Do you have a desire to impregnate qt ebony girls?

Do you have a desire to impregnate qt ebony girls?

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yes already now stop posting this thread unless you're going to give me a direct line to a qt ebony girl with need for colonial seed

>Do you have a desire to impregnate qt ebony girls?
nah im fine

Yes, but it's probably going to be unfulfilled

I have NO desire to impregnate NOTHIN'. My man.

I'm sure your black queen is waiting for her white king to sire her many golden princesses

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man pregnant women are so fucking ugly famo

Yes, to impregnate them with bullets

where, give me details

your generalities mean nothing to me

pregnant girls are my fetish

I hope so. Gotten close but it didn't work out

I'm black but these girls are horribly ugly in the black community. You have a fetish for any dark girl ew

I know user, I just needed an excuse to post an image :(
Nobody likes a coon user, that's why your women are falling into white arms

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I have a black girlfriend and I love cumming inside her but I'll be damned if I ever let her get pregnant

She'll find a way user, you can't keep that white boy milk from her forever

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she's on birth control and she's not a US citizen, she knows if she gets pregnant she'll have to withdraw from school and go back home.

>even in the black community, people who are the closest to being white are desired


Castrate bottom 90% of black men, the top 10% get their pick of black wives. The rest go to white men for bleaching programs

>implying school will last forever
You're going to make her like this sooner or later user, even if it's a parting gift
Based and breedingsowpilled

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I've never had a gf but there was a girl at my university that I'd talked to and we ended up going out a few times and now she's been my girlfriend for a year. She's a thicc Maori girl and has a ridiculously hourglass shaped body, all I can imagine is impregnating her. I still can't believe that she likes me since I'm an awkward 5/10 white guy with no social skills but she's becoming more pursuant in the relationship and really does care about it. This girl is genuine wife material and I don't say that lightly. Just wanted to say lads that we can all make it, we can all get qt black gf's, it's honestly the best feeling I've ever experienced

>u kno u love dis big black belly whiteboi~

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Good on you user. I've seen some really cute Maori girls and while I can't speak from experience their culture seems really cool. I hope you and her stay together and have a bunch of cute little mutts.

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She must feel so bizarre, being in that photo

Why would she? It's from a porno.

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Thanks user, I watched her looking after her little cousins and it seems like she's one of the rare modern women with motherly instincts, I never used want kids but now knowing that they would have a good mother is changing my mind.

*increases your sperm count 2x in your path*

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I want to impregnate primitive islanders, leave and study them for decades afterwards to document how the infusion of European genetics altered their society and technological progress.

i'm picky so only certain kinds but yes
especially pic related type but shame she was killed

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Based and colonizationpilled

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damn that's a nice view. i wish reverse cowgirl didnt bend my peepee so much

continue posting fertile black sows this is my fetish
especially when they have fat tits with big dark nips

All 600 of em

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Man I wish this board and /b/ didn't have such anal file limit restrictions, I've got this hot and related gif that I got off Jow Forums of all places
Fucking yummy, I could die happy after doing that

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one day I want a blackbot to do this to me

>I've got this hot and related gif that I got off Jow Forums of all places
why would you tell me this and not share it
post it on imgur or something

I dunno if it's anything really special desu, it's like colonization propaganda picture gif. I think it's really hot though

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Worship worthy.

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Black fembots are for impregnation and marriage

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Unironically yes. Those fucking /b/ threads have given me an impregnation fetish for black women. I already liked black women to begin with, but now I honestly just want to impregnate one. Or at least creampie one a lot

Doesn't matter though because I'm a virgin who isn't white or black

Not really, I wouldn't really want a child who has to grow up in the twilight zone of being the white kid for their black friends or the black kid for their white friends. Black girls have rockin tits though, so if we just got married and never had kids i'd be cool with that.

Just make sure he/she is surrounded by fellow mullatoes
What race are you COLONIZEbro

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Already did some when over in Africa, guess I could again if there was the chance.

Arab. Mediterranean berber.

Arabs have been colonizing black pussy long before a white man even set foot in Africa user, you're bound to find a girl that wants to get KEBABED if you look hard enough

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Made me lol

I have heard this cutie posts here

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What's the cuties name?

I want my white bussy impregnated by a black demigod

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No, Fuck off racebaiter

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Gay or a SEETHING Tyrone

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More for us, he can have fun impregnating his hand

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>Samefagging so many posts

Just sad.


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>Poster count STILL at 27 through all these posts

Kek The desperate samefag

Imagine posting more than once in a thread? Craaaaazzy.
Uh oh, still at 27?! Must be the jews!

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>I'm not samefagging

I'm samefagging so what

Despicable Jew

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Isn't me, the other two posts and most of the images are. Keep crying.

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post pics

please maybe

>Post pics of fake psyop stories

user you must be new

no just lonely lad