Why do you guys feel so entitled to sex?

why do you guys feel so entitled to sex?

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>why do i feel so entitled to do something every normal person does and has done throughout history

White guys feel entitled to the world and everything on it. It's been this way since the dawn of humanity.

Why do YOU feel so entitled to sex?

I still believe that someday a young Christian girl will confess her love for me, and we will get married.

>white guys are entitled for not wanting to give minorities entitlements
just lefty thoughts

I just feel lonely as fuck someone please kill me. it hurt to live.

This is such a terrible argument. It's such a waste of time to argue on here about this, most of you are beyond help.

There are so many reasons this is wrong. Tons of abnormal people have had sex throughout history. Sex is something you must earn like walking - no one just picks you up and walks you like a puppet. You have to do it yourself and earn it. This is an activity that both parties consent to - if you want it, you need to be desirable enough to get consent. For someone else to want you in some way. And no, we're not talking about getting married here...human lust is a remarkably unpicky judge. And on and on. Fucking hopeless sadsacks. I used to care about you type of people but I just don't any more. So clueless

Why does pol always take things to such weird places?

>just be desirable bro
you are sincerely a total moron

I dont, i just want love.
I can jerk off, sex really doesnt matter unless its to produce children or between two people who love each other
I know, sounds fucking gay and is probably why im alone

A good number of normal people throughout history haven't had sex.

did you just pull that directly out of your mothers ass?

You called white guys entitled when white guys pay for all the welfare, if anything you and the world are entitled to white guys. Sorry you're a retarded npc but pretend I'm talking to a leftist that can defend themselves. Wait we always have to pretend that...

Do you know the newborn mortality rate of the past?

Nope. If you look at the general populace of people since history, many have died without having sex. Sex used to be had almost exclusively in marriage. Not everyone ended up getting married.

I will humor you and let's say that part you quoted is "wrong" or "false", the rest is true then?

Sex is not something you are entitled to. It can't be in a number of ways and for a number of reasons. The world is a harsh place, the universe isn't fair, no one cares

let's not pretend women ever didn't get laid

lmao you sound like every other parroting retard that can't think for himself. bro the world is tough bro. lmao you think chad has it tough?

Well what you speak of is relatively new, in the past(and in present in some countrys) women used to be maried off w/o their consent and had to partake in sex w/o their consent.

Nowadays to get sex, you ether have to be rich or look good(be charismatic) to get a gf. And that has produced a lot of angry people on both sides of the genders(tho more on the male side).

To give an answer to OP, i don't feel entitled to it, its like any other service that can be bought.

What are anoying are the roasties feeling entitled to a mans paycheck, every woman that i have dated i split the bill on the first date just to see their reactions, and i was amazed how entitled they are.

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why are the homeless and jobless entitled to my taxpayers money then

why are roasties and their abortions entitled to my taxpayer money then

why is society entitled to my contribution then

because its a basic human right

What am I supposed to do with this information, then?

No he doesnt. Thats the point, you just made it for me.

Chad doesn't have to work hard. Chad was born with so many advantages.

You, on the other hand, we're not. You are going to have to work hard. The world is not fair - easy for Chad, hard for you. So the only thing left to do?

Whine about it endlessly on Cantonese calligraphy bulletinboards, obviously. That will get you what you want

That's what the thread's about, you butt. White guys start murdering people because they can't have sex. Who does that? The kind of person who roamed the world in rape packs raping women, stealing lands from natives, stealing resources from even allies and giving themselves self-aggrandizing names like "master race". Also can't forget about the whole 'pretending to be innocent refugees and then sneakily committing genocide against damn near all the American Indians' thing.

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Stop feeling entitled to it

yea let me just go put my chad hat on and become part of the 20% of guys that women want to fuck. people like you are so retarded. you're just another loser like i am trying to make yourself feel better. how do i know that? you're posting here right now

>had a change to have sex last night
>couldn't get my dick up because of nerves
>today I went to the pharmacist to get some viagra
>"you need a prescription to buy this"

If medical care is a human right (ie. having someone perform a medical service on you) then sex is a human right.

That said, I do not believe medical care is a human right

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I'm just wasting time at my office job posting on here. You sound buttmad and very sad my friend. The mindset of these posts says more than the actual words. Anyway, I'm done, waste of time. Don't know why I try, ((((robots)))) never listen to anyone or try to help themselves at all. You're basically just the leftist, liberal victims you claim to hate so much but in a different shell

black guys can't start murdering, because they already do it every day

I don't. I'm a male virgin in his early 20's, never been in a relationship etc etc, and it's not exactly "voluntary" either. I don't identify with the incel crowd though, or at least how they're perceived to be by the popular media. Frankly I think how the public has treated the whole "incel" phenomena to be quite disgusting. It should be obvious to anyone that incels are just deeply, deeply, unhappy and unloved people. What has happened is that the worst and most sensational cases have been blown out of proportions, and idiots decided to ride along with the "virgin man bad" idea. How does it help anyone to demonize these people even further?
Oh how fun it must be, to kick those who are down.

