Fellas, I just discovered manual labor

Fellas, I just discovered manual labor.
>Work hard
>Get paid
>Develop your community
Literally see no downsides

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>over 10 hours of work everyday for several months
>severly underpaid (the only way it works is if you work at usa and live in mexico)
>spend several months without work and no paid because you haven't been called to construction
unless you are training to be a boxer you are slaving yourself

If he enjoys what he's doing, lifts and invests in chainlink, he will be cheering at life.


In 50 years all manual labor jobs will be replaced by robots.

Learn to code.

If manual labour was so good why have I quit my 60k a year fishing job to go to uni?

In 50 years we of generation cancer will all be dead

based on my experience with lifting and sports I'd say I'd probably spend more money on healing injuries caused by manual work than I'd actually make

Not so sure about that.
A plumber is much less likely to be replaced than an accountant, for example. Although admittedly, a plumber is likelier to be replaced than a sociologist or historian.
It's all about how repetitive the task is, and how easy it is to program.

Welcome to Jow Forums

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>Learn to code.

In 50 years the AI will be coding too.

In fact coding is easier for AI than manual labour.

Develop your relationships and have kids. Get whatever job you can.

i get paid so well doing construction in australia that cocaine is my weekend high

Based. Sunshine state?

Give me the quick rundown on this? Are we not gonna make it?

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Yeah, but someone has to make the AI

>get paid
You would cringe at this line if you knew how much your boss makes while basically treating you like a slave

Your body has been fighting poisons no human in your lineage has ever been exposed to since you wrapped your mouth around your first bottle. We are utterly fucked guy.

I don’t wanna resort to the “muh FDA” and “muh science and technology” but surely we are more careful with carcinogens than we ever have been, right?

yeah lol

>makes AI
>cheers champ. Unemployment line's that way. - AI owner

>work your body for peanuts to make 10x the money for the employer
>shit social status
>shit life

yup, nothing wrong with manual labor

now bring me a cappuccino and it better not be cold

the problem with manual labor is it puts unnecessary miles on your body

it's good to get you to a certain point, all young people should participate in manual labor, but to do it as a job is taxing on your joints and skeletal system


this is the most reasonable user

your body will be broken by the time you hit 50

Fellas, I just discovered "x" profession.
>Work hard
>Get paid
>Serve the "community/society"

This. Tons of manual laborers get FUCKED UP, either from injury on the job or just cumulative wear and damage. Then they get addicted to pain meds, get fat, and have shit lives.

this dude speaks the truth. manual labor is fun but it's hard as hell and you will fuck your body up. a smart way to go about it is put a few years in, then when you have the experience, quickly move up to be a supervisor or inspector. that way you get the benefits of the insane pay of trades, but none of the downsides of it destroying your body.

that's only if you have the balls to handle that sort of lifestyle, though. with that shit comes a lot of pressure, because now you're in charge of whether or not a building or bridge or pipe is going to fall apart or explode and kill somebody.

>robots cant make a house

bad news they already are

>robots cant fix plumbing

why not?

>robots cant make an apartment building

I can promise you in the next 10 years there will be 3d printed apartment buildings being built nation wide

Trades are sadly on the way out.

Enjoy your bodily injuries and subsequent opiod addiction and overdose, or at least working with tons of people like that

I do manual labor and I'm looking for a way out.

> repetitive motions
> back pain, neck pain, knee pain

You don't actually do motions that build the aesthetic muscles. Only gains I've gotten are neck and shoulders and my hands are strong like iron. Nothing else is getting developed.

Also after working 8 to 10 hours of manual labor the last fucking thing u want to do is lift.

It tends to end up making you skinny strong if that makes sense.

My manual labor job has hurt my gains, it's just my hands and neck are like iron, that's I guess the only positive.

> Tile Installer

I doubt that. I'm the one above who posted about tile work.

There's 100 situations where you need to apply specific motions, cuts, and work arounds for problems. I doubt a robot could do any trade, even in 30 years.

>>over 10 hours of work everyday for several months
>>severly underpaid (the only way it works is if you work at usa and live in mexico)
>>severly underpaid
>>severly underpaid
>>spend several months without work and no paid because you haven't been called to construction
>>severly underpaid
maybe if this was the 1920s or if you live in bumfuck, nowhere, you'd have a point.

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it takes 500 japanese genuis autists decades to make a robot that can climb a few stairs and you seriously expect that a goddamn robot will be able to climb up into my attic crawlspace and staple insulation?


wtf is that welt thing on his cheek?

you're gonna make it user if you're at least part of the minority that is health-conscious and you don't shove processed poison with added sugar in your face every night. Work out, eat a healthy, balanced diet, avoid processed meat, grains, sugary drinks, alcohol and smoking and you will live to see at minimum 3/4 of our generation die out childless in their 50s and 60s. Modern diets have gotten so fucking bad this generation is estimated to have shorter lives than their parents.

>I don’t wanna resort to the “muh FDA” and “muh science and technology”

You just did.

Based medical science will save us with lifetime perscriptions.