Is everyone feeling how fucked everything is becoming?

Is everyone feeling how fucked everything is becoming?

Economically, Politically, Socially.. Burger here

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i try not to even read news anymore because it's just fucking mind poison.

I use to avoid listening to Alex Jones for this reason but it looks like the mainstream media became just as bad if not worse than he was

>Trump will accomplish nothing
>biggest rising political stars are a commie e-thot and a muslim negress
>Brown hordes continue to flood in
>Right wing winning a national election is pretty much already impossible
>GOP still refusing to drop losing neocon agenda in favor of trumpism or Tuckerism
>wealth inequality accelerating
>college degree is worthless
>white hetero men increasingly barred from any social power/status via ad hoc and direct methods
>antifa acts with impunity
>anyone that even leans right being deplatformed from social media, jobs and even banks and utilities now
>call-out culture approaching levels not even seen under Soviet communism
>commie struggle sessions not even a meme anymore
>ppl are openly calling for incels and other wrongthinkers to be rounded up
>Average IQ plummeting
>Feminism infecting everything
>environment being destroyed for profit
>hormone disruptors and neurotoxins literally impossible to avoid
>all trad institutions like the church being subverted, banned or castrated
>all normie women are radfems even if they reject the label
>trans kids normalized
>infanticide being normalized
>pedo shit being normalized
>Poly cucking being normalized
>Birth rates plummeting
>Sperm counts plummeting
>Male T-levels plummeting
>All social convention and nomos being eradicated because technology makes them irrelevant
>Transhumanism becoming accepted and more achievable
>any semblance of meaning becoming possible in frivolous, nihilistic culture
>99% of people, including white males, are unaware or uninterested
>any semblance of a reactionary counter-force consumed by doxxing, deplatforming, idiocy, infiltration and infighting
>similar trends in every western country

I'm tuning shit out and enjoying the few comforts I have. I've given up any dream of revival. The west won't be saved. The world won't be saved. I'm convinced humanity will either destroy itself or become some kind of transhuman cyber abomination.

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My lifes been getting better every year. Not really sure what you mean

My personal has been really good lately. Have a job and a gf finally. Still have to admit that the trajectory of the world is absolutely awful. Don't really see any kind of "good" scenario for the west or the world in the next few decades.

Is it because youre mentally retarded? I had a doom and gloom phase in high school so I cant judge too hard

Its pretty grim but gen z seems more conservattive then millennials. So there is hope yet. Idc if we go robot, actaully looking forward to having cybernetic eye, cause real eye is trash. Hope cyber lungs too so i can smoke all the ciggys i want minus the cancer. But if we go full left authoritarian its gonna be pretty shit.
Im already ready to die, so now im just enjoying the ride.

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Woke and taking the time to say it all pilled. Also transhiman cyber will likely lead to destruction as well.

I had an optimistic phase in my mid 20s too, don't worry you'll grow out of it.

>becoming senile before you turn 70
Yep its brain damage then

Keep coping lol

Everything will be fine user ;)

If we do go cyber we can look at hundreds of benifits. I bet the cost will be complete erradication of privacy though. Everything you will ever do once you go cyborg will be recorded and used against you id they dont like you.

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People were absolutely 100% sure that we would all die in the 80s and 90s. Life was even worse in general. Dont be gullible fa.m.

>the doomsday position telling someone who says life is good that being positive is a coping mechanism
Excuse you? Even if I took you seriously, fucking obviously it would be better to be coping rather than whining about the Western Hemisphere.

hate to break it to you but gen z are only 'conservative' in a fiscal sense. They're actually more liberal than millennials on social issues. Far closer to generation 'shapiro' than generation zyklon.

I'm so fucking sick of people like you. Holy shit.

feel you man, trump's legal immigration comments have been a real black cloud.

Based GenZ is a meme, but please prove me wrong.

