Give me an actual reason you arent fucking traps from Grindr. Pic related swallowed my cum last night

Give me an actual reason you arent fucking traps from Grindr. Pic related swallowed my cum last night

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cuz teyre just as picky and vile as real women

They are worse, these bargain bin mtfs are usually prostitutes or disgusting dudes with astronomical standards.

Can not confirm. I am 5 foot 6 with a 5 inch dick on a VERY GOOD DAY, and she was happy to let me fuck the bussi. She wanted it raw but I used a condom. Might go raw next time

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why wouldn't I just fuck an actual woman if I was that much of a vile normie degenerate?

There is no reason robots should not be using Grindr it was pretty much designed for us and a sure thing if you want to TOP a bottomboi

because straight people are normies

No more from you

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But I am


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Because we're not gay. Get out and stay on /lgbt/.

speak for yourself i am

Because my anxiety holds me back from interacting with other people. Intimacy is impossible no matter their gender.

Cuz at the end of the day no matter how much you transition you still stink like a man. And i'm not gay, there is also that.

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Very nice user. Creamy soft skin. Is that bandaid covering her colostomy port bc her bussi is too loose? Does her boiclit get hard? Strict bottom or do you like to suck and ride her boiclit?

>implying you have worse anxiety than a tranny
>not smoking weed with the tranny then eating honey out of her bussi

Fucking beta

>perfumes and candles dont exist
Do you live in fucking North Korea?

Not true, asians somehow don't have a body odor. Unless they're SEAmonkeys that is.

because a man wearing a skirt is still a man, and if i could get off to men, then i wouldn't be here

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Always been curious about Grinder but I have gay friends I don't want to stumble into me on there.

Is it worth it? Especially for picking up traps and twinks?

Because you have to post your face to use Grinder

That's not true at all you can have a faceless profile

Cuz I'm straight...seems legit enough

Then you're not allowed to have any pictures at all, which means no one will hook up with you.

That's why I don't use tinder because my self esteem is too fragile for it

Umm try again sweetie you can send photos through the chat system that you upload through their system which staples a watermark to it

Tinder absolutely eviscerates the self esteem of any young man less than 8/10 but in regards to grinder I dont want my face on a queer app

HRT literally changes your body odor to 100% female

Why are incels like this? They always talk like they know shit when in reality they barely know how to tie a shoe

yeah but you cant have any pics on your profile

>Implying they would want me any more than real grills

even traps dont want to fuck me, un ironically tried, once i send my face pic they fucking block me even though i got a massive dick and im not fat

>tranny discorders literally think this
>they have to ignore the looks of disgust whenever they go outside
>pretend that people's outrage seeing their hairy bodies is the same look men give to women

If your friends find you on there, its because theyre trying to suck some dick themselves, sooo... why not fuck their faces while youre at it? Just close your eyes and imagine a girl

Not even true you fucking idiot

Holy shit how are you so wrong about everything?

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>the only way someone can have a different opinion is if they are a tranny

Why are incels all this stupid?

This pretty much. The only trannies on grindr want you to pay for sex

You can just send pictures of yourself directly to people you message, it's not that big of an inconvenience. It just means people will message you first less

Go kill yourself or something, you mentally ill retard.

>HRT literally changes your body odor to 100% female
He actually believes this.

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but it's true user, not like you'd have a clue about it desu

Don't go raw in homosexual sex. The risk of STD is much higher before of the tissue tearing. Besides, youre gonna get fecal matter on your dick

Tranny porn stars have stated that post op vagina taste like sweaty balls.

Not him but it does. I've been taking HRT but boymoding and despite the fact that I make no attempt to look like a girl or have anyone call me a girl, everyone has been treating me differently, more talkative, keep on trying to pinch my nipples, etc, probably due to the lack of male pheromones.

>no u the post

I plan on being anhero for my 30th birthday anyway

If I wanted to fap to a tranny, don't give me one with a man face

How about pic related, more your taste?

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Enjoy your AIDS infested chili dog

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That thing looks fucken horrid. Traps are supposed to be convincing or hot. Thats like lighting the cheese on a ratrap on fire.

Have before once, it was okay. Tried again recently, I must have got lucky or something last time it's all prostitutes or disgusting looking bitches now.

>post op
into the trash it goes.

needs better posture, those slouched shoulders make them appear about 4 inches wider than they should(which is more manly)

Will sneaky just dump his girlfriend and get on HRT already?

It's probably that you hang out with homosexuals due to being one yourself.

All of my friends are outspoken homophobes though, it's just sort of a joke thing but it didn't start happening this often until HRT

Because the machines record everything, and eventually my sins will be revealed and I will be judged. Can't do grindr or any other apps.

How often do people find traps/trannies on grindr? I've had success with straight girls on tinder, but I know I could get some serious ass if I made the switch to grindr.

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Sneaky is manly

I tried but there's no good traps in my area

Gays don't hang out with other gays, they hang out with girls if they're flamers or regular straight guys if they're closeted

Sneaky is andro leaning feminine. He is not manly, he doesn't have a large build, broad shoulders or a strong chin.

First of all, that guy you posted is gross. He just knows how to use angles in his favor but you can tell he has a sharp jawline and a rectangular man body and more than likely has 5:00 shadow. But I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that porn fucked me up that badly. 11-year-old, girl obsessed me would be so ashamed if he saw current me hooking up with guys over the internet instead of mashing Mexican girls like everyone I knew expected out of me.

That's just a Mexican dude with long hair user

Because that is a very fucking obvious manface right there. I'm all for traps, but your taste is garbage

All his crossdressing cosplay pictures are photoshopped to the moon and back. The boy is not actually feminine

Look at that soft skin and lips though

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He looks like Howard from the big bang theory.

>Because that is a very fucking obvious manface right there. I'm all for traps, but your taste is garbage
He actually fucked that guy, user.

Cause I'm not a faggot like you. rather stay a virgin then take the pink pill. begin gay and liking traps is Normie thing. Also I hate faggots and trans people. fuck off back /lgbt/