How ya holdin up Jow Forums?

how ya holdin up Jow Forums?

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3 weeks sober. Life is so fucking boring without alcohol, and the days take forever to end. I watch the clock constantly, even on days off.

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I dont feel anything anymore, no good things and no bad things. A light went off years ago and I dont think its going to be turned back on.

>those digits

I have become completely disinterested in porn and masturbation. I used to masturbate several times a week, now I'm just not interested. Mind you, I'm still attracted to IRL grills.

Trying to fight my caffeine addiction is becoming hard. I crave RedBull sooooooooooooo much. My sleep is terrible. I keep waking up in the middle of the night. I have nightmares every single fucking day, it's horrible.

I crave the gym though. I used to consider going to the gym a chore, something I had to do in order to maintain my body. Now, time flies when I lift. I didn't lift yesterday as I was travelling, and damn it felt SOOOOOO good to lift again.

I'm still a retard though.
> going to the airport
> girl from uni calls
> "hey user what's up"
> "nothing, about to board a plane"
> "oh, cool. Have a nice trip"

Been on nofap and trying my best to avoid porn or lewd images. I've actually been feeling really good because of it. Idk what it is but I've been feeling a lot more in control of my life recently. I don't think it's from nofap tho, cause I've tried nofap before multiple times and relapsed because it was so hard to resist my temtpations. But now I can simply think "no" and they don't bother me. Whatever it is, I hope that it doesn't burn out on me.

Fighting demons every single day
hoping the best for my Jow Forums bros
wish I could meet some of you

Tired, after I max out deadlifts on thursday and cut off preworkout for the rest of the week I suffer for the last 3 days feeling every sore spot and injury

>hoping to meet a Jow Forumsizen

just go to your local gym

yeah but how do you identify a Jow Forumsizen??

i fapped and my cum was gooey. i fapped yesterday too.

Eye contact

Is it usually not gooey?

>feeling fit today?
>im just a lucky guy

didn't use to be when i used to fap once a day. it's fucking yellow too like it got mixed with piss or something

>missed out on social gains all my life
>dead end warehouse job
>feel like shit
>realize if i don't do something soon i'm boned
>decide to join the AF when i turn 25
>already having my doubts i'll make it
On one hand I want to tell myself to skip it and just keep trudging along, but on the other I know I won't make it if I don't commit myself

>3 weeks sober. Life is so fucking boring without alcohol
no, your stomach worms and bacteria just aren't giving you endorphin release rewards after consuming their fermented feeding frenzy heavenly fluids. fix your stomach with some green juices and you'll feel a lot better

Dunno if she's leading me on or actually interested in me. Shit fukin hurts

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I had to walk 15 miles today to get groceries because the lunch hall at my college was closed. It's good cardio and all but hell if my feet don't hurt.
Pic related is what I do most days. I probably have an addiction to the computer but I don't know what else I'm supposed to do. I hate everybody, myself most of all.

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Same here /fit bro. Committing to self improvement is all we can do.

>go to work
>work with very attractive married woman
>extremely attracted to her
>have to listen to her talk about her husband and kids all day
>it's unbearable suffering
>she shows me pictures of her kids
>become overwhelmed with envy and resentment
At least I know I'm not dead inside if I can feel emotions this intensely.

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have you tried a medicine called percocet? it helps the time pass quicker

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I've been better. Thanks for asking, user

I'm just looking forward to drinking tomorrow night. Gyms closed for memorial day so that's my excuse.

I'm holding up. Growing better every day, figuring out what I must do.

This entire post screams reddit

not good. i noticed today that i made several "cry for help" posts that were 1/4th "WOAH LADS we got an EDGY BOY HERE" but 3/4ths "please guys I'm really worried about myself."

not good at all

Not great desu

Still not over my ex fiancé cheating on me last year and I’m still finding it tough to drop weight (got another 15kg to lose) but on the positive side I have been seeing a girl and I have a high paying job. Just need to keep running away from my feelings until I have cut enough

Nice hitler dubs. Ive been holding up pretty well, ive aquired a trad thot gf somehow and have went from being a khv to a v. She says my muscles are comfy to sleep on and enjoys feeling my pecs bounce. Sorry for the blogpost anons but im here to remind you that we're all gonna make it.

