What's a Jow Forums reason not to kill yourself? asking for a friend in desperate need of help

what's a Jow Forums reason not to kill yourself? asking for a friend in desperate need of help

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If you kill yourself then God wins
That abominable thing that birthed us
That pains us
That forces us, every day, to experience a wealth of emotions -- the majority of which are overwhelmingly negative or painful...
To die is one thing
To kill yourself is to admit defeat
And do you really, fucking really
Want to die
And finally meet this thing
And have it, soul to soul, mock the absolute retarded baseness of your essence
(Re)wrap you in flesh
And send you the fuck back here
This time with an even worse hand of cards
Because you ARE going to learn whatever lesson this experience called life is meant to teach
>don't make it longer than it has to be
>win in as few turns and if possible
>get strong as fuck
>stronger than fuck even
>so if anyone ever drops a God-killing sword
>you can pick it up
>and swing it once
>for all of us

I have shit to do.
Can't die till I got all my shit done, once I've done all that shit, I guess ill just find more shit that I want to do; thus the cycle repeats

Idk man existence is pretty neat itd be weird if you killed yourself when theres so much to do and learn and experience.

10/10 post

there is no reason to not kill yourself, a man should have the choice to end his life if he so chooses.

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This unironically got me hyped
Thank you based God-Killing user

did you w-write this yourself user? you may have just saved my life

>restart life again, this time probably worse
Seems like a pretty bad idea tbqhwyf

Because if you die then you'd be skelly forever

It's too damn uncertain, I've messed around with enough psychedelics to know that this physical body is not the source of consciousness but a by-product, I've seen some seriously hellish realms and realms of beauty and love. It's a crap-shoot and life follows laws of cause and effect. You've been given a gift here with this human life, if you throw it away you are showing immense disrespect and ingratitude, I can only imagine some high creator being throwing you into an existence ten thousand times more painful than this one, with no means of escape. You have the choose to end it, by not ending it and enduring you are showing that you have the strength to deserve it. Turn it around like so many others before you have and prosper from your work.

grow a pair, kid.

You can't make gains if you're dead.

Tell your friend he needs to find meaning in life. He needs to make the world better. Start with going outside and picking up litter and build up from there. Build social skills. Smile at people you pass and say hello and build up from there.

Can you go more into depth about this stuff? I'm kinda interested


how is life not the most difficult gym routine ever? like you can use all the equipment properly & still die at almost anytime.the routines as infinite as your imagination. just because you're bored or afraid or tired or whatever why slouch to your coffin if it's not covered in glitter? or a boat that your true friend will set on fire after setting it to sail. or whatever.

i may be pathetic but somehow i have not lost the will to live, & i've been tested a few times.

you'll get a patrolman visit soon user. everyone does. & that next chapter will not be the same as what you have now. inevitably worse than now. is that possible? you bet yer ass entropy is possible.

defeat physics user. at least try. you might as well

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I could, but it would be easier if you asked a more specific question. The rundown is, as consciousness, you could exist as an conceivable(or inconceivable) vessel, you could be an auto-arranging pattern of geometrical lights devoid of memory, purpose or emotion, without eyes but still witness to your own design, coming in out of being in some realm of assorted colours that aren't even available in this plane. Or you could be born as a pig on a slaughter farm, you could live for ten thousand years as a mote of dust moving aimlessly through the stars and when that "dream" ends it's as if it didn't even exist, all time goes back to nothing when the ride ends, you have existed for eternity, this is just another phase, a scene, a dream.

Because maybe things will turn around or maybe they won't; but killing yourself only insures that you'll never get to see things be better.

can never hit a thick new pr to flex on the dyel's is you hero out

I love when wackjobs do enough drugs that they think they've attained some kind of enlightenment.

Came here to confirm that this post is based, before the theists come bringing their battered woman syndrome telling you that you need salvation

Killing yourself is like leaving the gym too early and not lifting into exhaustion
Faggot dyel

Killing yourself ruins potential for future gains and improvement

Go ahead and kill yourself, but first run like 3 grams of test/tren/mast just to see what it's like
Permablast it and become a god until you either are imprisoned or die

you know this wouldnt be a bad way to suicide you could become ultimate aesthetic before you go

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we here to make it desu not to give up, failing is part or the road...

shut up hippie

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dips fedora

Spite and Revenge.

>The closest a man can ever come to cheating Death, is to choose the moment and circumstances of his paasing.

Black text is cringe and bluepilled.
Greentext is based af.

Not the OP but what I learned is this:

200 years ago we were still using bloodletting to balance the "humors" of the human body to cure it of illness.

100 years ago, we just were learning how to fly, 60 years later we were on the moon.

50 years ago we were just discovering computers and still were using keypunch cards to program them.

20 years ago we were creating the internet and the idea of electronic letters were just beginning to be used, social media wasn't a buzzword and smart phones didn't exist.

10 years ago the vast majority of people couldn't stream video because of bandwith limitations, and the idea of being able to download 100 gigs in a second fantasy that only were realized at the most high tech facilities.

The point is this, we don't know shit. We, as a species, can only see as far as the tip of noses and even in our most wildest fantasies and even our brightest minds can't get things correct 50 years down the road.

So how the hell can anyone speak to the ideas eternity? How can you trust someone who thinks they have all the answers? No one does, and anyone who says they do is full of shit.

But that also means there is always hope. I remember as a kid having sleepless nights because the ozone layer was going away and were about to all die of skin cancer, or HIV was everywhere and there was no way to cure it.

Do not let the arrogance of some people limit your ideas of what you potentially can or may be.

Why can't there be a God? Why can't there be realities we can't understand? Who's to say that this existence is the only one?

Those same people probably would have told you that televisions as thin as a book that could translate languages was pure imagination 50 years ago.

No one knows what the future holds, that means there is always hope.

>I've messed around with enough psychedelics to know that this physical body is not the source of consciousness but a by-product,

Read some Bernardo Kastrup if you want a philosophical argument that supports your intuition.

The universe is consciousness and consciousness is God. You are the universe, therefore you are God.

Assisted suicide has already been green lighted in some part of the country. If you feel that life is pain and you are not happy then you can always make a decision to end it since you are free to do what ever you want with your life. I’ve helped out many suicidal friends in my life, they all never completely heal and it is likely that depression will always be in the back of their minds until they die. One of them ended up killing herself last year, at least her suffering has ended.

Honestly if you’re still in your twenties, I would give it another few years to try and grind it out to see how far you can go. If you're still feeling like shit and suicidal, it’s your life.

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Sounds like power metal lyrics.
Also based.

Based user
Got my dick hard

1: there is no problem that is unfixable but death
2: suicide is a sin and you will go to hell
>inb4 we are already there
this is just limbo

absolutely based

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we have to keep going lads

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you played right into his hands

>(Re)wrap you in flesh
>And send you the fuck back here
This is literally my deepest existential fear.

Tell your friend he needs to get his act together.
Pic related, it's your friend

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I don't really have a reason to kill myself either

>losing ALL your gains to fucking worms
doesn't sound like making it to me.