Are there any benefits to having short legs and a long torso?

Are there any benefits to having short legs and a long torso?

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None at all

Oh that's a shame. I'm 6'1 and my legs are as long as my 5'9 friend and my torso is longer than my 6'3 friend.

>Easier to squat to depth
>Masculine and aesthetic

Better at swimming, weightlifting.

Fitting in airline seats while not being a manlet.

Also a longer torso can be more aesthetic

that is unironically the best body type for swimming.

I feel like I'm wasting my potential then because I hate swimming :(

you will never be a stranger to the brotherhood of the dachshund

Swimming. Michel Phelps is 6'4 with a 30 in inseam

Long legs seems to be the desired feminine trait, so long torso is probably the optimal masculine build

You can be hugged by manlets.

Lanky Kong cosplay

Lol, opposite.

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better than a short torso and long legs. you store less fat in your stomach (because it is more spread out with a long torso) and you don't look like a fucking nerd/grandpa retard when you tuck in your shirt for any formal occasian. be grateful

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That's ideal for many movements

Look up lu xaiojun

It looks cucked

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holy shit his torso is literally longer than his legs. never knew that was possible.

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You can get manlet leg surgery and not have freakishly long legs

>5'11 vs 6'

But the dude on the right looks better.

Someone post the built manlet meme.