone you wanna be with forever or just because you like what they do or anything really)
I fell in love with this boy from discord after a year of being alone after my friends ghosted me and having no contact with anyone. We met u in person and he flew halfway across the nation to see me. He says im really cute in person but it was his first time doing something like this and he couldn't get it hard for me and I lashed out at him for being prison gay and leading me on. I feel really bad about it because what if it's just performance anxiety. oh well. i probably deserve all of this, he's trying to distance himself from me and he's the only light i have in this dark place

i stayed up all night and my stomach hurt all day.
and my voice went to. kinda sucked really but played some vidya with irl friends and felt a little better
alcohol is gay do mushrooms

>what did you do today?
I had fun with my friend playing vidya
>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
probably the same thing
>name someone that you like
said friend whom I'm afraid of losing though they'll never know that

>I just want to make someone else happy since I can't be myself but there's no way to without somehow causing more damage
I think that's what happiness is. It's just something that relies on other people and can be taken away. It's okay though, because that's a universal experience.

Darn, I wish my classes would get canceled from snow! My school is run by a lady that claims she used to regularly walk in the snow to get to her classes; one of those "I used to walk uphill both ways in the snow' types. How fun is your tulpa?

It's okay to take a longer time for a degree. I'm in my sixth year with another two to go! Mostly because I kept switching majors and partly from failing too many classes. Oh well!

Burgers are great friend food! It sounds like the meetup should go great!
And who knows? Maybe I am an old friend! Maybe we've talked to each other before on other threads! Lots of possibilities here!

Thanks friendos! It makes me happy to know that's how you feel about me!

Thanks! Oregon sounds cool, like a place to go where you just wanna be yourself in a forest.

I've taken it a few times, it changes a few times but I'm always hitting the introverted mark. What's yours?

I drink a lot too! Probably when i shouldn't! but it's fun and a way for me to release a lot of built up energy. You remind me a lot of a friend I used to have that met someone online and she flew wayyyy out acrosss the country to meet him, It didn't turn out well becasue they stopped talking to each other. But hey, chances are you can find someone else too!

mushrooms take more time than alcohol but they are fun

Keep up the good work user! Don't stop learning and improving your code!

Vidya is great! Maybe you should tell your friend how you feel too. maybe they feel the same way!

Attached: akari (28).jpg (795x860, 115K)

>Thanks friendos! It makes me happy to know that's how you feel about me!

>being this happy and nonplussed about someone giving you cummies

I'm an INFJ

*You giving someone cummies

>I think that's what happiness is. It's just something that relies on other people and can be taken away. It's okay though, because that's a universal experience.
thanks user I'm happy I talked with you tonight, I got drunk as all fuck like I do every night so I probably won't be replying anymore but I am thankful for you letting me get my thoughts out. If I manage to get some closure with that girl I'll try to tell the story in a thread like this before I off myself, I really hope I do because she seems to be a wonderful person and deserves to be made happy

As you can all see from my previous short replies, I am feeling a little exhausted. I think it's best that I turn in for the night! Usually, I hand off the chat and role of (You) giver to someone else. Maybe a beneficial user will take up the position.
Thanks for stopping by my thread! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your days! I forgot how much fin these threads are! Maybe you'll see me again soon!

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Also you seem to be a wonderful person yourself and I wish all the best for you in your life

He's not known for sex

Where is my U

>what did you do today?
Sat on Jow Forums and ate. Went for a walk and bought junk food at the store. Now I'm reading moege and eating junk food.
>is there anything you wanna do tomorrow?
Stay up all day and fix my sleep schedule.
>name someone that you like (can be like as in someone you wanna be with forever or just because you like what they do or anything really)
I like Konomi from PE.

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i want e-bf
i want to wake up and fall asleep to your texts i want to play games with you laugh at your memes chat about your day or just stupid stuff i dont care what you look like just want love

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are you a fag or female

>sounds like the meetup should go great
i hope it will :)
>who knows?
>maybe i am
no, i don't think so.
my old friend was from another board.

well shit
not origigiginae

Yo bitch
Im right here