Make 5 different Emails

>Make 5 different Emails
>Send complaints at different Chipotle's
>Receive free meal coupons

>Order supplements from amazon
>Vendor sends thank you email
>Complain about broken or open bottles
>Get another Bottle for free shipped out


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Talk about leeches on the system. Are you perhaps a nigger?

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Why so mad waggie?

Not mad just disgusted and i am self employed and work from home, don't know if that counts as waggie but w/e, at least i can afford everything i want w/o acting like a nigger on social care.

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wow OP so impressive

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Ever organization makes 5 times what they need.

>every organization makes 5 times what they need
if you weren't a moronic communist who's never worked a day in his life, you would know how fucking stupid that statement is

Don't bother, they have 0 economic knowledge and don't realize how doing this will increase prices altogether to cover for loses like this.

They think they are the only one doing this but there are many niggers like them and at the end of the year they think companies will take this loses from their profits but it only gives them leeway to increase the price to cover for said loses while raking in the estimated profits.

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>one person
You're a Fascist so your opinion is discarded.

you're just mad that your neighbours autistic son diarheashitted into your mailbox again

what do i need to write to get free chipotle?

>he values money over time
ok retard

>everyone who can do math or understand economics even a little is a fascist
sounds about right. fuck off to r/Anarchism you commie mongoloid

if they weren't robbed they'd make too much money. Profit is slavery for the gullible.

You've told me you were a Fascist in the past. I didn't refresh but they'll make too much anyway. Do you think they'd really drop the prices? They're capitalist pigs. Profit is slavery for the gullible. Anarchy does not exist.

Complain on their website, pick a store near your mailing address.

complain about something that doesnt target an individual. Say like, the store was closed even though their hours say they shou;d be open. pretend to be extremely offended

Or say someone bought you chipotle and it had rotten pieces in it, even a bug.

>use big word
>am smart

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>profit is slavery for the gullible
profit is business owners getting paid for their labor and the risks they take. this kind of bullshit is why economics should be taught in high school, and any commie morons like you who fail the class should be exiled from society to either learn the value of hard work in the wilderness or die of starvation

They make so much profit monopolies are destroying the world we live in. They should have been robbed harder.

Also they own the woods. They don't let people live in them and want us to stay slaves.

This. However, dumb people on the surface see "Business A made billion dollars last year" and think "Wow you could feed everyone in America for that, they're so selfish!", or they see "Ceo is worth 80B dollars!" but doesn't understand that isnt a salary, but based on the number of shares in the business they own. Most of these opinions come from dumb teens who get anxiety thinking about taking a girl to prom, or marrying their freshman year crush

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>Talk about leeches on the system. Are you perhaps a nigger?
What they do is buy shit from McDonald's, complain about something (usually fabricated) or claim you sent them the wrong thing.

Nice spooking. WIthout the risk they'll be making to much. Since cameras were invented to stop stealing society has only gotten worse. They are supposed to be robbed because they are robbing to begin with with all that price gouging and such they do.

t. lad turning 30 despite presumptuous strawmanning children that surround him

jesus, you're almost 30 and still this fucking retarded?
the only thing commies should get for free is some bleach to drink

Where do you think profits for a business go?

To the top. Do you think trickle down economics is real? There's a great unbalance of power/money in society. Two percent have over half the cash and you expect people to be duped into thinking that they need to personally be the ones to use that money to keep a backwards machine working. It's so worthless people like J leno get to have a thousand cars or a CEO get to own a yacht. It's so they can drink their livers away then get a new one, the super rich. It's so people that do no real work that were born into power via nepotism can be lords of land over the peasants.

societies require hierarchy to function, and capitalism is the system which affords the most opportunities to advance in that hierarchy. of course, brainlets like you will never understand this and will just keep whining about how evil the rich are because they won't give you all the free shit you want just for existing. kill yourself and spare us from your faggotry

Lets use wal-mart as an example.

They employee over 2 million employees. Let's assume that walmart has 5 billion dollars of net profit each year after paying all of their employees, rent, utilities, taxes, and equipment maintenance.

