Why is it so difficult to make friends ?

Why is it so difficult to make friends ?
Sometimes even online communication makes me feel uneasy and nauseous

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Its pretty easy. Spend more time than you currently do

If you're different from the rest it may be a bit hard finding someone with a personality you can tolerate, the best friend I use to have had serious autism and it was fun watching anime/cartoons playing vidya and just doing random shit together. You'll find him one day op just put yourself out there more

>put yourself out there more
Out where? Only social places I know are bars

Spend more time with what ?

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I understand how it isn't as simple as going to the beach and suddenly making a friend out of pure happenstance, unless you're around people a lot like through uni you might not have a chance other than meeting people online or just trying your luck and go to for example a comic book store or anime conventions if that's your interest and start talking to people

More time making friends. Dont listen to the dummy who recommends online communication, thats the worst way

Are you into boardgames or videogames at all? Any other hobbies where people have regular meets and tournaments?

I sort of try, I had someone call me once in awhile to help me out with speaking since I sometimes I didnt make sense. He doesnt call anymore.

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All of my friendships started by someone else approaching me first.
So now I have no idea how to initiate.

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Walk up to them, say hello, introduce yourself, small talk. My social anxiety says fuck you to me so i have a hard time even approaching someone, but i know the basics user.

I play in pool tournaments every once in a while but those are all at bars, I'm just so fucking sick of drinking. Bars are the only social venue I know of and I'm fucking sick of them, I want something new.

I guess you're right, but whenever I try that this connection seems to just fall off at a certain point. Maybe I should be more persistent.

I used to like playing vidya, I play the animal crossing mobile game though

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There's a mobile game? I always wanted to play the one on Gamecube and would read all about it in NIntendo Power, but my dad didn't want me playing it.

Op here, Id like to ask you anons how you deal with loneliness and social anxiety ?
Usually I sleep or play animal crossing

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Yeah, People dont like it though.

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I sleep, slot.
Work out at the gym too.

I drink a lot, it helps take the edge off and if I need contact I just talk to people on forums
>social anxiety
I take meds for it but at the same time I barely go out much so it isn't that bad

>social anxiety
i dont go outside

I got to level 35 then stopped since nothing really happens in it but I'm hoping the switch version is a lot of fun

Im level 72. I dont have a switch sadly.

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I know that feeling I hope nintendo does a bundle or cuts down on the switch price sometime in the near future.I hope the best for you user but maybe you should look for people on /soc/ in you area? I haven't tried it myself but that could be a way of meeting new people.

Im not sure about meetups .. but Ill try looking for someone to talk to on discord or something .. arigatou user

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Is it acceptable to ask someone to be your friend after you've acquainted? I miss pre-school when I could just do that. I don't like the weird mind games people play and their ambiguous feelings.

Its weird to think about how much more courageous children are than adults

kinda odd to address it like "hey wanna be friends?"
if you've been acquainted and you're doing something they might be interested in then just casually bring it up in conversation and invite them.

I just don't like being ambigous acquaintances and prefer a label so I don't have to worry about social boundaries that are different between official "friend" and "acquaintance", such borrowing, loaning, secrets, closer personal space when conversing, riskier banter, less formal invitations to events, etc. Also, I want to be able to tell my mom and therapist I made a friend so they are proud of me (and I can be proud of me too).

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Don't be so desperate to rush these things. I wouldn't consider anyone a friend after meeting them once, but if I enjoy their company, I'll make an effort to hang out again. If you have something in common (sports, nerd shit etc.) , ask if they want to do it with you some time. Ask if they use social media, so you can keep in contact. Just don't be so desperate to cling to someone, if they're a nice person, and want to be your friend, they'll reciprocate. I find it difficult to make new friends too, but just talking to people is the best way to guage whether they're someone you'd want to spend more time with.

does someone here wanna paly fortnite with me? please i need friendos to paly with