Lmfao oh no no no

lmfao oh no no no

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tfw heightlet

Men below 6 feet tall should be forcefully castrated and feminised. Their sperm is of no use to humanity, they can serve better by being bitches for the remaining male population.

>he wants to fuck faggots

Nigga you gay

I wish I was 5'8, jesus christ. That's so much taller than I am now.

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I'm the final evolution of man
>blue eyed
>hook up with sissy anons, fuck them, and ghost them, when i get bored
I am a God. How can you kill a God?

Tallfags get cancer more often and die earlier than manlets because of their fucked up bodies. Manlets are superior, gtfo tallfag.

You're not even immune to a cinderblock, skelly.

Shortfags don't die of cancer because they neck themselves before they can grow old enough to worry about it.
Get on your knees and service me, bitch.
I don't think you could reach anything vital with it, slut.

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>get on your knees
I could do it standing up if you really are tall.

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I like height memes, but all jokes aside 5'11" to 6'3" is the acceptable range for men. Anything else is either pathetic or freaky

Apologies, but I can't take anyone who tells others, voluntarily, that they fuck men seriously. Go back to fondling balls, faggatron.

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You won't live as long.

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more like faggot in denial

You height fags never gloat about your dick size ever on these ego trip posts and that's suspicious

How can we know if you are a true god or a demi god if you don't post dick size

This is vital info mr godfag

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>Get on your knees and service me, bitch.
I really would. I am a 5'5 man I literally have no choice but to be gay as this point.

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It's said that lanklets tend to have short, fat dicks, while manlets have long narrow dicks.

Obviously neither one is good.

My dick is bigger and I don't have aids, I win.

I am 6'1 and sometimes I get anxiety attacks when in public because everyone is staring at me because I'm a manlet.

Even most girls are as tall as me nowdays.
I'll never have children so i won't pass on this manlet curse on my progeny

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Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. I think manlets need longer dicks to fuck girls properly. Isn't always the case though. Julio Gomez has a huge and thick dick but he's a manlet

>not wanting to infect all the sissies from R9K who you pump and ghost
I'm glad you've accepted your role in life, user. I'll make you feel extra good for giving in.

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Imagine being black and leaving the house? Are you not embarrassed?

lanklets really be out here walking outside like aren't you scared a plane's going to hit your face?

Manlets should burn except the fires would be very short lived because of how small they are.

global warming will render the planet uninhabitable, and lets be honest, they're not gonna let you on that spaceship going to mars.

god is already dead, fag

Reminder that I live near a high school here in southeastern europe and girls are like 6' now meanwhile most kids are anywhere from 6'3 to 6'7
and records say only 30% of eastern europeans are over 6'3, lol (meanwhile 20% in northern europe, significantly less)
what a circus

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>I am a God. How can you kill a God?

funnily enough there is some truth to it. Sperm donors are required to be at least 5'9, meaning that if you are below that, society is telling you that your seed is useless

>global warming will render the planet uninhabitable, and lets be honest, they're not gonna let you on that spaceship going to mars.
>believing in the plane theory