>Bro Tier (trying hard, having sex, loving life required) 5th Set (late intermediates) 5/3/1 (read Beyond or Forever) Westside for Skinny Bastards Madcow Intermediate (best for early intermediate) Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis) Cube Kingpin The Cube (+ Predator) Conjugate (best in a good gym) Spotoshot (bench only) Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST. Juggernaut Method 2.0 (a more periodized 5/3/1)
>Nerd Tier (must have IQ higher than bodyweight in kg) RTS Generalized Intermediate RTS Emerging Strategies Nuckols Average to Savage Nuckols 28 Free GZCL (any variation) TSA 9 Week Blevins Skynet AI ($, but cheap) Juggernaut AI
>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes) Candito 6 Week Texas Method 3-Day Texas Method Trappy Version Sheiko (over 400 wilks allowed) The Bridge Any Barbell Medicine Template of the Day Smolov Jr. Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method Heavy Light Medium (not a program, just a loose DUP template). Slavic Swole nSuns 5/3/1 (written by a 1200 total Redditor) Hepburn "Power and Pump"
>Retard Cuck-Tier PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself, and it has a 100% injury rate)
*all of these programs work (except PH3), but the effort and attitude of the athlete is most important
Doesn't matter. Jow Forums oly lifters are going to spend the rest of their lifting careers swinging around baby weight, working for years on technique anyways.
Carter Jenkins
>about the same growth potential The second protocol will have the same total number of reps as the first but higher intensity on each rep, so more overall work. As you mentioned with higher intensity come bigger CNS gains, so you'll get "stronger". The second protocol should be flat out better, but will be harder and more time consuming. Sort of, but it's not that simple.
You see the main problem is that not all reps are equal, not all reps count for the same when you look at the amount of effective work done. Whether you call this microtrauma, stress, or whatever, doing 10 singles at 70% is vastly different from doing 1 set of 10 at 70%, because while your singles (assuming you actually rest with for them to count as 10 distinct sets) are all single (duh) reps, the reps in your 10 rep set get progressively harder because of fatigue from the previous reps. So if you say the first rep counts for 1 rep (which should seem pretty obvious), how much are the following reps worth? 1? Obviously not, or else 1x10 and 10x1 would have the same effect (they don't). More than 1? That would make sense. But how much more? How does it change as you get further along your set? Does this relationship change with changing intensity? Which leads to the big question, how do you quantify the worth of each individual rep based on the number of the rep and its intensity? I looked around a bit and haven't found any serious answers, just speculation that "yeah it sort of makes sense I guess" but has no real evidence supporting it.
This all gets even more fucked when you remember that volume is a main driver of progress, but at the same time you need high intensities for appreciable CNS adaptations.
Of course if working with the metric I theorised above (the "worth" of a rep) you'd need to account for the fact that you want high volume but you also want high intensity, and that this metric should reflect that for example 5x5x80% is far more useful than 10x10x20% even though they have the same overall volume. Now same volume but longer sets inevitably means (since non-first reps are worth more than 1 as I said above, assuming it scales linearly or faster (which seems reasonable to me)) that in a simple (oversimplified) model a 10 rep set will be more useful than a 5 rep set simply by virtue of being longer. So you need to account for that, you know? It gets fucky real fast.
Now there won't be anything like what I described until someone does a massive study (say 1000 post-noob participants) to look at the outcomes of a shitload of different protocols, and then you can interpolate from that with reasonable accuracy. But good fucking luck ever doing a study that big, keep in mind most studies in exercise "science" are done on ~10 participants. They already did a lot of studies like this but they're massive oversimplifications and thus pretty much useless.
t. overthinker tldr just lift the weight with reasonable s/r/int protocols and don't worry too much you'll be fine
James Robinson
thats a lot of writing to say I dont squat 500lbs
Dylan Parker
TL:DR, VOLEMs gonna volem
Daniel Lee
You see my squat day for peaking from last thred () I like the squat progression but the assistance is random as fuck
William Johnson
I'm fully confident I could squat 5pl8 within a year if my back unfucks itself and I don't get hurt again. Do you even bench more than me anymore? (I've been benching for 5 months)
Yeah that's about it
Daniel Reyes
How much do you bench and deadlift?
