I'm going to kill myself tonight, I'm so happy!

I'm going to kill myself tonight, I'm so happy!

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l envy your courage.

originally livestream it, fag

You better be serious.

better luck on the other side.

Me too user. Planned on doing it last night but I pussied out, not gonna do that this time.

Wish me luck.

if we get down to it, don't we all?

Rest in peace lil nigga there's a heaven for a g

Don't do it user, come work at burger king with me and your life will turn for the better

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Wish this was me desu. I want to be this able.

I'm so happy for you!!!! Congratulations!
I hope one day I can kill myself too

Good luck, user. Make sure to prepare it well or you may not be in a condition to try again or maybe some faggots call people on you because they think you shouldn't die until you provide as much as you possibly can, just because kikes say so

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let me chat before you do and maybe see if we can help each other

How much money can you PayPal me bro?

I hope you fail you selfish garbage person

If you kill yourself, it will prevent you from being happy.

I am reporting this thread
Normie cops will be there to "save you" soon, enjoy

cringe and bluepilled
Honk and youngnigga pilled
nothing written on this site should be taken seriously. Tis a satirical work of fiction

if you fail, then come back and tell me what went wrong and what you even did, that is, if youre not in hospital

Just don't fuck it up I guess. I wouldn't recommend trying to begin with, but if you're dead (heh) set on it, then no half measures. You'll have a whole slew of new problems if you fail.

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ah, the zoomer, a spectacular kind. here's that free (you)

>celebrating someone throwing away their life
Actual brainlets. OP I hope it's not for something stupid like >no gf or being poor. Reconsider

I don't have a sharp knife or a gun, money isn't a thing I have. Anyone have an idea how easy it would be to drown myself in the tub?

Do you guys think the propane gas tank from my barbecue would work in an exit bag as a replacement for helium? I still live with my parents so I cant just order some helium or nitrogen gas. Or would it give too strong a sensation of choking and I instinctively pull the bag off.

>Anyone have an idea how easy it would be to drown myself in the tub?

you might go ahead and try suicide by holding your breath

no, it will hurt and its going to stink.
not going to explain to you why it has to be helium.

I guess I walked into that one. How likely would exposing the wire of a power cord and plugging it into the wall do it?

Shit. I wish I can do the same. good luck

about 3.50% likely to do it

Well fuck what would you recommend then?

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go to a fucked up area with lots of crime and try to figure out who is the boss.

any piece of information will do it.
where he lives, name of the members of his senpai, friends, car

be creative and fuck something up and let him find out you did.
100% guaranteed death. I dont know how much its going to hurt though, probably a lot, but its 100% likely to do it.

another plus is that there is no pussying out if you think about it.

Come on, dude. At least do something epic before pulling the trigger. Go to Thailand, fuck hookers, and die off of a cocaine and heroin binge pussy.

lmao gunjy you cunt
everyone knows you do the opposite of helping people

If I was capable of that I would just get a bunch of heroine and skip the gang man.

you can try suicide by bulimia like Euginia Racoon
Just stop eating and let your heat get weak until you have a heart attack

Please don't friend.

This was original. Interesting.

Trips get to decide how I die tonight~!!

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Best method of suicide is charcoal burning in an enclosed area, get really drunk as well beforehand and it's a peaceful death bros

Found this in another thread. Hope it helps, user.

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Please do not livestream it. When you fail, please don't tell us. Just don't come back.
Go there, instead

>get really drunk

is this really necessary?
If I get really drunk I will need to go to the bathroom every so often and I might need to get out of the enclosed area because my bladder will hurt if I hold it for too long, also, I am likely to die on my own piss and thats not cool

Take a few shots of something so that your bladder isn't full, it doesn't take long to die through this method anyway

>another suicide baiter hogging up board space for free you's
Holy fuck just kill yourself atention whore

Then what is the point of taking shot if I am not going to get drunk

i think you just want to make people die on their own piss

>i think you just want to make people die on their own piss
What the fuck are you talking about? Only certain suicide methods cause you to die in your excretion and that method isn't one of them.

have you ever got real drunk
it does not take long for your bladder to be full of piss

if you do this its 100% you will have convulsions on a pool of your own piss.
This is common sense

if your bladder does not get full of piss you arent not even drunk and drinking is pointless

I'm assuming most here are sub 150lbs and won't take long to get drunk, if it bothers you that much then go and take a piss and return to the room

Just hook it up to a gas mask user. If you get the right filter you shouldn't smell a thing. If you live in eastern europe you should be able to get a gas mask and a filter for under 10eur at your local surplus store.
Also imagine how cool your lifeless body will look like wearing a gas mask compared to how gay it will be when they find you with a plastic bag on your head.

Rolling. Death by cops but drink a gallon of PCP first for strength/courage.

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>he still thinks you can easily get 100% pure inert gas

Return to the room?
But now its ruined and I will have to start from the beginning and I will be coughing the whole time with that much smoke.

Its best to light the charcoal in the room, get out, get drunk and go to the bathroom as you need it, and then enter the room to die. Anything else is going to be hilariously not what you expect it to happen.

As I said, you will not get drunk
You will be sober and coughing because of the smoke
When the alcohol hits, you will want to piss, but now you are convulsing on your own piss.

Its best to think this through.

Have you faggots ever heard about piss bottles?

origano old collection

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I've been thinking of killing myself through electrocution, but I don't have a bath tub. Will an ordinary shower work with a hairdryer/toaster?

Why would you even choose electrocution? Sounds unreliable and will mostly get you disabled or something.

>better luck on the other side

There is no other side. Hes just gonna have his past memory erased and be translocated to the nearest newborn.

Hopefully he gets a better genetic roll this time.

There's literally nothing else that is possible for me, except for maybe hanging, but there's pretty much zero places strong enough to hold my weight.

Actually I just remembered that there's a radio tower about 2 kilometres from my house that is tall enough to jump off with a high success rate, and a train track that has regular use this time of year

wishing i had your courage friend.

I dont even have a bad outlook on live, but the possibility of things not working out for me makes me not want to try at all

no that is stupid youll just be in great pain dont try