
Nearly halfway through February now edition

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what did you do today, frens?

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lets settle it, does life end at 20?

For those who missed it


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not much really, just been to tesco to get lunch
might go swimming later

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Woke up, played a little Titanfall 2 then AC5, considered asking a mate to join me on a game but anxiety fucked with me and I couldn't and then I panicked about the fact that my hairline may be receding
Nice dubs btw

If you die at the age of 20, it does
If you make it past the age of 20 then no it doesn't

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alright lads.
waiting for Hermes.

back from college lads, hope your day ius going well, got a worksheet about different tools used in construction to do.

alright titlod, ya well?

I know lads who have had the same thing happen. It happened to me too. Now I'm mid twenties and trans so remember that it could be a lot worse kek
if it's really upsetting you, you could shave your head to take ownership of it. There's also medication like finasteride and minoxidil

begins at 40 pal

looks like a good deal moni. you on a percentage?

well before it was explicitly that it was a bunch of incels LARPing as "gentlemen" which was just incels in denial

Tesco garage man said something like "i'm sure i saw you yesterday". Just want to buy my tobacco in peace stop judging me. He's wrong anyway I only went for the cash point yesterday it was a couple of days ago that I last bought tobacco

>when non friends and family do the friends and family knock on the door
you know the one i mean
hate it

>Now I'm mid twenties and trans
you lost the audience, friend

>he thinks there's one titlod

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But they didn't self identify as incels nor did they act like victims at every opportunity. They accepted their shortcomings and just wanted to be upset about them, rather than blaming it all on some external factor like women or bone structure

don't answer the door. simple really.

laundry nearly done lads, had to wash out some jazz from a t-shirt after I watched a try on haul earlier.

>looks like a good deal moni. you on a percentage?
No but if you want to get me a gift for V day....

>family knock
My family do this, it's a while thing, right?

Not that fussed lad as a tranny you get quite used to people ignoring you. Was just a bit of comic relief for a sad balding lad is all.

actually I was just being jovial, so you know.

>implying looks aren't important to having a good life

if you're not ugly, then shut the fuck up, you've never faced real oppression.

>knock on the door
>don't open the door
>"who is it?"
>electric company to read the meters
>"they're round the back you'll have to go through the gate at the side"
>the gate is locked
who /devilish/

chunky milfs with low self esteem are my kryptonite

you're white??

I never said that was the case, did I? That's just you reading between the lines to justify your preconceptions
typical cult like mentality from incel user

simple really...
rule 1: be attractive
rule 2: don't be unattractive

>if you're not ugly, then shut the fuck up, you've never faced real oppression.

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>you're white

attractiveness cannot be measured in inches of bone though, that's the problem incels get stuck on. attraction is subjective

post us a selfie then lad so we can judge for ourselves

you know the one, it's like;

Freeze water

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>grass is greener
come off it retard. someone else could easily say meh you have never faced this or that so you don't know suffering. look at you, such a sad cunt.

pls post on comfy ib c:

It's called shave and a haircut I can't believe you lot think a prison knock is a family knock

downloaded daggerfall from the bethedsa webstie, looking foward to a cheeky go

>attraction is subjective
no it's not. literally everyone finds this girl more attractive than susan boyle

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What is the end goal of Xi posting?

good taste lad, is a comfy game, tho i personally prefer morrowind

if you're a cold caller you have NO business doing the family knock,
simple as

>"user thank you. I don't know what to say. You are really great and caring with the way you handle our break up."

W-what did she mean by that in between the lines? Is it possible to sleep with her again? I am socially thick and take things at face value..

I am at work. taking small breaks to shitpost.

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if you're not ugly just shut the fuck up

firstly not everyone does, there will be someone who thinks otherwise. so on that level it is subjective even if you and i and thousands more agree with what you said
but more over attraction is subjective in that it is not just based on physical appearance, so the incel logic is needlessly reductive and self fulfilling. They become bad people because of their world views, which makes them far more unattractive than bone structure ever would

Hmmm might buy this my sister for valentines day.

>thread 50932988
>reply to 50933011

Apparently I will sleep with here again sometime..

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>waaaaaah I'm so ugly poor me wahhhhh
fucking pathetic it is, no wonder you can't get your dick wet

if you're not underclass shut the fuck up. if you're now an autist shut the fuck up. if you're not a ethnic minority shut the fuck up. if you're not schizophrenic shut the fuck up.
you can literally apply your mind set to loads of things. you look like a right sad cunt, no sympathy from me.

>my sister for valentines day.
umm, what's your racial background like?

Just had a wank and my cummies looked yellow.

>firstly not everyone does, there will be someone who thinks otherwise
no there isn't. stop with all the bluepilled cope artistry.
>so on that level it is subjective even if you and i and thousands more agree with what you said
it would only be truly subjective if an EQUAL number of people found either/or more attractive.
>but more over attraction is subjective in that it is not just based on physical appearance
it is 90% physical appearance.

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I guess Moni is back

>What is the end goal of Xi posting?

What is the end goal of Tim's antics?

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Not a paki like you thankfully, your kind wouldn't understand familial love.

literally 100% of girls would fuck henry cavill over this guy.