Austin Sanchez
Yeah, that looks random as fuck. Blevins with powerbuilding doesnt do this as bizzare as chad
Mason Ramirez
>met oneitis this saturday night after 2 fucking years >fucking cringe as fuck, was nervous, she also was, didnt have cologne, spend the day on sun and probably smelt like pure sweat jesus christ guys, Im grateful it happened but godmaanaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Jace Edwards
Nice blog
Daniel Gonzalez
At the end of the day the heavy shit is what matters and that's programmed correctly for all three lifts (including the other 3 days of the program), the rest is just assistance that I'll work through
Caleb Gomez
I'm only done my 5th week but I've hit 335x5 and 345x4 with first rep paused, depending on calculator thats anywhere from a 3lbs to a 20lbs 1rm pr over my last meet 374, my meet is in about a month so we'll see what that actually translates to. I was on sheiko before this so don't have any heavy 5s to compare it to
Jason Jones
>Only pausing the first rep >Extrapolating improvement for your paused bench max from that
Hudson Baker
came too last to see the picture, what was it
Ryan Scott
That's why I said we'll see in a month my dude. First rep only paused is chad's recommendation in non-peaking cycles, starting peaking now so will switch back, but that also means adding in shit like my romaleos and a stronger arch which adds a little weight too
Thought about it but I can't justify $150-200/month on current grad student stipend, $28 for ai programming me according to CWS' program design manual + free form checks and shit from chad is about my speed currently. Last meet was 252.5/170/277.5
Is there a decent online coaching service service that will resolve this whole “good intermediate training” for me so I don’t have to do a MSc dissertation level of research to know when and how to add close grip bench press and how many reps to do?
Close Grip BP is closer-than-your-normal-grip-bench.
If you want to improve leverages do more reps, if you want to improve nerves do less reps. If you get stronger keep at it, if you lose strength change something again.
Joseph Walker
>tfw my near 4pl8 lardass is able to do hanging leg raises without straps
Anthony Adams
6x6 after every bench session.
Jose Jones
>The ABSOLUTE FUCKING STATE of Polish bastards. Lmao. This is how you know Yakob is below a 275lb bench still.
Christian Clark
It was just an example, but thanks.
I’ve read 1000 pages on strength training and still feel like whatever program I choose will be arbitrary - there’s so much contradictory schools of though out there, including huge piles of bullshit that can’t differentiate.
Jeremiah Morgan
Just do what you like and have fun doing, user. Enjoying life is the most important part of anything.
>muscle homo thinks he can outflex a knife coming straight for his abdominal aorta
i bet it was some 160lbs gopnik monkey that did him in too lol
Nathan Reed
Luckily your computer screen has prevented you from being stabbed, punched, or fucked.
Jackson Gutierrez
Does anyone know anything about training for speed and power? Any good people to read/watch?
I’m quitting powerlifting and trying to get back into sports. I’m quite strong and well conditioned but I don’t do anything specifically for speed. Wat do?
Jacob Perry
I'm starting on GZLP tomorrow since I'm staling on other Reddit retard tire program that just makes me tired and is too boring.
Henry Morris
>specifically for speed Define speed.
Angel Morales
> 2 count pause squats > for 8 reps
I am going to die.
Hudson Hernandez
10-30 meter sprints and vertical jumps.
(Soccer and basketball)
Lucas Baker
>10-30 meter sprints and vertical jumps. Run 3x per week.
D1, plyos (look up track & field shit)
D2, 3pt starts and 75m strides
D3, flying 20s at 100%
Mason Peterson
I am not so sure about Barbell Medicine's Hypertrophy II, but I guess here we go.
Grayson Parker
Don't do a program unless you are mentally committed to it.
Hunter Sullivan
it's just the absurd amount of pressing that I am about do that gives me the question marks. Nothing else really.
Doesn't seem that absurd. It's only 19 sets a week including variants and accessories. I do 22 sets a week.
