Up to 30,000 tests are being performed every year, says Alphabiolabs


>Up to 30,000 tests are being performed every year, says Alphabiolabs
>20 per cent of men will learn they are not the father of the child they are testing

>In some US states, concern over this has led to a recent ban on DIY home DNA testing, with all tests now having to be ordered by a doctor or court official and conducted under their supervision. In Britain, there is no such legislation currently being considered.

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>>In some US states, concern over this has led to a recent ban on DIY home DNA testing, with all tests now having to be ordered by a doctor or court official and conducted under their supervision
Absolutely disgusting and not even a little bit surprising

Lmao why would you ban paternity testing, that's fucking retarded

it's been banned in france for over a decade now.

Paternity testing is an attack on womens right to choose

it should be 100% routine. Every child born should come with a paternity test

if you're getting a paternity test then you're probably not quite sure if its your kid in the first place, so the truth is that number is pretty fucking low.

guys, my neighbour diarheashitted into my malebox again, what should i do?

Not surprising. If you have a bunch of female friends or if your family is mostly female, you'll tend to see just how dissolute women can be, ESPECIALLY when their s/o is away in the army.

yes they have and the government says it for social harmony and better for the children to have a father even if he isn't bio dad.

If the woman is clever enough and have the man sign the birth certificate he's daddy, who cares who or how many she's fucking on the side.

If it were abortions would skyrocket. I had an ex suddenly have an abortion and finally disclose because she didn't know who the father was.

or maybe reckless sex and adultery would diminish as women would not be able to hide their lovechildren.

I feel sorry for soldier boys. Soon as they walk out the door they have a guy coming in the back

Same they deserve loyal girls.

Its not enough that women fuck around but they have to get knocked up by the guy and then fool her guy at home and fuck up his life and the kids.

Diarheashit into his mailbox. Fight fire with fire.

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what the fuck is this

what is this

Attached: wtf.png (949x190, 19K)

You're assuming women have the foresight to make wise decisions. You give them too much credit

>cheating on their partners
>banning the truth
Why are most women such scum?

It is a post from a robot from some place called "Malaysia" wherever the fuck that is.

That is immediately went through my mind
I would estimate the real number is slightly below 10

>In some US states, concern over this has led to a recent ban on DIY home DNA testing, with all tests now having to be ordered by a doctor or court official

Thing is, only men could ban that. Why are they choosing to ban it? Are judges cucked men whose kids are not their own, and the wives know it, so the wives heavily pressure them to ban it?

Why the FUCK are these tests banned??? Fucking hell we've never needed a violent and bloody revolution more than ever now. Rise up and gas the kikes and put the women and niggers back in chains.

Men knowing if they're really the father is toxic masculinity.

fuck yeah bro gamers rise up