>cybernetic eye, cause real eye is trash. Hope cyber lungs too

Lol you think it's gonna stop at spare parts? It's gonna be cyber eye, cyber brain, cyber mom, cyber dad, cyber wife, cyber happiness, cyber life, cyber workforce

Cyber will REPLACE humanity. What will be the point of humanity once we give birth to our betters? What regrard will they have for human life? What regard will they have for something that even occupies physical space? Embodiement is a weakness after all. It reduces efficiency. Without embodiement what will be the point of feeling? of thinking? Everything resembling humanity will be subsumed for the sake of function. Humanity will have phased itself out. It will have phased all life out, because it will all become unnecessary. And sense we are becoming more and more value neutral and apathetic, there won't even be a motivation to keep a "reservation" of authentic humanity for nostalgia's sake.

I think people really underestimate how much technology will undermine humanity. It has already done so much.

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Why don't you care about the society that hates you?

Bro this is soooo deep. I know everything about the future because I watched the matrix. Such a good film bro. Lets get some beers bro

I'm not saying kill yourself, but to delude yourself is nothing but cowardice.

My dark view of the future serves to make me savor life even more. Because I know what I am experiencing right now will be one of the last times humanity will have the opportunity to experience a somewhat organic, normal life.

As fucked up as post-modernity or meta-modernity or whatever you want to call this shit is, the future is going to be so much worse.

You hate me because I shatter your illusion and coping mechanism that things will get better.


This isn't even what the matrix is about lol. The matrix still has humanity existing for the incredibly non-sensical purpose of "energy"

The matrix is a dumb prediction of the future and bares almost no relation to what I'm saying.


I don't even know why I try anymore. The banality and regressiveness of uncontrolled human nature has been put on full display by social media and it only continues to accelerate. I used to view people as fundamentally "good", but now I'm not so sure. I wouldn't call it evil, but more amoral and unconscious. I can't help but feeling me and everyone else are just what is left of what was once a beautiful human soul, polluted by literal toxins and more metaphysical posions.

>Im special because I have a dark view of the future
Kek. Guess you never took history there were people like you thousands of years ago bud. Whatever makes you happy though, surely you will see people become autobots and deceptacons *rolls eyes*

Brooo Im just saying that the matrix totally predicts how like we like make robots and shiit. Robots are sooo smart bro, and not a complete waste of money in 90% of recent applications

Things are getting better and theres proof all around you, just look harder

Yeah. But it's just pure apathy, everywhere. I don't know what to do. It hurts. I think it has something to do with the technological revolution being basically over. In other words humanity might honestly stay in this weird depressing post-apocalyptic stage for the next 200 years.

Trump was over within the first month of his tenure when he refused to Xo the wall and let them cuck him over Flynn and allowed the Mueller investigation.

He had decent instincts but is an absolute amateur when it comes to exercising his power. He made literally every mistake you can make. The GOP and gov bureaucracy play him like a fiddle. The only power he exercises is his twitter feed (which actually isn't something to underestimate)

Trump's recent legal immigrant comments are probably just rhetoric in his head, but the GOP and deep state will leverage his feigned gesture into real policy. He won't get a wall, but you better believe we'll get those based immigrants.

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Just because absolute poverty in sub-saharan Africa went down by like 2% or scientists starting trailing a cure for some obscure disease 99% of people never even get doesn't mean the world is getting better.

>meme economy at all time high
>depressing post apocalypse stage
Nigger 80 years ago you would likely be dragging your ass to a well to get water and maybe if youre lucky you get some sugar

I don't think I'm special. A lot of people see this coming. People like you think you're edgy because your "above" this incredibly obvious analysis and ACKSHUALLY things are gonna be based and redpilled.

Look at disease overall, or just general quality of life. The shit you consider a problem would be as benign as a gentle breeze in the past. How many of your friends were stabbed to death while you were a kid?

It's a fucking joke. California is a perfect example.
>exponentially expands populations while bottlenecking all water infrastructure.
>exponentially expands population while bottleneck energy production
>exponentially expands population while bottlenecking house construction

Fucking hate politics. The left/right meme bullshit.

