Glutes thread

What's your glute/leg routine Jow Forums?

Are you thicc?
How often are the girls miring your lower body?

Attached: bumday.jpg (1920x2276, 1.41M)

Girl I liked for a long time slapped my ass when I bent over to hit a winning shot at pool.
You know the answer, squat variants, deadlift, glute bridges, etc.


Squat, squat and squat. Diddly is for hammies and back.

>What's your glute/leg routine Jow Forums?
walking to the gym

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Hip Thrust is my single greatest exercise for glutes; then deadlift, squat, superman, abductors exercise and every single leg movement (lunges, bulgarian split squat...) are all your friends

Squats, lunges, hip thrusts, stiff leg/romanian dl

I squat 4pl8 and deadlift 5pl8 and still have no glutes.

Really cba hip thrusting because it’s awkward to set up and do in the gym. Are there any machines that hit the glutes well?

>Mortal Kombat tattoo
>on his hand

What a filthy fag.

Yes, the hip thrusts machine.

Attached: hipthrust.jpg (2333x1920, 3.91M)

Squats, reverse lunges, hip thrusts, RDLS, deads. Most importantly eating alot.

Girl I fuck on the reg said my ass have gotten huge, feelsgoodman.jpg

Attached: 83AB2C5E-7675-401B-874D-BAAA0EAD386C.png (750x1334, 1.2M)

i really would like something like this in my gym

Just find a gym partner that weighs 12 plate and use them. Bam problem solved

How long since you started transitionning?

I am really too awkward to do hip thrusts at the gym. Feels like its for thots, never really seen a guy do it at my gym. But I want to have dat ass

kek´d. Idk, you tell me

Jesus look at the toilet on this one

I don’t train with your mother.

this board is so fucking gay
KYS degenerate

Why are you here then? Go somewhere else. Shoo shoo

My new gf always grabs and mires my ass all time. Thanks Jow Forums

Do you squat highbar?