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Shit man that's rough. Congrats on the new girl and job though.

>talk with a gal for a few weeks
>share a lot of interests, talk about history together, etc
>equally autistic about literature
>fourth date
>talk for two hours then smash in her car
>looks me dead in the eye before we part ways
> "I really, really like you"
>y-you too
>next day
>literally 24 hours later
>"I don't think this is gonna work out, sorry"

I've repressed all of my emotions with women for the past 2 years. This was the first time in ages that I was 100% sure that someone actually wanted me romantically, and I let the wall down and let myself feel something for her only to get punched in the gut after one day. I'm just gonna throw myself at the iron for the rest of the summer and make a vow to wait until marriage to become emotionally attached.

>depressed because financial situation
>haven’t been to the gym in weeks
>getting interviews but I still have to relocate across the country for any of them
>gonna have to sell most of my shit to afford bills and moving

can’t wait for this bullshit to be over with

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Thanks man. It’s rough because I can’t see a future now, at least not anything I wanted because it all came crashing down last year. The only thing I can see positive in my future is getting lean and enjoying being my physical best

If we lift heavy enough we will find the fuel for our light, user.

Girl I've been talking to seems to have a thing with some dude 5 years older than us. I'm assuming she's just been leading me on this entire time but I don;t know that for sure. Just gonna basically ignore her until she initiates a hangout like she said she would, I'm always being fucking lead on

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Sorry to say but you should leave it up, the guy has 5 years experience on you, go find a girl 5 years younger than yourself to make all her orbiters jealous

I'm 21 lol, she's too hot not to leave on the table and I've known her since MS so I have that. Just gonna leave it tho it's in her court

Skipped my workout today

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If she’s not committing to you then she likes the other dude more. Been in this situation before it ends exactly the way everyone says it will. But you may as well learn so you don’t do it again. Use this as an excuse to continue but when it doesn’t work out remember it and don’t let it happen again.

6’ 150 dropped 5 lbs. I have so much going on for church, work, mission trip. I don’t enjoy eating I hate it so much. I am losing weight. Went to the gym Thursday for the first time in a week and a half. Idk what to do. I feel smaller by the day.

losing my fucking mind, I both understand I am underweight, but feel like a fat cunt anyway every fucking day.

having trouble even hitting 1000 calories nowadays, regularly go 18-ish hours without eating, sometimes more.

>got 345 on dl and 135 on ohp recently
>finally got mired by a reasonably attractive female
>still cant forget her

I just broke up with my gf yesterday of two years. It's hitting me really hard and it hurts a lot. We're not talking to each other and I'm constantly expecting a text because I'm used to it. I know that it'll never come, but I can't help it.

I broke up with her, which was really tough to do. Our relationship wasn't bad. It was just that I didn't think we were compatible and were starting to make each other miserable. I didn't want to upset her, and I'm incredibly guilty about doing it. I don't know how to deal with this.

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Had a great workout today, I took it really slow, focused on the whole mind-muscle connection thing and I actually feel the consequences of this several hours later-- I'm sore & satisfied.
In other news my roommate just went out to a party, and for whatever reason him not inviting me is bothering me, though ultimately I know it's really not a big deal. Also I can't forget her.
I'm happy I at least have you bros :-)

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The dude lives miles away so I don't even know how they're doing shit, if they are. She blew me off to hang out with her female friends but then apologized, but I'm not really gonna put up with that shit

>smash on the fourth date
I'm sorry to hear, user, but do you think that you might be moving a bit fast?

You're not wrong. She initiated it, though, and I wasn't about to say no.

sick as a dog for the first time in 10 years. Got my first pair of 60lb dumbells Excited as fuck to use them but have to wait for this shit to pass

I'm sorry to hear friend, find peace in understanding that people who part ways have just grown in different directions, and that doesn't invalidate what you had before.