What do you think would happen to the business if they put that 5 billion directly into their pockets every year? Do you think it's all cash?

What about expansion (which would employee more people, who can in turn feed their families)? Is that free? If they don't reinvest into the business and adapt to the market with the extra money, they would probably crash in a decade or 2. What happens to those millions of newfound jobless employees?

which you take this proposition? Based on 2 million employees and 5 billion dollar profit

>2.5k bonus each year for all employees, and end of business in 10 years


>Current pay and employed until retirement

And if you talking about reducing the SALARY of executives. Say the executives, around 50 people, get paid 3 billion a year, and you want to distribute that pay to the rest of the employees equally.

That would be a bonus of $1500 a year for every employee. But now all the talent keeping the company running well moves to a business that'll pay them more. SO you have a talent drain, and inevitable death of business in a decade.

All you people see is a big number and you scream GIBS! GIBS! not fair I want to be rich too!!

If walmart has enough money to keep making more stores, of which they did, they hoarded money.

They had too much money or else they would not have expanded.

Expansion is good for the unemployed

Monopolies are kingdoms that turn the employees into slaves. It doesn't have to be the same name over and over. A new local business was destroyed by some super rich president of an organization, his family becoming monarchs rather than just a mildly wealthy man that owned a market, rather than a chain of markets that becomes a super market. A nobel family of markets is not good for the people.

there is one thing Walmart should offer for free: bleach for any commie who drinks it in the store


Anywho, absolute power corrupts absolutely. They are tyranny.

>absolute power corrupts absolutely
>says the guy who wants to give the state/people's militias/whoever else is in charge of his commie redistribution plans total control of the economy
you don't think about a single fucking thing you say, do you? kill yourself

What's the alternative? What happens to all of those newly jobless folks?

Not him, but it's natural for businesses to expand and re-invest in their stores. For natural expansions (not necessarily eliminating competition through over-purchasing), it makes no sense for the government to kneecap expansion. When the upper management actually pilfers from the company's storerooms instead of reinvesting into the business, that's when you see businesses fail (see: Sears).

Arguably "local businesses" are just as bad, if not worse, than megacorps. As they're always privately held they can avoid rules that govern publicly-held corporations, so they can do shit like install their friends and family in good positions and literally never promote anyone else, and never give away their actual numbers, meaning that upper management can live a wealthy life in the city's best neighborhoods while they tell lower divisions to deal with their low salary and/or understaffing because they're a "small company".

Robots are apolitical until confronted by poltards. Stop trying to make me respond, you'll only get me in communist mode. It is a shuffle button meant to make the capitalist pig's dick shrivel, to get him to behave. And it can work if we killed the rich families, and we'd be better for it.

How do you work at home? Genuinely curious I have crippling social anxiety

Small businesses makes less workers for the mega ever expanding corp. We used to have apprentices and smaller businesses. There were more bosses and less workers, less money getting shoved up towards literal lords of land.

People take care of each other. That died so we need a communist uprising to attack the new and old monarchs. We don't have to be slaves to some guy not lifting a finger on some Island somewhere that has a vice president of a vice president of a vice president doing all the paper pushing work that hires ceos to do more work that tells other people to do the actual work.

No it is not natural it is corruption of power. That's the same thing as saying bullies are natural and stealing is natural and tyranny is natural. Even if it is as it is that does not mean it should be as it is.

kike on though but I'm going to be off somewhere soon.

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You didn't explain what happens to all those new unemployed people. IN realty, they go on unemployment, and drain the pockets of all the good people you claim to fight for,

I'm not trying to make you respond, I'm trying to make you shut the fuck up, because you're a goddamn idiot and if you get what you want, we'll be sharing a gulag run by the people who killed the rich and became the new ruling class. it'd be much better if you just drank bleach and let the rest of us get on with our lives

Societies do not require hierarchies to function at all. They require rules but not hierarchies

If i was a communist i would take the fact that people like you hate me as a compliment

With communism there are no handouts if we're still playing the anti-right winger game. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Workers that all did the same job would become parts of the dead store. A clothing seller with clothing seller apprentices, a computer store, a local bakery, etc. Rather than have a thousand men stocking shit shipped from around the world you can have the stores split up. Most workers in walmart and such don't even do anything but stand around letting profits slip through their fingers as they do hardly any real work. They could do real work, own real stores, and rather than expand pay the apprentices more and perhaps lower prices even. As it is if you own a shoe store people will drive the fuck by and go buy it at a walmart that no one inside that walmart even made. It's a shit show.

