Stop eating animal products

Stop eating animal products

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neck urself faggot

But I love semen.

>Teeth falls out
wow this vegan diet is so healthy!!!!1!1!!111

I literally just had dinner with a 96 year old lady in excellent health, she eats meat every day, fuck you retard

She eats my meat everyday too

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dude eat bugs lol

Just call me sam the butcher and I love givin this uncut Salami

nice anecdote
I know old adventists who were raised vegetarian and have been vegan for over 60 years and lived to be 103 and were still crisp and coherent until the very end

Dude, poop on me lol

enjoy your buttcancer

>No faggot! Ur BALD too LMAO!

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myth. relative risk is negligible

I do not give a shit

Just like no one gives a shit about your meaningless anecdote

>no clinical experience
>no research experience
>no understanding of research statistics

He's been shown several times already to be an illiterate retard, he can't even read the studies he cites. Some of them as corelational "proofs" he cites himself show no relation between cardiovascular disease and cholesterol. He flashes those studies because he himself doesn't read nor understand literature.

He looks like a kike

u can just see from his face that he's low T

His name is literally Hershel

Start eating exclusively animal products

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My dirty asshole. Rim it out of me you fucking faggot.

Okay right you have none, youre just coping with your unhealthy diet