I’m a kissless hugless handholdless friendless textless partyless barless flirtless 23 year old virgin. The gym hasn’t helped me at all, I think it’s because my diet is so bad because I’ll often go days without eating. I just feel so depressed and hopeless some days I don’t even feel like eating. Some of us have to be losers in order for there to be winners I guess.

Sounds like you fucked up. Every couple will eventually make eachother miserable if you aren't communicating properly, there is no perfect girl out there, all your loved ones will upset you and you will hurt them. It's about being vulnerable enough to communicate why you feel the way you do, be honest, be open, be forgiving. It's not cowardly to call her up and tell her your reasons for breaking up and ask her if she thinks it's possible to work things out. Nobody is compatible, you become compatible by working through all your disagreements and problems like adults; even if it won't last it's a good learning experience, if you don't acquire these skills now, then when?


Yeah you're right. Still painful since she was my first real relationship. All I had before were month long flings or shitty high school dating.

She agreed with me though. We have very few interests in common. We were just really used to having each other around.

>I’m a kissless hugless handholdless friendless textless partyless barless flirtless 23 year old virgin.
Sounds pretty damn similar to me. Except I'm 30 lol and actually pretty good looking. Just an absolute mental case.

Eventually you stop caring and go for money instead. I'd like to think after this I can into human relationships, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Get a hobby

I take back that bit about you fucking up, I guess you know when it's worth working through and worth leaving. I hope you feel better about the whole thing soon and remember you have a lot of time to focus on yourself, love yourself and improve in all areas of life. Being single is a blessing.

Don't forget to insert the squatting plug bro

Is smashing on the fourth date that bad? I thought third date was when you decide "yeah i wanna fuck"

Got dumped by the first girl I felt like I fell in love with almost a year ago. I feel totally fine 95% of the time but every now and then I all of a sudden get totally consumed with a wave of nostalgia out of no where. Like I'm right back there with her and I feel everything. It doesn't make me sad, but it almost puts my life into a weird perspective - like I'm realizing a chapter of my life is sort of done and in the books in a way. I hate it but I can't help it.

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Well at least you’re good looking and have enough intelligence and drive to make money, you seem like someone therapy or prescription drugs could help. I’m just an ugly, talentless waste of space.

Everyone becomes less ugly if you get a little Jow Forums. I used to think I was a basically the same as you, but something just changed in my head around late twenties. Hopefully something changes for you as well, but you have to try. I don't know what you're doing or where you are, but going for a degree in something that can pay and not be so dependent around people can be really good to work towards and give you a sense of accomplishment that will help you feel better and keep up the motivation to keep trying even more.
Computer science or something I dunno.

Thanks user. I'll do my best.

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Doing ok
Sometimes feels like I get a pang of depression without cause for a few days but then whole rest of the month I'm content
Only complaint in life really, so I suppose I'm doing well overall
Hope all you anons struggling grow to feel peace soon enough

Not fucking well at all...

>Girl I was seeing won't tell me why she doesn't want to make time for me anymore
>I feel disgusted with myself
>Still going to the gym 5 days a week but without a goal in mind
>I have no tinder game
>Tried going to the bar the last two nights alone knocking back vodka tonics constantly telling myself "this is fun"
>met a lesbian chick last night, had a really good conversation with her about fitness, and already know that I have feelings for her
>If things don't shape up for me by July I'm going to start my first cycle

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>user just started getting his period
boipussy fresh

Kek, cycle is all kinds of fucked if thats the case

I don't even like girls anymore. I match with attractive girls on tinder or bumble and then have absolutely no interest in talking to them.

I'm not even fit yet. Lost a good bit of weight, got some cardio gains, and have been steadily increasing my lifting schedule but for the life of me I have no interest in girls anymore.

