What should I say to her? I'm having problems coming up with something clever

What should I say to her? I'm having problems coming up with something clever.

I'm a KHV, help me make it Jow Forums.

Attached: grfu.png (343x596, 309K)

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lol nigga if you gotta come to r9k for advice on how to speak to roasties its over

What's the surprise at her last pic?

Just keep in mind that she has literally hundreds of other guys sending her messages. That should calm your nerves ;)

Come on, man. Can't I just have one Valentines?
It's a picture of a mouse meme.
Thanks for the black pill but I still want to give it a go. I got nothing to lose. She at least isn't repulsed by me and I'm happy just for that.


>you look more like an insect than a rat

there is nothing wrong with being asian

she's asian so that's definetely a bonus point

>You have such a beautiful eye colour.

"how about instead of cran apple juice you taste my fucking cum?"

Ignore him, he's from reddit.

>Do you want some halfbreeds? I can impregnate you with my superior BWC if you want

Tell her you have a rare genetic mutation that makes your semen taste exactly like cran-apple juice.

Tell her you want to smell her feet

Whats the last pic?

pic related frend

Attached: lol.jpg (800x800, 48K)

This is why you virgins on Jow Forums are incels. This is no way to treat a girl. Imagine if someone messaged your sister but talked about BBC. I bet you wouldn't be too happy!

Kek this 9reeeeeeg8nal

Hmmm send her a pic of your pener obv

Probably a dick.

>What's the surprise at her last pic?
>It's a picture of a mouse meme.

Attached: mouse_trap.jpg (419x415, 24K)

>Imagine if your sister wouldn't stop talking about BBC


>tfw PTSD flashblacks (BBC)

girl are you a school?

that's obviously & clearly & absolutely a dude

original go on

Attached: 1488923035950.png (253x199, 6K)