I'm just a really awkward guy (diagnosed high functioning autist) with a bunch of fucked up mental issues (sexual abuse as a child, bullying and stigmatization throughout the school system, abandoned and rejected by so many people throughout my life), but things are improving. A few years ago I'd enter this thread and make some really fucked up posts about how much I hated women, but I don't anymore. I just want to improve on myself, and meet some person who makes it all worth it.

And if I can't manage this by the time I'm 30, I'll kill myself in public, in a quite spectacular way (but not physically harmful to others than myself).

Let's hope it doesn't come to that!

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>office job
lmao who the fuck do you think you're kidding

For the most part, I don't care about sex I'd be happy to have unconditional love with one partner who shares my views and values. But at the same time denying your partner regular sex/affection is toxic as fuck. Your life partner is entitled to your body and affection.

Your life must be so cold and dark and sad, history itself has become something you only look back on to justify your hate. To lack history... Maybe I should feel bad for you.

because i need to creampie sexy asian women.

Since when do you need a prescription for viagra?
In what shit country are you living?

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I'm not a hateful person. Explain your bizarre post.

>that second-to-last paragraph

You take this "zen" approach now, but the mental illness and insanity you gain over years of social isolation never goes away. Which clearly holds true for you as well. Nothing wrong with that, just pointing it out because it's an interesting phenomenon.

I actually am pretty much in the same boat as you. I snapped at some point and often find myself almost giddy for no reason. And actually, I often fantasize about shooting myself in the head in the middle of the day at work. Small world

>putting one of your appendages inside of another person's orifice is a basic human right
please explain

Belgium. You need a prescrption for almost anything. The retarded thing is that you can order it online anyway (without prescription). But I'm too afraid to order it online. My parents/brothers might take the package and open it because I'm not home that often. I'd be too embarrassed if they found out.

>pretending to be refugees
Show me the articles of confederation or maps of the Indian Nations that Europeans supposedly became a part of.

most cavemen didn't get laid. I believe you have 5 times as many female hunter gatherer ancestors than male hunter gatherer ancestors.


>why are the homeless and jobless entitled to my taxpayers money then
because it's more cost effective for society if you give them a marginal income rather than have them go around stealing.

it's not

>Frankly I think how the public has treated the whole "incel" phenomena to be quite disgusting.
there are some incels out there on certain forums that say fucked up shit and that's what makes it into the media. A sexless guy who identifies as a an incels who makes normal posts about how lonely he feels doesn't make it on the news. Hence, most people's perception of incels are of them being vile and hence they receive so much hate. A normal guy with an unsuccesful love life who also identifies as an incel is therefore going to receive a lot of criticism that wasn't meant by him. Most people in public and in the media don't realize the incel moniker is used by a lot of guys with varying degrees of hatres towards women.

>You take this "zen" approach now, but the mental illness and insanity you gain over years of social isolation never goes away. Which clearly holds true for you as well. Nothing wrong with that, just pointing it out because it's an interesting phenomenon.
I know, but I'm no longer socially isolated. I actually have friends now, things are improving. Even though I sometimes fuck up and ruin a lot of things, I have people who care for me now and that's pretty cool desu. I'm treasuring what I have now, aware that it can go away at any time. When the bad times come, I try to remember the good times, and when the times are good, I try to treasure them. It's OK to be sad, because it's a part of life like everything else, even though it sucks then and there.
>I actually am pretty much in the same boat as you. I snapped at some point and often find myself almost giddy for no reason. And actually, I often fantasize about shooting myself in the head in the middle of the day at work. Small world
I was thinking of going down to the city center where I live, and stand outside the busiest subwaystation and blowing my brains out. Or go (back?) to my uni and find a full lecture hall and just scream something fucked up before blowing my brains all over the chalkboards.

It's nice thinking that you could always just up and leave if you want to.
Pic related
"They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice... that suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person."

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Order it online and speak with the courier to leave it in the warehouse for you to pick it up or or on the day of delivery contact the courier and set up a meet up?
It really isn't that complicated if you think about it.

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>Tons of abnormal people have had sex throughout history.
>Sex is something you must earn
I'm getting mixed signals

I know I'm not entitled to sex. In fact I probably shouldn't get it, but I still (kinda) want it.