I ended my relationship with my gf today after helping her move into her condo. On the 1 hand, 20% of me feels sad that I ended it. She understood me and it was nice to have someone to talk to knowing that. I liked talking to her and hanging out in general. On the other, 80% of me is relieved as she was ridiculously clingy. Always wanted to hang out and would try to force conversations 24/7 whether it was on the phone or in person which in turn led to stupid, pointless arguments when I engaged in a conversation I didn't want to have/had no interest in. I tried to change and be more patient but she never tried to change herself. I went through a cycle for about a month and a half before this recent Tuesday where I said, "Fuck it!" and decided I was pulling the plug this weekend. Right now I'm gonna take a break from women and dating until the end of June to July. Afterwards, I'm going back to fucking everything that moves and is attractive until I like 1 enough for them to be my gf.

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Based. Dont look back user

I started working as a grocery store stocker. It's my first job. Any advice?

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Not well. At a low point right now. Found out the girl I've wanted, the only one not a thot in my university town, wants to move back to her hometown after graduation next year. My lifting #s make me want to cry, there was a guy at my gym 7 inches taller than me squatting double my 1 rm for reps. And I got looksmogged and gamemogged hard by my friends yesterday, for the first time in a long time I got 0 attention at a club. I hate right now, I wish I could rewind to a week ago back before I had all this knowledge and experience I never asked for.

Don't plan to. Already deleted her from Facebook and will give her until next week to contact me in case there is anything she left at my place or vice versa. After that I'll delete her from my phone and move on.


4 girls have flaked on me in the past 3 days.
My exgf will come over to bang tomorrow.
A girl i've been hanging out with in my neighborhood asked me via text "what are we now?" Woman is the most obscene game.

Same. Is it low test or what's the problem?
Doesn't seem right.

I feel ya trips bro, dunno why I keep falling for the same shit after being used as a doormat

I cried myself to sleep last night.
It'll get better though... r-right?

Yeah bro. Life always gets better with effort and time

Stick with it and move up asap, for resume gains to get a better job later or not have to start entry-level in a different job. Look into learning a trade if you're not interested in college.

Finally got a gf but am now super paranoid of fucking things up

Been doing well when it comes to eating clean and sticking to my daily workout routine. Outside of that, I'm a mess. My relationship is the only thing going for me. I started doing drugs again and I've been keeping it a secret from him. He cares about me, but I can't seem to care about myself. I used to get high just to have fun but now I do it so I don't have to think about my past.

The day isn't over yet bro. CMON LETS GET BIG:

To it for Rich, bro.

Brother I really have no idea.

I think it's mostly because I'm tired of the old cock carousel girls and the games they play.

I have no love for any tinder slut.

She'll come around soon I'm sure. Same for you.

I wish I wasn't mixed. I wish I could grow a proper beard. I wish I wasn't a manlet. I wish I wasn't a dicklet.
It's pretty clear that what holds me back socially is my low self esteem.

Must not have been very cute than. Good work user

in chemistry we believe

You only will only ever have this body. Learn to own it. That's why we're on Jow Forums, right? Taking control.

.... Honestly the only time I ever felt the difference was like 5" and the sex still felt good. Please stop worrying about your dicks, retards. If you're that worried, up your foreplay game. Manlet/beardlet doesn't matter. Christ. Stop believing body dysmorphic fueled shit from this board.

Fucking plateaued for over a month in everything except my diddly. Decided to take off 5 days, can't remember the last time I've had more than one rest day in a row. Hopefully I'll be able to push past it when I get back in there.

dude im 27 and was the exact same at 23. nothing ever changed. sure i didnt put in hardly any effort, but if you reach 23 and you've never been to bars, never flirted, never gone to parties or really even done texting, your life is over and it will never change. take it from me.

