i love this woman, id eat her vagina for days
I love this woman, id eat her vagina for days
Whenever she speaks about socialism I cum. Is that bad anons?
i would deport her and her family
You just wante her to give you a nursing handjob while she fills your wallet with NEETbux
>we aren't going to talk about the yang sanpaku eyes
She's so fucking cute lads
I can't handle it
she's anti israel so she's okay in my book. democratic socialism would make public services so much better.
I'd chain her up and let commie incels rape her. she should be forced to share her pussy with those poor people
Thank you for your opinion samson
I like her body but her face is absolutely horrendous.
Would merry, especially because she's fucking rich.
I bet she owns a nice big fat horse strapon she will fuck you with all night long while you have to wear a trump mask, this would be funny hahaha
>Step aside commie, the grownups are talking
could not possibly be more based and redpilled
She's Puerto Rican. They're undeportable since they're United States citizens from a US territory.
She's average looking or less. I see prettier women than her walking around fucking walmart every day. I don't get what you people are talking about.
nice digits for mommy
I went to middle school with this girl and she was a fucking dork honestly. That was before my incel days and me and my pals bullied her because she played d&d, ate boogers and was like a fucking pet dog to the teacher. She was annoying as fuck and knowing her past i think shes disgusting. She transferred to another school later but i don't know if it was because she was bullied or because her only friend switches schools as well (dorky ugly teachers pet).
Madame Presidente
>she played d&d, ate boogers
so basically she was dare i say /ourgirl/?
Tulsi Gabbard is very pretty.
Socialism!! Free Shit!! How are we gonna pay for it? I don't fucking know!! I'm just a cocktail waitress in over my head!!
her ideas are dumb as shit but she triggers tf out of the alt right. i would seriously vote for her just to watch fox and friends freak out.
the question is not who will pay but how to control the population without work
basest redpillest
whoa there. rape is bad.
Shes a sephardic jew
I want to give her a foot massage.
yeah, and my dad works at Nintendo
I hope she becomes perpetual dictator. Free shit and NEETbux for life nigga
>this entire thread
Holy shit I can't breathe.