Photos you have taken thread

here are some old ones

Attached: water.png (1374x916, 1.59M)

As I was leaving a cinema in Tokyo

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Attached: flower.png (1382x928, 1.38M)

different lighting, I think I did this by shining a torch through a blanket and a water bottle with the lights off

Attached: flowerr.png (1387x909, 1.14M)

The five tier pagoda in Ueno Park

Attached: 4C577505-9B02-4E93-A745-709CB3795E88.jpg (1125x1485, 1.91M)

was the street really lit up that purple or is that edited or filtered?

Attached: island.png (1374x917, 989K)

First night I was in Shibuya

Attached: 8AEBE43A-C4D3-41DE-B3DC-0A36D3CBCF76.jpg (1125x895, 1.6M)

Raw isnt exciting. Tokyo really dispelled myths for me. I kinda believed the city WAS going to be lit up that way.

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Attached: coast.png (1384x912, 1.5M)

weird shadows

Attached: stair.png (1373x910, 1.71M)

need to see if I have more on any cards

Attached: 111111.jpg (2899x2899, 658K)

I was in Puerto Rico to help after the hurricane

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this is very pleasant to look at

not 100% sure but I think this was in Latvia.

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I haven't been to really nice places like others in this thread but here's one i took near my house

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Also my uni

Attached: 1549974217491175.jpg (2016x816, 308K)

i like to take pictures sometimes though they r rarely good

Attached: 20180730_203904.jpg (2208x640, 452K)

That's pretty good
I really want to invest in a dslr one day to take pictures as a hobby

HEH originally big benis

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One day I will live in the comfiest state.

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Abandoned vehicles break my heart.

Attached: DSC04462-Re4ch.jpg (1920x1440, 1014K)

And there are so many waiting to be reborn.

Attached: DSC04390-Re4ch.jpg (1920x1440, 1.4M)

But nature and man usually devour the hopeful husks...

Attached: DSC04406-Re4ch.jpg (1920x1440, 1.43M)

Sometimes you can see someone's broken dreams.

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Rotting and rusting away for decades with the wind.

Attached: DSCN4406-Re4ch.jpg (1280x960, 584K)

My bedroom looking comfgy

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cute tree

Consumed in shadow and foliage until nothing remains.

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It really stood out.

Attached: DSCN3873-Cr-Re4ch.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

unfortunately it isn't even pretty good :(
It has potential though, lets start by cropping out that annoying fucking post that weighs the entire right side down. Had to adjust the left side because it strayed to far without much going on.

Much better now :)

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yo did you actually take this because it's fucking baller. If you did would you happen to have it in a bigger size?

>Tfw phone camera
Yes, and thanks m8. I'm not sure if I still have the original resolution. I probably do but I kinda accidentally deleted a ton of shit and I believe that includes a majority of my pictures and projects.

Attached: IMG_20140120_155122_199-Re4ch.jpg (1920x1080, 1.05M)

I took this but I fucked it up.

Attached: IMG_4848.jpg (853x1280, 104K)

definitely tone down that saturation and color changing.. I'm no photography or art expert but I'd imagine the point of filtering an image is to bring out the colors that are already present

It's actually easy to take pics.
You just have to be there.
A cellphone is enough, until you really need to step up.

Attached: homelessness.jpg (3840x2160, 1.35M)

Not that user but there's really no "point" to taking photos. It's like saying the "point" of drawing is to be as realistic as possible.
Photography is just a medium used for human expression.
The only "point" is looking good, or at least interesting, at least I think so.

I wasn't talking about the point of photography in general, just the point of filtering an image. But I could be wrong, like I said I'm no photographer

I can't speak for him, but in his cinema photo (if it's really his) he probably tinted it purple to give a vaporwave/cyberpunk vibe that's popular these days.
Pic related is from the new Bladerunner for example.
Not berating you, just responding to your post to give some ideas.

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Welp, it ain't on my system anymore. I probably still have it on my camera's memory but my card reader broke years ago and I haven't bothered to replace it so RIP that I guess.

Attached: IMG_20140218_170608_866-Re4ch.jpg (1920x1080, 817K)

Yeah for sure, I get what he was going for but even if you are trying to reinvent an image from it's original tone it should still (imo) be done subtly when working with things like saturation or the vignette he has in his photo. Those effects are easily overdone, with his photo being a prime example

hey np, thanks for looking though man. Do you travel for work or something to see all these places?

>Tfw drive-by photography

Attached: DSCN5874-Re4ch.jpg (1280x960, 255K)

Nah m8, I've been in Hawaii my whole life. The first handful of pics (and this) were shot in Montana 10 years ago when I left the islands for two weeks to visit my grandfather. Only time I've ever left this dump, unfortunately.

MT > HI.

Attached: DSC04054-Fl.jpg (1041x1387, 156K)

I still can't believe how fucking gigantic the trees are there.

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dam water

portrait in london

Attached: 2019-02-12 14.22.54.jpg (1180x1475, 652K)

portrait in tenerife

Attached: 2018-08-21 18.31.02.jpg (1564x1983, 722K)

portrait from a wannabe rapper

Attached: 2018-06-18 12.24.48.jpg (1972x2466, 885K)

The only good thing HI had over MT is this ONE (1) long, looping, very twisty mountain road. It used to be a fantastic driving road until the state let the asphalt go to shit. Plus it's heavily populated in the daytime as it is a tourist destination and residential area. But at night it was sweet, sweet heaven to tear through. Then some jackass in a 240SX killed some stupid faggot bicyclist who shouldn't have been on the road to begin with and they both ruined it for everyone else.

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Portrait of a guy

Attached: 2018-06-28 11.41.48.jpg (1979x1566, 299K)

I'm actually not even used to taking portraits of people, so heres an older landscape picture from me. While wandering around my home town

Attached: 2018-08-03 12.27.16.jpg (2077x1879, 744K)

here I tried my own hand at it since I'd rather not just keep on being a cock, could be worse than before, could be better, i dunno.

Attached: 8934593475937.jpg (2448x1733, 1.57M)

>tfw user gets to hang out with these qts on the daily

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we wuz diecast collectorz an sheeit

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The clouds are nice in my area

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Nice one


Taken on my grandpas birthday

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I like clouds. These are from near my parents house.

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Some scenery from near my house. My phone's camera isn't great quality but it's pretty irl.

Attached: IMG_20180614_201222_HDR.jpg (4208x2368, 1.81M)

Do you live in the midwest? We get a lot of purple sunsets

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I had to chop this one in half at the bottom

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Back when I did urban exploring

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neat photo. reminds me of the river near my house, although it's on the other side of the world

did you ever get in trouble?

Comfy rural Jap town.

Attached: bike trip.jpg (2048x1152, 404K)