>I think it’s because my diet is so bad because I’ll often go days without eating. I just feel so depressed and hopeless some days I don’t even feel like eating

this is what its been like my whole life and a big reason why im 27 and 135 lbs as a guy. so miserable lazy and depressed that i barely even eat and don't even feel hungry really

im sorry to burst your bubble to the life of pain that awaits you. the only difference i've had is that i used to be pretty indifferent to life, but within the past year or so the suicidal thoughts have gotten a lot stronger. hopefully i'll get the balls to do it but ill probably be too scared of that too, like ive been too scared of everything in my life

Deleted 10000+ dumb pictures and videos from Jow Forums and deleted all porn/pictures of thots. Joined football (soccer) again, going back to school made an Instagram and have been trying to socialize more. Later nerds I'm on my way to becoming a normal fag again

This exact scenario has happened 3 times now!

I started banging a girl who I didn't like bc she was easy. Then I started feeling sorry for her and made her my gf. After a few months I begin to really resent her for being fat, lazy, dumb etc. I try to fix her and make her what I want. I start being really mean to her but I'm still emotionally attached. Then she dumps me and I feel humiliated for all the time, energy, and money I spent trying to fix an ugly fat girl.

Three fucking times! This shit never happens when I date girls that are in shape and have their shit together. What the fuck is wrong with me?

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That’s rough user

>memorial day weekend
>one of the biggest vacation/trip/party weekends of the year for young people through their 20s
>27, never done a single thing on any memorial day in my life
>probably not even leaving my room/the house the entire 3 days weekend
>even though i have a pathetic shit job, im actually not that happy about having to miss it monday because at least at work i talk to people

Dude it's ok. Memorial Day is gay. 4th of July is better. Some years are hard for men. I've spent holidays with billionaires and great fancy people. Other times I spent them alone in my room. I spent a year alone then spent new years the same year with a new gf. Now I'm alone again. It's the ebb and flow of a man's life. Focus on bettering yourself and reaching where you want to be. You may not be perfect but at least you know you're better than you were yesterday. good luck man

i get those waves as well. Just sudden waves of dread and pain. Shes a stranger to me now and i hate that a stranger knows me the way she does its unsettling.

finally graduated and got my diploma. feeling proud. currently job hunting and I'm not great at it but I have a few opportunity and an interview next weekend. feeling positive

>4th of July is better
ill be in my room then too

iktf bro

i haven't done anything on NYE the past 4 years.

> im actually not that happy about having to miss it monday because at least at work i talk to people

same, its sad for me my when co-workers are all anxious to leave work for the day to go do social stuff, etc and im just depressed because work means im at least out of the house and around other people. feels pathetic

I've stopped watching BBC porn and smoking cigarettes. I'm no longer mean to my parents and I have a healthier view of women. I have a job and money saved. This year went from one of the worst to one of the best.

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>but going for a degree in something that can pay and not be so dependent around people can be really good to work towards and give you a sense of accomplishment that will help you feel better and keep up the motivation to keep trying even more.

not him, but you could be like me another huge loser. huge loser but was smart in hs, went to college to study a degree to work in the medical field (where you have to go to grad school) because i figured i would do well, end up too fuckin stupid and miserable in college to do very well, and end up not getting into your programs, even lesser programs ive applied to, and have been stuck at a worthless, pathetic, miserable entry level job for over 4 years because it was supposed to look good for the programs. now if/when i leave i have literally no clue where to even start looking at another job. no skills to transfer, no clue where i would even look or what to look for

literally every single thing in my life i have failed at. that guy is right that some people are destined to be winners and unfortunately some have to be losers, some bigger losers than others. and im the biggest imaginable. hopefully some day my organs will be more helpful to other people than i have ever been in my life.

Usually been waking up at 5 pm. Managed to wake up at 2 pm today. Happy about that. Its day 3 of my experiment to see if fapping less is more effective than nofap then relapsing and fapping nonstop.
If I don't do well in school this time around I'm not going to have many options left. More hopeful than worried.
I also want to commit to learning to draw so I can make that time-travel comic book I've I wrote out and deleted and have been sitting on for like, 5 years.
Haven't been to the gym in weeks due to sleep schedule but I started benching in my dad's rinky-dink homegym.
Oh and I wrote the lyrics to a short song yesterday. The tune to go with it is not my favorite but its something.

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