Benjamin Morris
>volumest heavy week of my new meme is 68 sets of press+bench+variations Let's hope I don't die
Samuel King
I've only ever done SS + two cycles of Bridge so it looks a lot, but thanks for the fresh eyes look.
Ian Myers
who is suffering from bulging discs/sciatica? my physiotherapist says I shouldn't even walk or drive let alone go to the gym, everything is out of the question, I've been bound to my couch for 6 weeks and still haven't seen any signs of improvement I'm crumbling mentally and physically
William Rogers
How does a bulging disc feel like? Is it something I'd know for sure?
Sebastian Cook
Do what you can physically. If it doesn't hurt to do, you should do it. Staying bed bound is a great way to not recover.
Charles Allen
I’m close to my two year anniversary of my bulging disc
I haven’t been able to lift since, two years later and anything and everything aggravates it, even pull-ups and pushups
Jack Martinez
have you tried ceasing all activity for a 6-week period?
Samuel Cox
>anything and everything aggravates it Especially when it is an undiagnosed psychosomatic "injury" with no active rehabilitation.
Joshua Martinez
He isn't injured, he is mentally ill.
Gabriel Williams
many people have bulging discs but suffer no symptoms, only if it presses against a nerve will you know. when that happens your back muscles and hamstrings will grow very tight, you will feel shooting sensations down your leg and it will pain you to bend over even to pick something up off of a coffee table. it fucking sucks and it comes on gradually if you're not careful. Do your hyperextensions, bird-dogs, core work and make sure your form is always perfect; if it begins to break you stop even if you haven't finished the set.
Andrew Rogers
Yep haven’t touched anything since January in my latest stretch
John Jones
It was diagnosed by Dr Stuart McGill, world renowned back expert
I did rehabilitation for over a year
Isaiah Ramirez
Oh, I've never felt that kind of thing.
Joshua Martinez
>I got diagnosed on the inernet by world renowned Dr WebMD
Joshua Roberts
He is talking about a verify specific bulging disc causing sciatica
David Edwards
No as I’ve told you many times already it was conducted as an in person assessment
Jace Barnes
See a psychologist, your back pain will clear right up.
Lucas Baker
Gabriel Long
Wrong question to ask these guys.
Daniel Lee
If you can't even do a pull-up without pain, then you need to be in the ICU (or the looney bin).
Colton Ortiz
the thing is I can do certain things like pushups, pullups, curls etc. without immediate pain but later in the day I am more prone to the sciatica sensations, tightness in the back and overall discomfort I have spoken with people who have gone through the same thing and they all recommend putting myself into natural traction and avoiding any kind of strain or stress on the body even if I take a long walk, the next day I feel much worse off than I did the day before I appreciate your advice though
Eli Nguyen
Just was giving my experiences with recovering from mine. That delayed pain was the worst, kept me from doing a lot of things.
Brody Campbell
Why do you think you got bulging discs in the first place and are there any corrective exercises that can help to lower the possibility of such thing?
Unbraced core while deadlifting lmao. I was really new. Strong core and doing movements that required stabilization, not flexion.
Jonathan Cooper
Is a 230kg deadlift at 93kg competitive in any sense?
Oliver White
if you are a girl and lose 20kg
Dylan Anderson
>Tfw finished BBM 4 day hypertrophy cycle with this.
They're alright when you get used to it.
David Young
Brainlet Prepare for a long, long recovery time (if ever)
Evan Anderson
> Unbraced core while deadlifting lmao good going lel
thanks for that (knowing that someone somewhere survived gives me bit of hope) its going to be fun 10 weeks with this (the exercises change around 5 or 6 week but programming stays same)
Real athletes are rarely put out of commission with bulging discs. Cope harder.