The matrix isn't about robots you moron. The matrix is a cheesy allegory about Baudrillard and everyone "living in an illusion". It's talking about 1999 not 2100

What I'm talking about isn't just robots either. It's technology in general. Robots are a small aspect of it. I think robots won't exist in the time I"m thinking of. Embodiment will not exist because manipulating physical things will not really be necessary without embodied humans.

>Meme economy
What the fuck is that?

Things are becoming more efficient eh?
Things are becoming so efficient that we are beginning to lose the need for people at all. Solving all these problems is precisely the thing that will end us.

Ultimately this technological development will "solve" the problem of humanity itself.

Just because life isn't Africa tier doesn't mean it objectively isn't shit. Suicide rates are reaching an epidemic level, most people are moving along paycheck to paycheck praying to God a crisis doesn't ruin them, as already been pointed out food quality is declining and man made toxin exposure is rising, etc...

You wouldn't be wrong saying life is generally comfier than it's ever been, but is it truly better?

>a lot of people are huge retards
Great insight. There is practically zero progress in that field. The money is in information, not functionality. I bet youve used an analogy between computers and brains before.

>he hasn't put all his money in memes

More people live longer and better. More people have more opportunity and variety. Fewer people praying to a god.
Food is getting easier to obtain and cheaper.
Toxin memes are pathetic. Cigarette use and shit cars are down.

Its better but I can admit that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and perspective. Arguing about muh society is usually just a reflection of the self. Theres no way in shit you know more than a few hundred lives closely. Most likely you dont even know 10 people very well

>bet youve used an analogy between computers and brains before.

No. My point is precisely that computers ARE NOT brains. Computers are value nihilists in pure form that people can't even approach or understand.. They won't and don't have sentimentality for life.

Which is why as we integrate with them and are ultimately are subsumed by them, that the hellworld I talk about will manifest.

There is currently no physical way for integration, thats the point. Youd have to design a fundamentally different kind of computer which hasnt changed since the beginning of computing.

People understand them just fine. Takes a few years of practice. Most IoT and BMI is pure shit and going nowhere

Bro this totally reminds me of the matrix pill where neo gets eaten by the robot baby in the end lol

What is a smartphone retard?

How can you be saying this with a straight face? Life expectancy is declining in the western world, these "opportunities" put most people into a lifetime of interest accuring debt, moral relativism has replaced religion with disastrous social effects, toxin exposure is having observable effects on human development (endocrine disruption, autism, etc...)

Most people who don't care about society live in some sort of bubble, like college, that gives them constant positive feedback and blows smoke up their ass on the daily.

Not transhumanist trashtier fantasies
You just proved my points right. Talking about how awful it is to be socially awkward instead of being probably bombed tomorrow

>Third worlders are lured westward by the promise of social and economic failure and ruin
Go fuck yourself teen zoomerfag

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So what you're saying is people in the first world can't be concerned about highly visible problems and a declining standard of living? It won't be long until the First World is no different from the 3rd World if people have that mentality.

>Im right because you didn't meet some retarded arbitrary standard I set for you where fucking wires have to be sewn into blood vessels are something

lmao dude. no point in arguing with someone this fucking dense. Smartphones prove computers can and are augmenting human cognition and this will only continue and get more pervasive and more totalizing. Maybe 1% of the human brain is computer rn, I'm sure this won't increase at all and tech won't get better at intefacing with our brains. Totally solid bet that will definitely not be proven wrong. And even if it does it definitely won't have knock on societal effects. Your def not being an edgy contrarian who is just cant accept that sometimes banal and tired points have merit.

Have fun Coping.


im 22. all I've seen my entire life is the country go to hell and the dream die.

Thats you man.
Its rising. A few years isnt a trend and if it was were nowhere near how bad it was in the 70s

You have no argument you just have a dream that computing will be this completely different thing in some distant future. People (experts) said wed have hover cars and unlimited energy by the year 2000 too

The thing your are using to autistically screech proves my point. There is no difference in kind of my future scenario and what you are using rn. Just a diffence in degree.

Right, like newspapers and paintings.

>dares to even talk how ""fucked"" his cunt is

Its like listening to a billionaire cry about how his cars are losing value