Because if I was born good looking or a girl i would get sex with little effort. But because I'm not either of those I'm expected to work 10x as hard. And again you continue to shame for wondering why we feel left out.

Why do you feel entitled to your own lives? When an incel carries out a killing spree, you should just accept it. You aren't entitled to life.

>Because if I was born good looking [...] i would get sex with little effort.
I know you'll just say I'm lying/delusional, but I'm pretty good looking but still a virgin because it takes such an immense amount of effort to get a gf. I've done some pretty mentally and physically demanding things in my life, but nothing has been as hard asking a girl out.
That said, girls have it so fucking easy specifically because they don't actually have to ask anyone out.

Because these people don't have to work for a living, they coast by on the least effort in life possible. Their parents made it so they think they deserve things that normal people have to work for. It's really sad, someday they'll grow up and realize real life isn't handouts.

>Why do lonely people want a partner ?
Geez op I dunno maybe we are just people with feelings .

Some people have a concept of fairness. We're taught to expect to find a lover and live happily ever after. The awful positivity of normalfaggots caused it.

>incels believe sex is a basic human right
god you're all so dumb and pathetic.

I crave sexual tension and female attention. I want to through the motions of flirting and physical attraction. I want to feel validated as a human.

Sex is a byproduct of that.

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What is mixed? Those two things don't contradict one another

Now this actually makes some sense. Still not entitled to it though.

Never said I was entitled to it and I know I'm not. I just want to feel wanted and desired.

That's really it, more than anything.

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Sex is disgusting. It's a base act of an animal. I don't crave disgusting bodies filled with feces.

There ya go. You're a sane one, at least as far as this issue goes

because women are useless animals that get a pass in society for biological reasons and im not getting my cut

Because it's literally called being a man. We're competitive by nature and have a need to dominate. You think Napoleon, Hitler, or any other leader got to where they were by saying "oh I'm not entitled to anything, I should respect everyone". Real alpha men are arrogant as fuck and take what they want. It's really telling of how cucked the world is when this is a bad thing and men are supposed to instead act like docile and cooperative betas. I guess that's what decades of feminization does.

I am sane, just lonely and depressed from years of celibacy and social isolation.

Having male friends is nice, but it doesn't fill the niche that female friends provide.

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that isnt sanity.
say you were a barbarian in your last life. your homeland is a shithole and everyone is starving. Do you starve or go raid farms in more civilized lands?
neglecting yourself is always pathological even if you have to kill.

Because I contribute to society by paying taxes. I deserve to have sex more than the Chad's on benefits.

Sex is something males have to earn you mean. 95% of females get laid just by existing.

1. You're talking life and death. Sex is not as serious as food and water, you will not die without sex.
2. There are probably more than just the two options to starve or raid.
3. That was then, this is now. We don't still shit in the streets do we? India jokes aside, times change.
4. Wanting people to have rights isn't sane? NAP, REAL basic human rights like autonomy, etc

Yes, this is from male perspective.

You're also touching on the idea of sexual pickiness. We haven't even begun to dig into that factor, and yes it does go both ways

You can die on the inside without sex.

>Wanting people to have rights isn't sane?
Women aren't human, white knight.

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it is actually more serious than food. the point of survival is to allow us to reproduce. family and sex are the top priorities and goals for most people and parents are usually willing to sacrifice themselves for their kids. they wouldnt do that if survival was more important. if they arent willing, well we die of old age for a reason.
so if you want to engage in aggressive shit-flinging like an ape by denying people a right to sex, expect them to deny your rights.

>why poor people feel so entitled to money
>why terminal people feel so entitled to life
>why people with disabillities feel so entitled to be normal

rape counts as earn it? to me it does

The LARP is so real today

killing yourself for sex is for faggots do it for something really tragic not some dumb shit like sex

Why would you even call that ROLE PLAYING? We always had that sort of VENTING.

A tripfag, nice. This thread must be hitting some nerves

I love this wacky anti-girl culture! So funny and no way anyone could ever actually believe these things!

Checked those trips too for the screencap

>Why do you feel entitled to your own lives? When an incel carries out a killing spree, you should just accept it. You aren't entitled to life.
Fucking based.
They cry over this shit all the time and turn around to say this. No one is entitled to life, no one has ever been. Not aborted babies, not killing spree victims, not innocent victims of gang violence.
Nor is anyone entitled to not be raped, tortured, etc. Only reason you're generally not is because of self-preservation. There will never be a point where you deserve to live.

It's literally nature. It's the most natural and it's what's supposed to happen. A lot of these are social constructs that can easily be torn down.

I don't. In fact, I hate sex. I hate people who have sex.

>no one just picks you up and walks you like a puppet

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