Samuel Ramirez
It's been a long road to the place I'm in. Basically I assume it started by attending a weightlifting club 6x a week and adding smolov to the program, squatting with shit form/buttwink, deadlifting with shit form, doing everything with shit form and having a coach too dumb to correct me or stop me. I didn't suffer too badly during this time aside from a few painful moments DLing. Fastforward a year after quitting, I'd taken time off and grew week, okay maybe it was like 2-3 years in between. Got back into powerlifting, doing SS from scratch, made my way up to 385x5 on DL and 295x5 on squat. Was compromising form for ego again, I mean first reps were good but if I started breaking down I would just grind through it to attain my desired reps for the day. Back hurt real bad one day and was only getting worse, tried training through it for a while but stopped and the pain went away quite quickly. I then was travelling for 6 months and basically untrained when I returned to my country; started an intensely physical job building a house and while shoveling (with my untrained body and poor shoveling form) I felt some stiffness. I continued going to work feeling stiffer by the day until I could no longer work. When I went into physio she took a look at me and noticed my left glute was undeveloped and I had lost ability to contract my lower left side of back. So I've been basically just rebuilding awareness in those muscles and trying to avoid pain. To avoid doing this to yourself: Always make perfect form a precedent over weight or reps. Do bird dogs, back extensions and side planks; everytime you go to gym. Make sure your core is strong and you brace it properly every lift. IF you have any buttwink while squatting fix that shit in the mirror.
Hudson Campbell
I will recover from this and I will recover speedily. In fact I will switch my mind to believing I am already healed and you will never see me in here mentioning this issue again.
William Watson
What was your best squat and deadlift anyway
Adam Campbell
Sounds like you and Fat Retard *really* had to put in the work to get a bulging disc. Makes sense, since spine can handle great forces.
some gymthot approaching the wall at light speed asked me today to take bar out of rack so she could do hip thrusts
Chase Cook
juggernaut training systems videos, joe defranco
Nathan Reyes
How do you know this?
Josiah White
Np. I'm starting 12 week strength 3 program. Week 1 seems like deload compared to what I did last 7 weeks.
Easton Moore
The news?
Xavier Flores
I decided against doing SIII, got my brains full of 1@8 for a while. Decided to go for the hypertrophy meme just for the sake of my brains.
Remember to check your ego, you were going to do S III while cutting right?
William Brown
Yeah, not gonna lose more than 5 kg, so I hope for the best.
Leo Carter
WTT Facepull 3x30 Squat 11x2 75% Bench 8x5 65%
Bodyweight today showed 97kg, I lost over 4kg in 1.5 week eating literally like my gf, today was hard as fuck beacuse of that
Austin Bennett
>Yakob's bitch ass posting again pretending nothing happened
Jordan Ramirez
I have fucked up my back with deadlifts and too heavy good mornings. I shoot test already was wondering should I add heroin in to the mix? Just on off days only.
William Fisher
Threadly reminder for you unlifting user CHODEs to post body/lifts and get a trip. But only if you have at least one of >A squat greater than 2.5x bodyweight AND 500 lbs >A deadlift greater than 2.5x bodyweight AND 500 lbs >A bench press greater than 1.5x bodyweight AND 300 lbs >A Standing The Press(ᵗᵐ) greater than 1x bodyweight AND 200 lbs >A body fit won't think looks like shit (good fucking luck)
Otherwise, stop LARPing, stop giving "advice" like you have half a clue what you're talking about, stop posting altogether, bring your ass to the gym, and try harder.
>GDE (Genetic Dead End) Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.
>GAYS (Gay Aylien Skull) Weak bone structure, mouth breather. Wastes time trying to be strong. Jewey faced and mad, but harmless.
>CUCC (Cuckold Uninjured Crying Canadian) Identify as injured, without medical diagnosis. Trans-herniated. Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc. They wanted an excuse to quit.
>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate) Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.
>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard) Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.
>CHODE (Communist Homo Of Dick Eating) Angry, godless little postmodernists who secretly loathe strong, masculine men who won't fuck their boybutt. Some transition into ugly rat faced pedos, others defend said CHODES. Also known as PHAGs (Projecting Homo Ass Goblins)
>TCHAD (Tries Consistently Hard All Day) The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.
>UFO (Under Fed Organism) Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.
>user (Anonymous Nard Obtusely Nattering) A noodlebuilt little wuss of a human. Hobbies include LARPing as someone who actually lifts and not posting body/lifts. Can be safely disregarded in all matters.