>tfw all the 18yo twinks would never love me...a 30yo lonely virgin woman
Tfw all the 18yo twinks would never love me...a 30yo lonely virgin woman
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post some pics origianlly
You need a 30yo dominant man.
You wouldn't date a zoomer
probably because ur ugly, im a 20 year old twink and id date an older woman
Twink boys are fun to tease. they cum fast
You need a man who can make you pregnant and support you.
let me guess, he has to be vegetarian, circumcised and loyal but allows you to be shared as a "sub"
Im a 19 yo twink and I fugged a 26yo when I was wasted.
Wouldn't do it again, they lack stamina.
The mods need to do something about the brigade. Too tired to see "femcels"' posts lately. BEGONE
When I was 20 a 30 y/o asian virgin demanded my seed but I refused. I spent ages getting her to build her self esteem and learn to form relationships with men and now she says I'm an ugly loser.
Thanks a lot you dumb bitch, next time around I'll knock you up rather than doing you the favor of turning you down.
She's now a 40+ yearold loser living a shitty life and last I heard she had a severely mentally ill BF who was constantly getting arrested for public drunkenness and put in the insane asylum for suicide attempts.
Who's ugly now?
You, because she has a family while youre a lonely faggot browsing Jow Forums.
>whos ugly now?
You?...it sounds like youre still a virgin kek
you're past your best desu
>30 y/o asian virgin
>she's now a 40+ yearold
The fact that youre still upset about her saying you're ugly OVER TEN YEARS after it happened... Geez man, Im laughing my ass off.
>a 30yo lonely virgin woman
>Geez man, Im laughing my ass off.
Are you people retarded?
She's said this just recently after she got her "hot" boyfriend who is a drunken suicidal maniac after I've continued to turn her down over and over for the past 10 years.
The point was there is obviously a reason young guys aren't going to go for a twisted single woman in her 30s. She's that way for a reason! Red flags? Forget fucking red flags this shit is a blinding flash of radiation followed by a mushroom cloud.
>dating a virgin woman
Ew no. There's no way you'd make a good mommy gf.
should have trapped one when you were younger, now your tainted and useless, serves you right for being too picky now please become an hero and leave this board forever.
As a legit 32 yo male virgin, twinks are for dudes.
See the following for example:
She claims her exes were all "awful people". People who blame others for their own failures are pure scum.
Try being a decent person and someone might take interest in you.
>18yo twinks
Hey not go lower and become the /ss/ milf like in the japanese cartoons?
Not necessarily. My asian coworker is 31 and never had a bf. She always gets upset when people talk about relationships near her
never had a bf =/= never had sex
I'm 42, lonely and virgin.
but clearly you will reject/friendzone/ignore me.
thus you deserve to live alone and lonely.
>tfw you smell like cat litter
why has she even told it to her coworkers lol
virtue signaling, as usual
>why has she even told it to her coworkers lol
Incels are obsessed with the fact they are virgins and will immediately announce it to anyone within hearing distance, much like "vegans".
This is because they're attempting to reassure themselves by externalizing their faults: they blame everyone else and the outside world for what they see as their problems as they remain completely inept and ignorant of their true issues.
You aren't an incel because you're ugly, or because you have a "good" personality, or because you're "more intelligent" than "other people".
It's a combination of things. Basically you're human garbage and nobody wants to be anywhere near your stench. Try start with a fucking shower?
19yo twink here, I wouldn't want a virgin gf because she'd obviously expect me to do most of the work in the bedroom.
to begin with twink by definition is a young gay man
>Incels are obsessed with the fact they are virgins and will immediately announce it to anyone within hearing distance, much like "vegans".
Bullshit. I've literally never told anyone in real life that I'm a virgin.
>Basically you're human garbage and nobody wants to be anywhere near your stench.
That's not very nice.
It's definitely been expanded to include guys that would be twinks if they were gay. Apparently girls needed a word to describe cute skinny boys in one syllable.
>Bullshit. I've literally never told anyone in real life that I'm a virgin.
You couldn't resist immediately letting me know, huh pal?
>That's not very nice.
The truth isn't nice. Life isn't fair. These concepts are all part of your bullshit internalizing/externalizing. Try growing up and improving yourself. Not in bullshit ways like weight lifting or buying fancy clothes.
Try forming friendships and learning to understand and empathize with other people. Try admitting you know absolutely nothing and coming to terms with FUCKING REALITY.
Most of all try getting over yourself and focusing on something more important than some trivial detail nobody other than you would ever care about.
What part of "in real life" don't you understand?
>Try forming friendships and learning to understand and empathize with other people.
I know this might be hard to understand so I'll elucidate a bit more.
What I mean is you TRY to form relationships. Not "relationships" like some bullshit idea of what you THINK "a relationship" is in your fucked up imagination.
I mean simply try to spend time with someone. Run it like an experiment: keep track of what you do and what the results are.
When you get shot down, "ghosted" or avoided don't fucking speculate about shit to try to explain your failure by blaming someone else.
Make two assumptions:
2) Shit happens.
Try to guess (this is called: hypothesizing) and do things a little differently the next time.
Did you do better? Then try to hypothesize and continue to improve upon your results until you are more certain that doing things that way is very likely to produce the same outcome EVERY TIME.
Then take that experience and LEARN FROM IT.
That's "self improvement". That's how you make yourself a better person.
>Try forming friendships and learning to understand and empathize with other people.
>Implying I have an issue with either of those things
>What part of "in real life" don't you understand?
What part don't YOU understand? Are you a fucking retard? This is real life right now you stupid shit.
>>Implying I have an issue with either of those things
I'm not implying it I'm experiencing it.
I'm sorry but you're expired goods, if your still single at this age then you have failed hard at life.
Get easy start in life, still fuck it up, lol.
I would say kys but keep on suffering trough your shit life.
>be a roastie
>get hundreds upon hundreds of people willing to be with you
>be too picky and remain virgin to the age when you quickly lose fertility and prettiness
serves you well
There will be plenty of 18yo twinks posting that they want you in this thread and you will reply to none of them and add none of them. Assuming the .01% chance that you are honest and not baiting for replies, you are choosing to not engage. Your fault.
Women can have plenty of men just by existing. A guy can post himself online saying the same thing you say and get zero women saying "i'm here! date me!'
Fuck off you retard, either stop baiting or stop acting like nobody wants you. You're the most valued thing on this earth. Men aren't valued at all.
26 year old low test normie man with boring responsible lifestyle here. I'd make you an honest woman fembot, if the idea of have 2-3 kids isn't abhorrent to you.
They're all fags user.You need a guy close to your age.I wish you good luck.