Post tinder matches count

Does this mean in in the top 20% of guys?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-12-14-08-14.png (720x1280, 263K)

I guess. I have more. How many have you actually met?

Literally got one in a month
I should kms

Yeah. Good job user. I get about 10 matches a month and meet 1-2 girls at best every other month. Most seem to be bots and never respond.

is there a way to make a profile without using a phone number? i don't have one

get a Google Voice number

Wait.... So you have a phone? And not a phone number?

Am i getting something wrong here?

it means you are being paid to advertise Tinder on a board full of thirsty men

Being white or at least someone from a western country and earning an average income already probably puts you in the top 20%

as i see it, tinder is nothing but free prostitution with occasional stds

I got 60 matches in a few days. I only have 2 selfies and my bio only says I'm retarded.

Tinder is great at showing just how woefully inept most women are at carrying a conversation about anything other than themselves

I'm too fat to use Tinder.

Fortunately they are women so they don't have to be good at anything.

Clearly it doesn't because I'm none of those but that does describe a majority of the FAs here

So just stop being fat.

Nah, too much work and I enjoy Junk Food.

You would enjoy having your dick sucked too. Think about it.

Probably, but the most exercise you'd get out of me is my job. If I did lose weight I would probably be swimming in tinder sluts, I'm not ugly I just stop doing things and packed on pounds.

Is it customary to make a fake facebook account for this or is it seen as "creepy"?

They wouldn't be able to tell if it's fake. Facebook on Tinder is just to aggregate your interests and common friends.

Thanks. I'll make an account when i get a job

exercise is a bonus, the main way you lose weight is by shutting your fat pig mouth and not eating

also youre not lazy, youre addicted to junk food; if you werent, you'd be able to stop. you have to hit rock bottom. for me that was being 5'10 300lbs. now im 160 and still a loser but at least im not the fat nigger i used to be

>you're addicted to junk food
This is true.

show your face you bragging faggot

I got 670 matches my first ten seconds!

just b urself :^)

Believe it or not, but Jow Forums can be accessed from a device called a computer. It used to be the only way to visit the site, young zoomer.