Ironic. You have nothing to say yet think I should shut up. You're triggered and have no actual mind of your own.

it's not just people like me, anyone with a functional brain hates commies

>With communism there are no handouts if we're still playing the anti-right winger game. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Workers that all did the same job would become parts of the dead store. A clothing seller with clothing seller apprentices, a computer store, a local bakery, etc. Rather than have a thousand men stocking shit shipped from around the world you can have the stores split up. Most workers in walmart and such don't even do anything but stand around letting profits slip through their fingers as they do hardly any real work. They could do real work, own real stores, and rather than expand pay the apprentices more and perhaps lower prices even. As it is if you own a shoe store people will drive the fuck by and go buy it at a walmart that no one inside that walmart even made. It's a shit show.

So youre not a communist. You're an Anarcho-Capitalist

Who told you that lie Samantha?

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I'm apolitical depending on my mood, centristic when trying to be wise, and a communist when angry at the world. People need teachers you know, how is that anarchism?

nah, you are the one with nothing to say. you simply spout the same communist bs despite reality proving you wrong time and time again. entitled fucks like you destroy societies, and I think you should kill yourself before that happens. I will keep telling you to drink bleach every time I see you post until you either do so or leave this board, because that is all commies like you deserve

I usually post without a trip and have been here since 09 and drink less than you do. Odds are you will be the one to leave as your drinking will slowly kill you. I will be here always on this eternally left winger board.

>this eternally left winger board
you clearly haven't been here that long. drink bleach faggot

>spamming this hard
>loved posting his face
>trolling outside of be
>poltard right winger
>virgin shames
You very much deserve to be exiled from this board Mr Irony.

>posts communist idiocy
you deserve to be exiled from reality. drink bleach you commie permavirgin

>gets drunk
>goes at his mother with a knife
>stalks people on an anonymous imageboard
Beyond pathetic yourself. You're literally only posting where I post to try to childishly get the last word. You're why people don't like booze hounds. Do you even hold a job yourself with how often you drink? I drink too but make it myself and you're making me want to move to a dry county here lad.

I'm not the NEET permavirgin
and you should quit, you don't deserve alcohol. that's for people who actually work for a living. the only thing you should drink is bleach

Ya know I'll be the one selling wine at the apocalypse and I might just put your name on the refuse service list.

>selling wine
didn't you say profit is theft? I'll just rob wine from you then, and leave you in a locked room with nothing but a wine bottle filled with bleach

>if you sell something then you make a profit
The booze has rotted your brain.

your brain never existed
just drink bleach you useless fuck

Of course you would be a Fascist that supports capitalism.

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don't care
face it, everyone on here despises you. everyone with a brain despises you. drink bleach and no one will despise you anymore

white people systems like this work based on the fact they trust you arent a fucking nigger

Yet here you are on r9k trying to convince who exactly? That your Antifa shit is cool because you get the good graces of the media and SPLC? If you literally have to call people fascist and then condemn others for hate speech, you are a confirmed brainlet. If you really think that a spectrum doesn't eventually circle around to meet the other extreme end, again you are just as dumb as a globe earther. If you think capitalism is supposed to by default have corruption, then you are wrong, the only thing that can replace your so called fascist state is another jew trick created by muh russia, so please go fuck back off to plebbit. and read a history book before you start spewing this antifa shit because you sound mentally retarded which you probably are from all the HRT.

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>calling anyone else a nigger

Samson, 54m50n, is an unabashed Fascist, a self hating jew, and a drunkard. I spoke my mind and he chimped out.