>attraction is subjective doe

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Poleaboo finds the female form disgusting and that's why he subverts it.

this lad in school said if you don't wank for months it comes out yellow

most incels don't even look that bad, it's just that they post selfies to incel forums and get told that they're hideous and have zero chance of ever getting a gf, which makes them think they're unattractive when they're not
the incels that do have appearance problems could solve it in rather easy ways e.g. actually taking care of their skin or having a bath/shower more often

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Haven't you been on a porn website and seen the vast range of women that people wank to?

if this guy lost weight and got a better hairstyle he could easily get laid

Tried to get pictures off my old phone. The screen is cracked so I can't unlock it so iTunes won't let me access the photos. I think I could do it with a lightning to usb adapter and plug in a keyboard
At least I found a rare picture of babby cats on another phone, they used to be tiny tiny babies and would have been 2 to 3 weeks old in the photo

How can you not love this man?


99% of incels are volcels by way of their refusal to make an effort desu

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cola really did a number on poley last night

>asking girls on dating sites if I can cum on their tits
how long until I get banned

Poleaboo certainly doesn't, he finds Tim to be a

but attraction is subjective, so surely some women prefer overweight greasy neckbeards? it's subjective so why would it matter?

>labeling yourself as anything.

I hope poleaboo would reconsider this

That guy might not even be an incel. That might just be a photo of him on a day when he hasn't washed his hair and he's wearing his spare glasses.

For all we know he's an amazing bassist in a metal band and gets laid after every gig with a cute chubby goth who would rather have him than a pretty boy type. One unflattering photo says nothing.

if you're fat its literally your own fault. if there are fatties in here moaning about being ugly then they honestly deserve it

I just don't label myself in the first place, I am unique, a special snowflake, and nobody can take that away from me. ;-)

Trannies can never be incel and are by their very nature volcel.

I used to always do stuff like that, never been banned.

attraction is subjective so there's no such thing as an unflattering photo. there's so such thing as being unattractive because it's all subjective.

but attraction is subjective so half of all women love fatties.

attractiveness is totally random and has nothing to do with bone structure at all.

here's how it is
There's a man for every woman but not a woman for every man.

I am sure that guy could get laid even looking like that if he could approach enough women.

pls respond... thankx

>attraction is subjective so half of all women love fatties
How does that follow? Even fat cunts are rarely attracted to fat men.

>but attraction is subjective so half of all women love fatties.
that is only true to an extent. If someone is ugly, then they are ugly, but you can make up for it by having a good personality and going for fatties.

>doesn't go outside
>doesn't make any effort to actually get a gf
>doesn't do the bare minimum to actually make himself attractive
>spends his every waking moment posting nonsensical screeds online about how all women are whores who shouldn't have rights
>after all this, gets incredibly enraged because women aren't going out with him

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>you are wrong because muh redpill
subjective means within context, not some weird 50/50 split you mong. So something which is subject to context is subjective, something which is measurable and consistent is objective. Attraction is subjective
>it's 90% physical appearance
for you perhaps but it's subjective, not set in stone
correct post, spot on

>Side effects of Propecia(finasteride) include:
>loss of interest in sex,
>trouble having an orgasm,
>abnormal ejaculation,
>swelling in your hands or feet,
>swelling or tenderness in your breasts,
Thanks for the recommendation lad but I'm no trying to become trans here
Might look into products containing the other one


I doubt half, but some women love fat guys for sure.

cola really did a number on SP last night

>tfw trans and also a regular shagger
feels good man

I wear what I like, if its not attractive then oh well because I'm not changing.

i do have morrowind but i've not played it much, dunno why. big fan of oblivion tho

I'm coming for you
I'm coming for YOU


i know why this general is so bluepilled. it's filled with beta try hard psuedo-normies, the type that see themselves as above virgins because they've fucked a few ugly girls or whatever but they're not true normies. they aspire to be true normies and chads so they cope by telling themselves it's all subjective and has nothing to do with their genetic limitations.

you should never trust photos btw. even slight angle/lighting changes can make a huge difference

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It's ironic you say this, because it's actually you who is coping. You're trying to cope with your laziness and lack of drive by telling yourself that your efforts won't come to anything because the quality of your life is predetermined by your genes.

Bought some au de toilette and aud de perfum

also replacement heads for my electric toothbrush

I don't feel Tim has any redeeming qualities

>something which is measurable and consistent is objective
and if you plotted a graph with which people find henry cavill attractive vs the fat nerd i posted guess which one would dominate

who cares about all this back and forth about attractiveness or whatever
I'm not getting laid anyway.

The fuck are you talking about? Tim is a certified honour blood white.

I mean these medications block a hormone called dhT so they're likely all to have effects to this extent. unironically the best drug combination for hair regrowth would be fina/another hormone blocker coupled with some kind of estrogen replacement but yeah you're not likely to want that eh?
For what it's worth I know plenty of people who have taken fina and not had those effects, I don't think you should consider these things likely. It might cause a slight loss to your libido in the short term just because it does block that one hormone but I don't think that would last, as it doesn't suppress the production or uptake of testosterone