Has anyone here recovered from anorexia / starvation can tell me when my stomach is going to feel normal again...

Has anyone here recovered from anorexia / starvation can tell me when my stomach is going to feel normal again? I feel really sick and bloated but also hungry all the time and I'm so confused

Attached: dress falls down.webm (224x324, 254K)

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Is it weird that i though that we would see a benis under that skirt?

>he didn't see it

What's your height and original/current weight?

Im a skeleton, not that skinny but i weigh 145lbs at 6’3
Bulking is fun now but you have to treat eating like you do lifting in the gym

incel here, I figured when there's nowhere to go inside it all had to go outside. nightmare fuel though.

"""she""" actually has a fat as fuck bussy

God she's so hot. I want to pick her up and fuck her doggystyle in mid-air so I can hear her bones clattering against each other.

Proper nutrition

>lots of protein (image is from examine.com)
>all vitamins and minerals
>omega 3s
>antioxidants (Sangre de Grado and astaxanthin)
>even L-DOPA and 5-HTP for sensation and mood


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She used to be so beautiful. Anorexia is a fucking demon that no one should have on their back.

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You need to see a therapist. Online forums cant help you with anorexia.

I wish females would just go away and disappear from all imageboards permanently and stop infesting and mass destroying everything.


Not as bad as obesity. It's honestly kinda weird how much attention anorexia gets when you consider that literally 70% of adults are overweight and all the leading causes of death in the western world are related to obesity. In comparison, less than 1% of the population suffer from anorexia.

I was anorexic since high school.
3% bf, 105lbs w sunken eyes and everything.
Tip:Just eat until you're sick. Eat everything in front of you. It may help to start blending your meals. Ex. Rice w fruit and whatever vegetables plus peanut butter and protein powder and eggs.

Now I'm at 160lbs, 20% bf after a year of doing this..

Post it. You know what I mean.

thanks op you broke my no fap streak

>Now I'm at 160lbs, 20% bf
Lmao you went from anorexic to chubby. Why didn't you just stop gaining weight earlier than that?

>["protips for eating lots of / enjoying food]
PS: Stevia is huge for satiation from preparing and tasting meals.

Even scientifically, demographics were more filled by fewer calories … had better blood metrics for glucose and insulin (even actual benefits) … and documented more satisfaction.

Attached: Stevia - Benefits (of Blood).png (882x342, 46K)

She's still hot to me.

OP, it take weeks to months. We have admits to our hospital all the time for disordered eating. We basically forcefeed them until they agree to start eating again on their own. Even 1,000 kcal is enough to make them feel uncomfortable. The first week or so is the hardest, but most them take while to feel "normal" again. If you're not working with a counselor with experience in disordered eating, I recommend it. EDs have a huge rate of relapse.

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Bruh I WISH i could recover from anorexia. Eat all you want? Hell yes. Your entire job gets to be eating all the food you’ve forbidden yourself. Sounds delicious.

Fatty pls

I could never. I want Nutella so bad but I can’t have it. I wish I had an excuse to eat it, but I don’t think I’ll ever recover.
>107lbs 5’6”

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During the Minnesota starvation experiment, cohorts were eating between 6-10000kcal upon cessation of calorie restriction. Localized oedema is an expected part of the recovery process, but could be remediated with foods containing electrolytes and by a slow increase in food intake. I suggest you start feeding by for example replacing all your water with milk or fruit juice (preferably orange as it is the most nutritious common option)

That study is bunk though. They claim the men were eating 3,500 calories a day before the experiment, but if that were true they'd all be obese.

How can you even be anorexic when weed and cheap calorie dense food both exist in this timeline?

It's a mental disorder.

There aren't that many out there.

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You have no idea if OP is at risk of refeeding syndrome. Telling an anorexic person to kick off their recovering by replacing their water with orange juice is pants on head retarded.

What's your height and weight? What is your resting heart rate? Do you get dizzy when you stand up often, or feel your heart racing?

She was just young back then. Women lose youthful glow fast

Post even one refutation of it. 3500kcal is not at all an unreasonable calorie intake for a weight stable male without metabolic derangement.
>You have no idea if OP is at risk of refeeding syndrome. Telling an anorexic person to kick off their recovering by replacing their water with orange juice is pants on head retarded.
That was precisely why I suggested it, it's a very soft increase in calorie intake and contains plenty of electrolytes to maintain fluid balance. But fine, jello is an even safer option.

>Lmao you went from anorexic to chubby. Why didn't you just stop gaining weight earlier than that?

Listening to AlphaDestiny and his bearmode shit.
I was at 174 but been cutting slowly bc it honestly was shit being so fat...
Should have bulked slow as fuk bc I was getting mires back when I was 140-150 even complimented by girls on my arms even though by my standards they were small.. Girls and men have different standards..

Sure, it has potassium and phosphorus. But nobody would recommend anybody at risk of refeeding to start drinking 1,600 kcal of sugar.

Refeeding syndrome isn't that bad. I went through it. Couldn't walk properly for a week and felt like my head was going to explode, but I struggled on

That's nearly 4 liters of orange juice, nobody drinks that much water unless they are compulsive drinkers artificially inflating their thirst by way of overhydration. I also would say milk is probably the best option if tolerable, high calcium:phosphorous is important for managing oedema.

i was like 55kg at 6'1 and bulked up to 100kg a few years later. Took me about a year of eating pretty much all day until i felt like throwing up for my body to adjust to the point where eating that much food felt normal.

How do you tell body dysmorphia apart from anorexia? or are they even mutually exclusive?

I'm have a tough time deciding if I'm underweight or skinnyfat, I fucking hate how I feel and look all the time.


Anorexia wasn't the problem but the fucking people encouraging her to keep starving instead of seeking psychological help

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unironically based. me too user.