What makes you so afraid that I'm convincing people of something? The war will start when capitalism reaches it's threshold. Inevitable that hoards of people would wake up when that happens, but not before the threshold. Until then I am mentally masturbating by 'talking' with people online about whatever I please.

>go back to plebbit

Go back to pol if you're triggered by the left winger nature of the board.

I concur that things do come full circle, but for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If a Fascist walks up, the communist stands up in response. Things won't benefit all types of people. Top right corner of the the political quadrant is designed to benefit as little people as possible, of course anyone with sense would communist knee jerk. They always will, even if they're not communists. It's what you get when you kick the hornet's nest.

Demanding effort to be made on account for your dribble is more brainlet behavior.

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The hornet's nest being your same jew masters. OK faggot.

you don't have a mind. you spoke communist drivel, and when you refused to listen to reason I told you to kill yourself, which is what you should do right now. drink bleach

Jews have no real power. They are a slave race doing well due to nepotism in nice lands, far nicer than a dying Egypt. They are designed to be so conservative that they save up money and pass it on. During a rebellion they're powerless if people don't get duped, of which with their current IQ status they do get duped, and so the jews prevail. Take abrahamic religion away from white people and maybe that would not be so. The first teaching is that knowledge is evil, and abrahamic religion was invented by the jews. We are far from being able to get rid of kikery for how it all fits together, but obeying a (((master))) is no option. Things will only get worse until people lose faith, and by then the all seeing eye might make rebellion impossible. I'd like to think that people would make micronations against the grain, hence freedom of expression being so invaluable. The Jow Forums has wanted to make it's own for along tim, then recently moderators ban meetups. Interesting isn't it?

But I suppose you'd dupe out, I mean, chimp out at a face thread would you not?

>As it is if you own a shoe store people will drive the fuck by and go buy it at a walmart that no one inside that walmart even made. It's a shit show.
But that's not entirely true. Unless you live in the most backwoods place imaginable, there is probably a nice locally-owned shoe store with well-dressed, reasonably-paid associates (definitely a pleb filter), and if you want to go even higher end, there's probably in a major city someone who actually makes shoes themselves. An economy where everything is hand-made and local is feudalism, and any goods are processed through a share of your crops (and if it's a bad season, you are fucked), with high-end consumer goods like computers impossible to make and sell at anything close to a reasonable price point (not to mention many of those "artisans" were often poor as fuck). If artisan craftsmanship is something you actually want to do, to make your own shoes or beer or whatever, there's nothing really stopping you, except for the fact that you're a lazy NEET or unmotivated wagecuck who thinks he should get everything for free just for existing and probably hasn't even looked up the way such things are made.

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The truth is, you are the ones using Soviet tactics to subvert America, no matter how flawed you think it is. You are still part of the problem, you would rather make Communism your (((master))) before thinking about Liberty and self affirmation for others, you only care about your affirmation, and that is alienating as many people as you can to force them to one side or another, I will definitely use my 2nd Amendment rights against your kind no problem, you will be the ones starting the insurrection and coup against the US. Most of us who work and buy American products, are white, it's all about a choice, capitalism is choice, we choose to give certain people money, but those with money have a responsibility to please the masses. YOU are the masses, the brain dead media rhetoric, the music, the alcohol, the drugs, the cars, the crap you consume more than anyone probably, supports these wealth and ego driven human beings to just allow others to tear themselves apart in order to run up and buy the next bumper sticker to be a part of the resistance. You are the resistance that will never truly wake up from the paradigm that you have put yourself into. You think you have facts and logic, but all you have individual experience. You are the creators of the crafty, shady, sly legislation that gets pumped into that clogged artery you call a Legislative Branch. You participate in the same system ALL of us Americans do, and we allow you TO DO IT, AND YOU DO. Which is why we have what we have today, mobs yelling and screaming like children if front of a building that represents ALL people. The people in charge are not Billionaires, but SOME are. The families who own everything can BUY ANYONE.

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